Hey guys I am very disappointed no one is reviewing. If you guys like my story then review if you don't then review if you think that it would be better then review and tell me. I really don't care if you criticize it I am writing this story for you guys and if you don't like it then tell me so I can change it so you will like it or so you will like it more. Ok another thing I am writing two stories right now and I am just updating the one that I get more demand/reviews for, and so far it has been my other story so I update that one first (in case you wanted to know my other story is on the mediator series and called The new beginning) that is why it takes so long for me to update (that and I don't know if people are reading this story). So anyway thanks to those who did review

-writingtiger: hey thanks for reviewing and I'll go back and fix it right now oh and what do u mean about the f's. P.s I hope that I can drive you to it again.

-Jennifer Morash: aw thanks and if ya review again I'll let you know. P.s what's with the  at the end of every sentence? lol

-jamie lynn: thanks and I'm updating

-Happybear 2005: yes a cliffhanger but at least now your hooked (so that means your gonna review right? (Nodes head) lol)

Chapter:3 Doctors office

I sat down on my bed and just thought 'why does he need to see me again? he's never had to see me again before. Did this mean something bad or did something just happen to the test like maybe I moved when they were taking the x-ray of my knee. Yeah that's it I did have a very mean person that took it and I'm always scared when I go in for my check ups so I might have moved or shook a little' I said to myself and felt a blush creep up onto my face. It's been five years and I still get nervous every time I go to the hospital. I was jarred out of my trance when a hand started to wave in front of my face. "Huh?" I said and looked up into the face of my roommate Anna with a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Oh I don't know, it could be the fact that I was standing here for five minutes talking to my roommate and would have thought that my roommate/best friend was dead if it wasn't for the fact that she was sitting up on her own free will." she finished and instead of a worried look on her face she had a mad look on her face, probably because like she said she probably was talking to me for five whole minutes and I was spaced out.

"Sorry" I said and looked down to the floor "I just got a message from Dr. Thomas and I need to go back in for another appointment" I said, and she came and sat beside me putting her arms around me, in a comforting way.

"Why?" she whispered into my hair.

"He never said"

"Well that doesn't mean that you have cancer again does it?"

"I'm not sure. It's either that or something happened to my test and they have to retake them." I said

"Well let's hope for the latter"


(a/n: I'm not sure if I ever said what day it is so I am saying now that this story started on a Monday)

I called Dr Thomas and he was busy so I got his secretary. I tried to ask her why I had to come back in, but all she said was that 'All I know is that the doctor needs you to come in, that's all. I couldn't believe it that she couldn't tell me. I was mad that she couldn't tell me. I could see her view but not knowing is driving me nuts. So I made the appointment for tomorrow Wednesday at 3:00pm.

----------------------------------------NEXT DAY----------------------------------------

At 2:15 I made my way to the doctor's office in a light blue skirt that came

just above my knees and a pink t-shirt. When I arrived there I only had to wait there for I dunno like an hour and I got there at 2:56. Why do they always make you wait so long?

Anyway when I finally got in to see Dr. Thomas he sent me back out and down the floor to get another x-ray done. After that I had to get some blood drawn and some other small tests done. After I was done with all the picking and prodding, I was sent back into the waiting room to wait for Dr. Thomas to come back in and let me know whatever it is he needed to let me know. They did tell me that it (the results) would take up to two hours to develop (yea...not)

I sat in the waiting room waiting for a bit. While I was waiting I remembered the last time that Ethan came with me for my check-up. I was so nervous for that one and all of the other ones too, but Ethan and me went shopping right afterwards so he could get a new hair cut. I remember it like it was yesterday, we were walking down the hall and he stopped me in front of the bikinis and asked me if I wore stuff like that. I was holding in a laugh the whole time because of the look on his face. I quickly told him that I wouldn't wear one if he didn't want me to and he said that he can't tell me what to do but I could tell by the look on his face he didn't want me too, and you know what? - since that day I haven't worn a bikini. Not once. I have no idea why, it's not like I have him telling me what to do or... well in his case not telling me but hinting that he didn't want me to. I was thinking about this when I looked up and saw someone standing in front of me, holding a box of tissue. I had no idea what they were doing so I said "huh?" and the woman who I recognised as the secretary said

"Did you find out some bad news?" smiling down at me

"Um...no?" I said and I think my face had 'what?' written all over it because the secretary explained herself by saying: "Oh well honey you were crying so I was thinking that you might have gotten some bad news"

"Oh..." I said lifting my hand to my face and sure enough there was tears in my eyes. "Oh, no I was just off in a trip down memory lane" I laughed and took a tissue and quickly wiped my eyes.

