Wow, eight new reviews, EIGHT! Sweeeeeet (giggle). Okay so know we have the next chapter, I

wont bother you with a long author's note here (because that's at the bottom)
The quiet of the office seems so absolutely still, so solid. Almost like a painting, because even the sky outside is nothing but a solid slate gray.

And I cant take it anymore.

"Brother?" And you look up, and oddly the stranger's neck twitches like he might lift his head from the couch. I stare at him as brother stares at me.

"… What?"

"… Thanks." You know, for lack of anything better to say (and because I only told him six times so far) He smiles' broad with pride.

"It was nothing." And the silence creeps back into Roy's office.

"… It was weird though… don't you think?" Its stupid to keep fighting it but I cant help it. Brother is tired and the stranger doesn't talk much… and we're all just waiting awkwardly for Roy.

"It was…" and I almost jump at the sound of his rough, dusky voice. "It was acting so… weird."

oO0 0Oo

"Look out brother!"



"I-I'm okay! Get it!"

Growls rumbled through the air.

And suddenly a loud , final yowl. The huge, wolf like creature slumped to the ground, white matted fur and black long tresses tinged by the scarlet of it's own blood.

"Nice shot brother!"


But the strange vicious Chimera was pulling itself across the ground, slate grey eyes gleaming as whimpers of pain bled from it's lips.

The stranger stood under the curve of the stone dome Ed had conjured to protect them from the debris of the falling building. The creature had hit a support beam on it's rampage.

The Chimera dragged itself forward, leaving rain washed streaks of blood.

"Get it before it hurts him, brother!"

There was the crack of bone and the crash of metal. The stranger rose, metal armbands, gleaming in the murky light.

"I got it." He said, raising with a sadistic smirk hung on his lips. The Chimera slumped down to the ground, silent as death while blood matted the fur over it's forehead.

"Well… nice hit."

"I could have done better…"

oO0 0Oo

"It had no reason to come over to me…"

"Well… I don't know…" Its almost hard to think past the strangeness of his voice. Its weird to hear someone talk in this weird painting. Maybe its not really Roy's office though… Maybe the stillness is just part of being what I am…

But I don't want to think about that right now.

The door creaks loudly.

"Did you get the specimen? Isn't it great?" You seem to never ride out of pride for yourself, and Roy's words pretty much mirror my thoughts (although I take them with something like a smile)

"Oh yes, good thing you brought me one after you killed the first one." He just seems annoyed (and for some reason it makes me want to laugh, and it occurs to me how amusing an immature, impish seven foot suit of armor might be)

"Well…" and you falter, and glare sharply, and cross your arms like a scolded child. And its moments like this when I know that despite how much the world tries, its never going to make us grow up. "Well you shut up. I had to."

"You didn't have to kill it."

"Yes I did! It was attacking Al!"

"But you could of-"

Is my head made out of a radio? Because I can tune this out as easily as flicking off a switch.

And suddenly I notice the stranger slipping out the door.

You'd assume a seven foot suit of armor would have problems sneaking past people…

But I never seem to have trouble. Something in me wonders how he seems to have such a good sense of direction, but most of me is just concerned with following him. I don't really know why I'm doing this… but I guess its better then listening to brother and Roy fight.

And besides, I'm curious about him…

I watch the tail of his cloak as he slips through the hallway, glancing in doors.

The sunlight starts to fade over the walls, the white paint and hard wood turning to stone patchwork and swaying torches. We're in the creepy, creaky basement.

There's a sound like someone's sobbing… like someone's dying inside and they're screaming out the deadness inside. It makes me want to cry to… because it sounds so very sad.

And he's peeking inside every barred door, rattling every rusted handle. His sharp eyes look strange when there wide, and his rigid body looks even stranger when its rushing through a shadowy door.

And things jus get weirder and weirder… I know I should leave, but I'm standing in the doorway as he crouches next to a cage, starring down at the Chimera he brought down that hotel back on that tiny mountain town…

"What are you doing?" he sneered down at the creature, kicked the metal bars it lay crippled behind. "I can hear you… from all the way upstairs. Stop it." And he kicked the paws stretching from the spaces between the bars.

The whimper send vibrations through me (which is really saying something)

The sound grows, picking up volume and depth like the Chimera is crying… like it was the one crying.

And I remember a little girl, and the dog her daddy fused her with.

"You're not…" he presses his hands to his hears, "Stop it you fucking animal, I know what your trying to do… it wont work…"

I feel like I shouldn't be watching this. I cant look away. His cheeks don't suit tears, not at all. But he's glaring past them, glaring at the creature right in it's glinting, dark grey eyes.

And from it's crying I can pull a distorted name.

"… Seto…"

"It's not going to work…" he coughs, body shaking. I can feel the cold bite at my armor, see it flaunted in the white puffs of his (Seto's?) breathing.

"… nii-chan… please…"


And he turns around and runs from it.

Right into me.

And I think he could shatter steel with that glare.

Okay there you go, another chapter. Incase you didn't know, I do flash backs in italics. Just so no one is confused. Thanks to Phantom Fox, WildfireDreams, Wild Fox Fire, (I'm sensing a theme with the names of my reviewers ((Giggle)) ), Kaida Hikari, Aya and Chi, The Klutz, Blue3 Flam3s, and DXP for reviewing. (hugs) Thanks so much!

Phantom Fox: Yes, it was a harpy lady, I'm glad you caught that! Not just any harpy lady either, if you'll notice it was BLONDE rather then red haired like usual… I did it on purpose as well… It will make sense later, promise (hugs)

Wild Wolf Fire: Yep, Mokie is in this fic, don't worry (smile). He doesn't show up until later though… but he will be here, and he will do alchemy! Thanks for your sujgestion, its always nice to have that kind of input (smile) (hugs)

Kaida Hikari: (runs away from the wrath of your hyperness)

Aya and Chi: Yeah I've been thinking of this crossover forever, it just seemed so cool I decided I had to write it (smile)… I'm glad you are enjoying this story! Hmmm I wasn't going to have Joey in this fic but now that you mention it, and you seem to want him in this story so…. Alright, I'll put Joey in the story for you (smile). He wont show up until later though, because I have this fic planned a few chapters ahead, but he'll be there!

Okay, now that's all…. Now remember, reviews feed starving authors!