The Distraction: Chapter 11


James slumped heavily in his easy chair. He stared at his hands a moment before looking up at the love of his life. "Do you believe them?"

Anne paced around the living room, absently straitening up after the twins and Kim. "I'm not sure. They certainly believe it. The part about Ron..." Anne's eyes closed as she drew a deep shuddering breath. "I just don't know."

"Annie, I..."

She turned, eyes blazing, "I thought I knew them, knew Ron. He's all but my adopted son!"

"I know, dear, and..."

"How could parents who say they love their child do that to him? How?"

"I don't know, but..."

"And what haven't they told us? How many other secrets are there?" Anne suddenly whirled, throwing the object she was shuffling to shatter against the wall.

James sat in careful silence.

Shock lit Anne's eyes. "Oh, shit." She finally managed

James cleared his throat, staring at the pieces littering the floor. "Well, at least it was that monkey the boys got for a joke. Ron won't miss it."

Anne stared at her husband. A snort slipped through her lips. Finally giggles began to erupt as she walked toward James, collapsing in almost hysterical laughter in his lap.

James lightly stroked his wife's back until the shaking lessened. "Feel calm enough to talk now?" He finally asked.

Anne's head shook into his shoulder.

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"It's an 'I'm not sure'." She whispered.

Slowly Anne turned so she could see Jame's worried eyes. "How could they do that to Ronald? He's the sweetest, gentlest boy I've ever known, and yet they said he killed a chimpanzee with his bare hands when he was nine years old."

"Well, it does make a lot more sense than to believe that a children's camp would house a nine year old in the same room as a chimp." Jame's answered mildly.

Anne sat up, her hands brushing her hair back. "Sending a nine year old on a survival mission in Africa? With nothing, just drop him off and say 'go here'? That's insane."

James looked into Anne's kindling eyes. "You believe that part of the story? Then you must believe the rest."

"I don't want to believe that part, but something bit Ron, I've seen those scars." Anne said softly. "You didn't see Ron did you?"

"Not without his shirt, no."

"That's not all, I did a thorough examination. James, that boy looks like he's been run through a grinder."

"Really? I knew he said he was hurt, but..."

Anne waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, there's no doubt he took quite a shot this last mission, but I'm talking about old scars. Scars on top of scars. How he's managed to keep his face unmarked I haven't a clue." Her lip quivered.


"He...he actually tried to make me feel better by telling me that he didn't get that many on Kim's missions." She broke down in tears. After a while, she raised her head back. "So," she wiped her damp face on her husband's shirt. "What do we do?"

James brought his free hand up to stroke his chin thoughtfully. "Do we have a choice? If we balk and tell anyone, we lose our friends and Kimmy loses her protection."

"She could stop going on the missions." Anne's mouth twisted ruefully at her mate's disbelieving gaze. "Right, like that would happen."

"And sooner or later, we would lose our Kimmie cub too." James breathed deeply, "I think we'll have to do what they asked."

Anne nodded, "But it is going to be hard to wait two weeks to meet this man they're so sure can convince us."

James chuckled, "Still haven't gained any patience, have you, love."

Anne laughed back. "In medicine, yes, with family, yes, but a mystery like this? Not a chance."


"All right, Ron," Kim pushed gently against her BFBF's chest. "I want the truth."

"Ah, KP, I was hoping we'd get to a six alarm..."

Kim blushed, "Later, maybe, truth first."

Ron removed one arm from around his girlfriend, reaching up to rub his neck. His arm stopped half way as he moaned softly.

Kim frowned worriedly, "I knew it. You were hurt worse than you said. We are going back to my place and let Mom decide whether you go to the hospital or not."

Ron grinned through his pain. "KP, you've had bruised ribs before, how high could you lift your arms?"


"Uh-huh. And Mrs. Dr. P. has already checked me out."

"She has?"

"Yep, said something about gratitude."

Kim looked puzzled. She pulled back a little in question. "Gratitude?"

Ron's grin became sly, "As in you won't be able to show too much for a while, Kimilla."

Kim gasped, blushed, then turned her back to her BFBF, although she did not leave his arms. "Just for that, no more alarms tonight, mister."

"Ah, KP, I just..."

Kim turned her head to plant a quick kiss on Ron's cheek. "Nope, we'll save them for when we can both appreciate them." Ron moaned. Kim looked back, "Are you hurting, baby?"

Ron leaned his forehead against Kim's. "I'm going into withdrawal, maybe dt's. No KP kisses, I..."

