Yes, this is the last chapter of Gift. Remember, it's not meant to be shounen-ai.
Wow, my first fic is over and people liked it enough to want more! I'm going to try to have another something up by Christmas, if I can find time in my life…did I say life? I don't have enough time to have a life… Huge thanks and cookies to UnknownDarkMystery, Devliz Shadow, Anei Aikouka, and ryou's succubi. I am so motivated by your reviews. You people rock!
And now: the conclusion.
Chapter 7 - Gifts
It was late that night that Bakura awoke. He blinked and sat up, suddenly not tired at all.
An odd feeling drifted across the link from his yami. A twinge of…something different, something that he hadn't felt there before. He couldn't quite make sense of it.
Quietly, Bakura slipped out of bed and made his way downstairs, somehow knowing that was where he'd find the spirit. Sure enough, Yami Bakura was sitting in his usual spot in front of the fireplace, just staring deep into the flames.
"Er, yami…" The older boy stood and turned to him. "I want to thank you, for today. I know that somehow you're responsible for my father coming home, but…how?"
A sly grin crossed the spirit's features. "Mortal machines these days really are quite fragile. Just the slightest thing will make them malfunction."
Bakura stared at him, two and two coming together. "You tampered with the airport's computers?"
"It's unbelievably simple when no one can see you." All of a sudden the grin disappeared, leaving his face completely serious.
"Last week you mentioned a tradition of giving gifts. Now I have one last gift to give." He looked Bakura straight in the eyes.
"I offer you this: your freedom. The chance to finally be rid of me. No longer will I torture you. I will release my bond to your soul and leave you forever. Take the Millennium Ring and dispose of it. Without my will it will no longer come back to haunt you. You deserve more than you have gotten from me. I realize that now. I give you your freedom."
Bakura stared at him. Freedom…
Without a host body Yami Bakura would, could no longer exist in the mortal realm. His soul, torn from its vessel, would be sealed back into the Ring, trapped, only able to be released by its rightful heir. If history truly did repeat itself, it would be another three thousand years, probably more. And if didn't repeat, he would never be released…
But the strain of being separated from a host might simply shred his soul, and fling it into the Shadows beyond…
Either way was an eternity doomed to darkness. It was, truly, suicide.
And Yami Bakura knew this. Yet he faced it with a silent acceptance, like someone already resigned to his fate. A dark fate, for the sake of his hikari's freedom.
Bakura felt a lump in his throat, his eyes watering involuntarily. "Y-Yami…" He didn't know what to say.
Yami Bakura gazed steadily back at him, all trace of his usual sternness gone. He nodded slowly in farewell, then touched his Millennium Ring which began to glow. His body started to fade…
"Wait." Bakura reached out and grabbed his arm, making him pause and return to a solid form. "Yami, I…I don't want you to leave."
Yami Bakura blinked in surprise.
"I…I know it hasn't been exactly easy, having you around, but I…I don't hate you. I want you to stay."
"But what about–"
"Freedom?" Bakura gave his head a little shake. "I don't think it is freedom. Not really. You're a part of me. I couldn't just give up a piece of my soul. I'd miss you, yami…"
Now Yami Bakura was at a loss for words.
"Ah…" he said awkwardly, "Then I suppose I have no gift…"
Bakura shook his head. "You've already given me a gift, yami. Your heart. I finally know that you care about me. Really care. Enough…to sacrifice everything…so that I could be happy… And a wonderful gift it is, too. No one could ask for anything more." He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the spirit, resting his head on his shoulder. "Thank you, yami. Thank you for everything."
Yami Bakura stiffened as his hikari hugged him. This was something he was definitely not used to, and it was making him feel rather uncomfortable. But it seemed to make his host happy, so he didn't pull away.
After a few moments Bakura let him go and stepped back, looking sheepish. "Oh yes, I'd nearly forgotten."
He walked over to the tree and picked up one of the brightly colored packages. "Not all of the boxes were empty, yami. This one is for you."
The spirit blinked and slowly accepted the gift. He stared at it.
It's customary for people to give friends and loved ones a gift.
After all that had happened, Bakura considered him a friend? Or even…a loved one?
Silently, he removed the wrapping and opened the box. Inside lay a jet black cloak, serving as a pillow to a small but ornate dagger. A very nice ornate dagger. Yami Bakura fingered it gingerly, knowing how much his host disliked such things.
"I…hoped you would like it."
Unable to speak, the yami could only nod. In truth, it hadn't really mattered what was in the box. Just the simple gesture of a gift somehow meant a great deal. Perhaps this holiday wasn't so bad after all.
The spirit looked up. "Bakura, thank you." The words tasted strange in his mouth, but he found that he didn't care.
His hikari smiled at him, warm and genuine. "Merry Christmas, yami."
"Merry Kriss-miss, Bakura."
Merry early Christmas to all, and to all a good night.