Disclaimer: I don't own RvB, I don't own Halo. I own nothing

Alpha 1- "Marine"- Frontline Shock Trooper

Alpha 2- "Delta"- Frontline Shock Trooper

Alpha 3- "Pom"- Sniper

Alpha 4- "Ranger"- Frontline Shock Trooper

Alpha 5- "Hunter"- Sniper

Alpha 6- "Revhead"- Pilot/Driver

Alpha 7- "Grunt"- Munitions/Heavy Weapons

Alpha 8- "Chain"- Pilot/Driver

Alpha 9- "Doc"- Medic/Communication's Officer

Alpha 10- "Tex", "O'Malley"- Frontline Shock Trooper

PS: Doc is not our dear friend Doc the Pacifist. Sorry.

When Donut woke up, the first thing he realised was that he wasn't at the base. H was lying down on a metal bench somewhere. Then he remembered what had happened. Grif had shot him! Then he heard the voices around him. He had been shot before during training by accident they said, but this was the first time someone had actually been around him while he was unconscious. Every other time he had just woken up and dragged himself back to Camp, his arrival coming to the great dismay of all the other recruits.

"Are you awake?"

The voice was vaguely familiar to Donut. When he opened his eyes he was greeted by a familiar sight. It was the saviour of Humanity, Masterchief. Everyone at Red Command during basic training had had a poster of him on their wall.

"Can you get up?" asked Masterchief. Be nice, he thought to himself, he doesn't know who we are, milk it for all we have.

"Ye… Yes Sir" replied Donut, as he slowly hoisted himself up so he was now sitting on the bench rather than lying on it. O. My. God. Masterchief is actually talking to me.

"Sir, what happened? Did I get shot?"

"The orange guy shot you." Masterchief answered with ease. It was almost sad how easy it was to lie to this hapless soldier. Not that it really mattered; he'd be dead soon.

"Why would he shoot me? Why does everyone hate me?"

"I don't know, but I want to help you. I'm on a mission from Earth. I need to speak to your Sergeant.

"You need to speak to Sarge? Well he'd normally be at the base. Isn't anyone there?"

"No. We arrived just as we saw you get shot, but when I arrived at the base no one was there."

"Oh. Why do you need to see to Sarge?"

"That's classified. Now do you know where this Sarge is?"

"Well, if Sarge isn't at the Base, and he's not attacking the Blue Base, then he must have gone to Lopez's."


"Yeah. He's our robot. He got angry about a week ago after Sarge blew up that Blue tank and went up the cliffs behind the base with the Warthog. He can be very brooding sometimes."

"So you're saying the rest of the Reds are behind the base on top of that hill?"

"Well, yeah, it's not like there's anywhere else to go to."

Masterchief turned around and got on the radio with Alpha 1, who was in charge for the moment.


"Yes, sir"

"I've found where the rest of the Reds are."

"Where, sir?"

"See behind the base, that big hill?"

"Yes, sir. It's still in shadow though. The sun's not fully up yet."

"Well, get the rest of the team there as soon as possible and set up a perimeter. Wait till I arrive before we do anything."

"Yes, sir. I'll call back Alpha 5. He went on patrol to go find Grunt and Pom."

"No. Let him find them, and then they'll come back. I'll alert our drivers that they can prep the Warthogs. We can use those chain guns as suppressive fire."

"Yes, sir"

"That's everything. I'll just take care of our prisoner. Chief out"

Masterchief walked back towards Donut, who was just trying to stand up. As he moved towards the infirmed Red, Masterchief pulled out his pistol.

"Hey Mr. Masterchief, sir. Can I have your auto…"


Donut fell to the ground, a bullet through his head. This time he was dead alright. Masterchief checked the corpses pulse before standing back up. Suddenly,

"Sir, its Alpha Five"

"Hunter, have you found Grunt and Pom yet?"

"Sort of sir. You are not going to like this."

Over by the entrance to Gulch's cave system, Hunter crouched over the corpse of Wyoming. Judging by the body, he had been dead a while. A shame for Grunt that there was nowhere in this Gulch to hide but the caves.

"Sir, Wyoming's dead and Grunt's gone. Permission to take him down?"

"Permission granted. Shoot to Kill. We don't need him anymore."

Back at the Pelican, Masterchief was worried. Wyoming was dead, Grunt had gone AWOL, and he hadn't heard from Tex in hours. Perhaps she was just in radio silence, but things were quickly going pear-shaped, and Masterchief didn't like it. He stayed at the Pelican as the Warthog was readied. Now they could finally get to work.

Grunt waited in the caves. Once he realised that O'Malley had not jumped to Wyoming, there was little point to keeping him around. But he still had a job to do. He'd have to take up the job that was meant for Wyoming. It was up to him to kill the Masterchief.

"Oh for the love of God. How the hell do you get out of these caves? I don't even have any Oreos to eat or Simmons to annoy"

He couldn't tell where the sound was coming from, but Grunt smiled. He'd have some fun while he came up with a plan to kill the saviour of Humanity. He pulled out an assault rifle he'd taken from Wyoming and started exploring the caves for the mysterious voice.

Tex was having fun being dead. Ever since she'd arrived in this shadow world, she'd made friends with the tank ghost that seemed to inhabit the area. She was just driving around when suddenly, in front of her a being appeared. Even in this shadow world, you could tell it was pink.

Donut looked up at the tank that was right in front of him. This was the tank that Sarge had blown up. What was it doing here? What was he doing here?

"Umm. Hello nice tank lady. Where am I?"

Next Time: Sarge, Simmons and the infected Lopez try to escape from the Alpha's trap. Grif, Grunt and Hunter all in the one cave system. And Donut meets the rest of the ghosts of Blood Gulch.