It had been four years, three months, two weeks and five days. Yes, they had both been counting. They were both twenty years old now and were both getting ready for their lives ahead of them. Both Cody and Squib had been waiting for this very moment for so long. Neither of them knew what to say, when to say it, how to act or even what to do in general.

Cody could feel her heart racing. As they both slowly walked down the hallway and outside, there was silence between them. They both knew where they wanted to talk. It was just going to be an awkward walk there. Once they arrived at the beach Squib sat down in the sand. Cody sat down beside him. She looked at her feet. She was right; this was going to be awkward. Why was something that was as easy as opening her mouth and talking so hard?

"I… I saw your picture in the paper, and you didn't look so great so I thought I would come see if you were okay," Cody said, being honest… sort of.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Squib said looking at his fingers as he played with the sand. He was so nervous that he had to play with something so that he wouldn't go insane.

"Well that's good," Cody said looking out at where the sky met the water. She had forgotten how pretty it was. This was where she was meant to be, and she knew it. But she made a decision four summers ago that she would go to New York to start a new life, and that was working out great for her. She missed the feeling of being around people that she trusted, that were her family, that she loved. No! What was she thinking? Maybe the beach was just bringing back too many memories. She had to get out of here. "So do you think you want to go have lunch?" Cody looked over at Squib who was looking out into the lake.

"Um, sure. Have you seen Adena or Tanis yet?" Squib asked.

"No, but I'm sure I will when I go in there," Cody said getting up and rubbing off the sand that was stuck to her jeans.

"Well then maybe we could have lunch somewhere else," Squib suggested getting up also.

"Um… we could go to me house." No! What am I doing? My house? No! Cody thought.

"Sure." Squib agreed. It was too late to back out of it now. The place where her and Squib last saw each other was where they were going to have lunch. Great, just flipping great. Cody walked up the path that lead them back to the school. There was once again, silence. Once they reached the house, Cody put her key into the lock and opened the door. Squib stepped inside and looked around. Other then the new paint job it looked exactly the same from four years ago. Everything from the furniture to the spices on the spice rack was the same.

"So how has Cascadia been without me?" Cody asked as she opened the fridge and got out all the makings of a salad.

Life without Cody at Cascadia? Hmm… he could be completely honest and tell her that he was miserable and was missed her everyday or he could say everything was fine. Squib decided to go with the second one. "It's fine. I mean, we don't get to see our self in pictures as much but it's a small price to pay." Squib gave her a small smile then looked across the room.

"Well that's good. You must have worked really hard to get into the tournament in New York." Cody cuts the lettuce up and put it in two bowls.

"Well, to be honest, I didn't even know there was a tournament in New York until Coach came up and told me about it."

"Well you won, and that's a good thing. It was a pretty big tournament." Cody said as she put dressing on the salad and brought the two bowls full of salad to the table and sat down. Squib took one of the bowls and a fork and started to eat.

"I ran into Cameron earlier today." Cody said as she swallowed some of the lettuce in her mouth.

"Really? He didn't say that he saw you." Squib said a little mad that Cameron didn't tell him that Cody was back at Cascadia.

"Well I told him not to. I've just been hanging out with my dad for a couple days." Cody said casually.

What? A couple of days? She's been here for a couple of days? Squib thought while trying to keep a normal face on. "So how is New York treating you?" He asked changing the subject.

"It's good. I have an awesome roommate and… a great boyfriend." Cody wasn't sure if she should have brought Nate into the situation.

"Well that's good. What's his name?" Squib wanted to freak out and throw things but he didn't so he just pretended as if he was interested.

"Nate, Bates." Cody said slowly as she saw the look on Squib's face.

"Your dating President Bates son?" Squib said shocked really wanting to throw something now.

"Yeah. He is really not like his dad at all though. We are both majoring in the arts and I think, you would like him." Cody took another bit of her salad.

Not likely. Squib thought. "Well if you like him I'm sure he's a great guy." Squib smiled as he ate the last of his salad. His eye's found the clock on the wall and it was 2:45. He had class in ten minutes. "Oh crap. Cody I'm sorry, I have class in ten minutes and I'm screwed if I'm not there on time." Squib stood up.

"No it's okay, when you have class, you have class." Cody said as she got up also. She walked him to the door and he stepped out and turned around. "What are you doing tomorrow?" Squib asked.

"Um, nothing." Cody confirmed.

"Okay good. I want to show you something."

"Sounds like fun." Cody smiled as he waved to her and walked away. She closed the door and leaned against it. It wasn't as awkward as she though it would have been. Cody walked back to the kitchen and started to put everything back away. She wondered what was going to happen tomorrow.