Why is it I always end up listening in doorways? You know as a creaky, seven foot suit of armor you'd think people would notice me…

But I always find myself in places like this, pressed in a shadow so much smaller then me, catching up pieces of conversations. It makes me sad sometimes, that not many people ever seem to talk to me…

"I need you to go up north Edward, there's something weird going on…" Roy's voice seems uneasy… which is bad, because he's never uneasy.

"What's up?" and like always brother is unconcerned, he thinks we can take on the world.

And when he says it, I really believe him.

"There's been some strange reports…" and Roy's voice sounds so tired against the scratchy ruffle of papers, the creak of sliding drawers. "There's this little mountain down… and its over run with Chimeras."

"What?" I don't need to see you to know the look in your eyes brother; bright, sharp, searing.

"You heard me-"

"They talk?" and I flinch at the memory, at the thought of that monster who could do that to his little girl… I miss her all the time. And I'm sorry we couldn't have helped…

I start to think about all those snowy days with her, and Alexander her dog, all those games we played… but they're talking again, and I know I have to listen.

"They talk, and they do a hell of a lot more…"

Silence is so unnerving.

"…Roy?" and you've always thought so, and I'm glad you broke it.

"These are not normal Chimeras Edward, these are… these are…"

I watch a little blue bird flutter about the sunny open window, twitter about despite the pressing, tight silence. I try to stay still, knowing one tiny motion will make me creak.

"In any case… We brought one of them in… for examination. These are dangerous things Ed, I need you to go see what's going on…. What kind of a sick bastard is creating these things, and how. You understand?"

"Got it…" his chair scraped across the floor, and the tiny little bird puffs it feathers in fear before fleeting into the crisp autumn sun. "Roy, are you-"

But I cant hear anymore. There's screeching all around me, and the sound of ripping metal. A cold spike of fear hits me, my own personal version of pain (because of course I cant feel that for the moment… and it should make me happy but it doesn't).

I bring my arms up, swipe at the blurry attack raining over me, and hear nothing but the cut of whipping air, left in the wake of quick dodges…

And tearing metal.

And I'm scared…

And suddenly I can hear brother calling out for me… I wonder why he sounds so terrified… and wonder why there's a blur of violet feather and shimmering black in front of me.

"Al! Al! Damn it!" And suddenly there's the bright light and rough crackling of alchemy. I squint past the blur of feathers, but suddenly there's no need.

Your eyes look so scared, cheeks flushed and…


And I watch my leathery fingers brush down your cheek, drawing away the streaks of blood splatter.

The look down seems like a long trip for my eyes (or… where my eyes should be. Its a lot to see, anyway)

There's slashed jagged bits of metal, glittering in the sun like spikes of polished silver. I almost don't realize that it's the slashed chest plate of my armor body. The deep gashes almost, just almost touches to the little bloody sigil that binds my spirit to this form, and again I feel my special type of pain.

I look further down, see a pale blue skinned woman with long wild blonde hair, matted violet feathery wings that lay crumpled, jutting from her arms, and rough scaly talons where her hands should be, set with sharp black talons.

And she's impaled on your transformed automail arm, the spike jutting out the front of her throat as she lay crippled over the wooden floor.

And I realize I looked to far down when my head tumbles off. It splashes when it hits the ground, and I feel sick when I know its blood.

"Al…" I think I would be crying if I could, as I see the look on your face as you pick me up and hold my head in your lap. "Are you okay…?"

"I-I… I don't know… w-what happened?"

"That-" Roy was poised in the doorway, I recognized his crisp leather boots (they were all I could see) "Is the Chimera we brought in…"

"It's so…" Ed trailed off, eyes dulling as a thoughtful, sorrowful look clouded his face. There was a wet slipping sound as he pulled his arm free, a gentle flash as it took it's common from. The harpy Chimera collapsed in a bloody mass ov feathers over the floor.

"Human…" my own voice sound's chocked up to me.

"Precisely. And there's bees sightings of more of them… They're vicious, they attack civilians, they even loot stores. Edward, we need-"

"We're on it."

He shifts a little as he looks up as Roy, and I see the little blue bird, speared like paste across the windowpane. She wasn't fast enough…

And I really, really wish I could cry

Alright, if anyone is interested in seeing more, review and I'll write more. Lets say… 5? Possibly six… Then Ill update. If anyone is interested that is… if no one cares then I wont bother.