"Shush." Kim giggled. "If you're not in that much pain, what have you been all nervous about tonight? Is there something I should know?" She turned her wrist to grasp Ron's arm. "And don't try to rub your neck again."

Ron pulled back until he could see into her bright jade eyes. "Well, yeah, something, but KP, it's going to help, I swear."

Kim stepped out of Ron's arms, folding her arms across her chest. "Talk."

Ron's arm made an aborted attempt to reach his neck, then he looked at his shoes. "Well, KP, you know school's out in a couple of weeks."

"A couple of weeks". Kim smiled, "You mean you don't know exactly how many minutes?"

"Ha, ha, very funny." Ron groaned, "What say we leave the jokes to me, that's my job after all."

A pout started to form on KP's lips.

"Not that it wasn't a good one," Ron said hastily, "Just not...ah...I mean you..."

Kim grinned, "I'll let you off the hook this time. What about school being out?"

"Well, KP, two days later I leave for Japan."


"Now calm down, be cool, KP, this is important."

Kim's small foot began tapping. "Important enough to take you away when we'll finally have some time together? How long?"

"Two months." Ron whispered weakly.

"TWO MONTHS!" Kim screeched.

Ron's hands came up protectively as he backed away. "Now, KP, we weren't going to have that much time together anyway. Remember cheer camp?"

Kim came to an abrupt halt. "Cheer camp?"

Ron grinned. "You forgot you volunteered to be a camp counselor?" His grin grew wider. "You forgot cheer camp when we hooked up?"

"Ah...well...kinda...not really."

"Who da man!" Ron shouted exuberantly. His victory dance halted abruptly with a semi-surprised. "Ow?"

Kim's rapidly rising temper evaporated. "That'll teach you. No mocking the girlfriend."

Ron tried to fix his most helpless look on his face before breaking out in laughter. "Sorry, KP, but you don't know what a boost you just gave the Ron man's ego."

Kim reached to tenderly stroke his cheek. "Don't let it go to your head, Ron man. It's been a rough couple of days."

Ron eased his arm around his girlfriend. "True, but see, that's the point."

Kim pulled back, "That's the point? What point?"

"See, we weren't going to be together that much this summer anyway, what with you at camp and me here. I don't think they'd let the Mad dog in, do you?"

"Not unless he has his shots."

"Oooh, way to bring down the mood, KP. But my point is we still have a week together before your camp and my summer school classes."

"Ok, I see that, but what makes this so important? You passed all your classes. Maybe by the skin of your teeth and a friendly grader, but you passed. And since when is a ninja academy summer school? "

"They don't spend all day beating each other up, KP. They also have regular classes." Ron hugged KP to stop her question. "See, Mr. Barkin and Sensei got together..."

"That must have been fun."

"Would've loved to be a fly on the wall. But the point is that Sensei told Mr. Barkin that in addition to foreign experience as an extracurric, they would give me intensive study in the classes I almost blew."

"And this helps how?"

"See, that's where this is important, KP." Ron turned serious. "Barkin agreed to change my grade to whatever I earned this summer at an accredited school of instruction. And Yamanouchi is fully accredited."

"Ok, I can see that, but that still doesn't..."

Ron placed a finger lightly on Kim's lips. "KP, I saw those college brochures you were looking at."

Kim blushed. "I was going to tell you about that, it just kind of slipped my mind."

"That's the reason, KP."

"Not getting the connection here, Ron."

Ron sighed. "Kim, do you really think those schools you were looking at would accept me? They may not appreciate the Ronster's potential as much as you do."

Kim's eyes widened in enlightenment. "So you're doing this..."

Ron hugged her as hard as his wound would allow. "So we can be together."

"Baby, that is so sweet." Kim purred before pulling Ron's lips to hers.


Ron floated through his door to the soft laughter of his mother. "Ronnie, are your feet on the ground?"

Ron blinked, seeing his parents grinning at him indulgently. "I...ah...yeah...firmly planted, Mom."

"Hope the Kimshine was worth it." Dean smiled. "You're a little late."

Ron grinned back, "Nope, got KP home just in time. From the looks I got from the Drs. P., I guess everything went off well here?"

Barbara lost her smile. "Yes, and no."

Ron flopped into a chair. "I hate answers like that."

Dean smiled, "We have a stay. But I think Nick can convince them."

Ron perked up. "Oh, yeah, Mr. T. can do it if anyone can."