Kira Nerys was dozing in that state between sleeping and waking, she reached her hand down to stroke her stomach. Something was wrong, the baby! Kira snapped to full wakefulness and relaxed as the memories of the last week came flooding back to her. She given birth already, her baby was fine.

Yoshi is not your baby.

Kira headed for the sonic shower, she was due in Ops in forty five minutes. She was straining her ears to listen for anything unusual over the thrum of the sonic shower. It wasn't until she noticed that she was tilting her head towards the door that she realised she was listening for the sound of a baby crying. The O'Brien's quarters were on the other side of the habitat ring, she wouldn't be able to hear Yoshi even if he were crying. A small voice in the back of Kira's mind assured her that she would know in her heart if he was distressed.

Yoshi is not your baby.

Exiting her quarters Kira grabbed the padd containing recent crew requests, hoping that reviewing them would help keep her mind on work. She scrolled past the request from Ensign Prahn asking for additional maternity leave and onto the usual requests for leave time and duty transfers. Kira stopped briefly at a junction, turning right would take her to the turbolift and Ops, turning left would take her to the O'Brien's. She knew she would be welcomed by them, they had assured her that she would always be welcome and that they would never try to shut her out of Yoshi's life. On mornings like this Kira almost wished they would shut her out, take him away, the pain of that could be no worse than his being so close and not being able to be a mother to him.

Yoshi is not your baby.

Kira took a deep breath and headed towards the turbolift. One of Odo's Bajoran deputies was already waiting there.

"Good morning, Major. How's the baby?"

How was the baby? He was beautiful, he was clever, and he recognised her already. "I don't really know, you'd have to ask the O'Brien's" Kira stared intently at her Padd hoping to avoid any further conversation until the 'lift came.

Yoshi is not your baby.

Dax and O'Brien were already in Ops when she arrived. One good thing that had come after the arrival of Yoshi was that her feelings for Miles-for Chief O'Brien-had returned to what they had been previously, feelings of friendly camaraderie.

Kira knew that O'Brien's feelings for her were a direct result of the fact that she was carrying his child and living in his house, and for her own part it had probably been a combination of him being the father of her baby and the rampaging hormones caused by pregnancy. Now that the feelings had passed Kira was glad they had resisted, her relationship with Shakaar and her friendship with Keiko meant to much to her.

But there was a small treacherous part of Kira's mind, the same part that wanted to take Yoshi into her arms and never let him go, that wondered what would have happened if she and the Chief had gone to that house on Bajor. Would she be a part of Yoshi's life in a capacity better than favoured aunt or family friend.

Yoshi is not your baby.

Kira closed her eyes in an attempt to ward of the headache that had been threatening all morning.

"Are you alright, Major?" Dax asked.

"Oh yes, I just didn't sleep too well last night."

"Tell me about it," O'Brien offered from the engineering pit, "try living with a crying newborn."

Yoshi is not your baby. Yoshi is not your baby. Yoshi is not your baby. Yoshi is not your baby. Yoshi is not your baby. Yoshi is not your baby. Yoshi is not your baby.