This is long overdue. I wish I could have some good excuse. Something like: I survived cancer. Unfortunately, I don't. Or maybe I do if you agree with high school being as bad. Some never get over it you know? Anyway I won't bring reality into this: Last I time I checked (I know it was years ago) this site was about fiction. By the way, A LOT has changed around here! Is egoshipping still underrated? In fact, is anyone still reading pokemon fics?
Just know that I've been away and that my younger self already scolded me for my irresponsible attitude. I had this huge writer's block (wait, this isn't an excuse), so I rewriting most of this fic (see?). The good news is that my English is way better than when I was fourteen. Bad news (there's always some)? I haven't written anything in ages and don't know anything about Pokemon past Hoenn. Ash has become this huge pimp apparently. Whatevs. Like I was saying, some patient and loyal readers might have to re-read this. Hopefully, it'll be less painful.
Again, I am really sorry for the people who waited for this. I confess, I stopped reading reviews, pms and reviewing all together. It might not make much sense but I was trying to escape my virtual life. Okay, it doesn't. Especially with facebook. Old friends reading this, thank you. New people too though you might be wondering what this whole text is about. Take a look at the published date, if you have any doubts.
Consider this my late (again) year resolution.
Special thanks to Saani for helping me with that project. To readers and cyber friends too, of course. Reviews are always appreciated.
For past readers: Though altering how certain events took place, key moments are still there.
For first-timers: I decided to only change story content everything else is intact so don't expect to know what I'm talking about in italic comments I was a cute babbling idiot lol
Page breaks are both for time lapse and change of characters, you've been warned. I can get confusing.
Finally here's Safari Love, this chapter is just about the idea. I prefer that the readers already know for the contest that letting you be confused a little more in every chapter, not knowing all the rules but I may add some though (I'm not perfect loll) anyways
Here it is:
The Safari Zone was suffering from a great loss of popularity as of late. Near bankruptcy, the owners decided to play a big 'sink or swim' gamble by creating a major event with all of their leftover funds. The event would include trainers from all around the three regions; Kanto, Johto and Hoenn, and would ultimately be, if they played their cards right, the biggest commercial event in the Pokemon world. Money was spent shamelessly on publicity and eventually the Safari Quest, as they had come to call it, became what every magazine would refer to as the 'Event of The Year'. Every trainer's mind was filled with dreams of the money and glory that this competition could bring them; it was absurd to even think of not entering.
After months of planning, the countdown was down to two weeks until the grand event. Posters, Magazines and TV advertisements everywhere displayed the rules for the Safari Quest;
- The objective of the competition is to find The Treasure and keep it. The team with The Treasure at the end of the week wins.
- Teams must consist of two trainers, each of the opposite sex. Each trainer is allowed only one Pokeball.
- Teams will be provided with food and equipment, two empty Safariballs per trainer, as well as a Safaridex, donated by one of our sponsors; Professor Oak. The dex is the team's only contact with the outside world, and an information source on both the game and fellow contestants, as well as wild Pokemon. Any unclaimed items found in the zone are free game and may be kept.
- Trainers are expected to fight battles; a challenge cannot be ignored with the exception of rematches. Two-on-two battles are allowed and even encouraged.
- To be considered a legitimate challenge, the battle has to have something at stake. Anything may be used as a bargaining chip as long as all parties agree with it, the only exception being The Treasure. Any team who possesses it cannot choose not to wager it.
- To advance in the game, teams have to gather star tokens, acquired by challenging other trainers. Each trainer begins with three stars each (making a total of six per team), which can be gained or lost through wagering and battling. It is possible to share tokens between teammates. If a trainer loses all their tokens they and their teammate are disqualified and will be granted 'dead' status.
- 'Dead' status is granted to anyone (and their teammate) that loses the game, breaks the rules, cheats, or for any reason chooses to forfeit or use the emergency safety shelters. Forfeiting can be done at any time via a function on the Safaridex. A Safarian will be dispatched immediately to escort 'dead' teams out.
- Safarians are referees that will be out in the Safari Zone with the players. They are highly trained and there to ensure everyone has a safe and fun experience.
- A qualification round will be mandatory. Trainers will be evaluated by Safari Quest Staff, and due to the risk involved, only trainers with a certain level of training and survival skills will be allowed in.
- Before entering, bags will be checked for security purposes. Constant camera supervision is also present in the zone, both for regulation and entertainment.
Prizes: The winning team keeps The Treasure and will be awarded a money prize. Participation prizes are also up for grabs.
Please note: The Safari Zone isn't responsible for any injuries, loss of valuables, or relationship...issues. Any questions or concerns should be taken to your local Pokecenter; our representatives stationed there will be happy to help.
Every trainer had made sure to read the rules through at least 10 times to make sure they hadn't overlooked anything. Ash, planning on entering himself, had read them over a hundred times as Brock, Max and May helped him train and shop for the contest. Only two more weeks!
End of prologue
I know it's just a setting, but still how do you find the idea? Be honest! If it sucks I'll stop. I planned on doing a love square between Ash/May/Gary/Misty but it's possible that I changed my mind during the story. Anyways thx for reading, I'll update ASAP plz review:D Oh, and don't forget to tell me if you see any mistake!
C ya!