"Aw, would you like to talk about it?" she asked still smiling sweetly.

"No that's ok, um.. I am going to go visit someone. Could you tell Dr. Thomas that I will be back very soon, if the results are done before I'm back and he comes looking for me?"

"Oh, sure honey" she said and I cringed at the term honey, I would have said something but she was older (like in her 50's) and she has been really sweet so far. So I got up and made my way to the elevators and pressed the up button.

When the doors opened I was up on the children's floor where my life went though one of the biggest if not 'the' biggest change. This is where I found out that I had cancer and where I meant Ethan and his family. They helped me so much though my stay in the hospital and after when I went to go stay in Nappanee and though Rebekah's death. I will always remember them and not just not because I keep remembering Ethan and the times we had together, no I will always remember their Amish ways.

I went up to the nurses desk and guess who was sitting there looking at forms on the table. Ok either you are going to say Ethan or Molly. But come on why would Ethan be here and at the hospital in the children's wing? No it was Molly. "Hey, stranger" I said with a smile on my face. Startled Molly jumped and looked up at me.

"Oh, Leah don't scare me like that" she said but she had a smile on her face so I know that she was joking. She knew that I wouldn't intentionally scare her. "It's so good to see you again, but didn't you just come in for test two weeks ago?" she added.

"Yeah, I did, but I got a call back". I said and she looked grim.

"Do you know why?"

"No Dr. Thomas never told me"

"Oh" she said and looked grimmer.

"But, it may be nothing to worry about right? I mean they could have just screwed up the test and that's why they called me back."

"Yes" she said and put a smile on her face that I noticed looked really fake.

"Molly?" I said


"Don't lie to me. Have they ever messed up someone's test?" the fake smile vanished off of her face and was replaced with a frown.

"Leah...no they haven't, at least not since I arrived here." after she said that she pulled me into a hug and we stood like that crying until I pulled back and said "Molly, I have to go now the test will be done and I have to let him tell me the plan of what we have to do now."

"Yes, I will see you some other time, ok?

"Yep" I said putting a smile on my face and wiping my eyes. "Bye" I said turning and walking back to the elevators. "Bye" Molly called after me.

I walked into the waiting room just as Dr. Thomas came out of his office and called me over. Talk about good timing. I walked into his office and sat down in the chair across from him. He picked up a folder and flipped though it looking at some papers. He must have found the one he wanted because he pulled out what looked like 4 x-rays. He went over to this thing that I really have no idea what it is called (It's a white board and a light shines though ). Anyway, he put the x-rays up, side by side and flicked on the light. He then turned to me and said "Hello Leah"

"Hi" I whispered. Ok it is one thing to have Molly tell me but Dr. Thomas saying it really makes it all real.

"Now, you know that I called you in for more testing but you probably don't know why. Or well, you probably have an idea of why I have called for more tests" he said taking out a marker out of his desk and walking back over to the x-rays. "Now this is an x-ray of your leg that we took five years ago, and this is where your cancer was. He said while circling a dark spot on my leg "and this is a x-ray that we took after your cancer went away, and as you can see there is no dark spots. Now this" he said pointing to the third x-ray "is the x-ray we took two weeks ago and here" he said circling a small dark circle "Is why we had you come back in for more tests. It looks like the cancer is coming back, but we could have been wrong. Somehow the x-ray could have been damaged in the making, or something else could have happened, so I wanted to be sure that we had an accurate test before we did something to try and cure the cancer. So we took another x-ray and this is what we came up with" he said pointing to the fourth and last x-ray on the board and in the same spot as the last one was a dark spot. The only difference is that the fourth x-ray's dark spot was a tiny bit bigger then the last. "Do you understand what I am telling you?" He asked me coming back to sit in his chair behind his desk.

"Yes" I said almost crying but trying to hold it all in.

"Now" he said "you have really only one choice for treatment now and I know that you probably won't like it, one bit but I am afraid that it's the only way" he said sounding really sad.

"What would that be" I asked scared what the answer is going to be.

"Well...It's amputation we will have to cut your leg off before the cancer spreads." I knew it. He mentioned it 5 years ago and my mother made him give me another test and it turned out that the cancer was gone so I got to keep my leg. It was weird because this happened after I met a woman who I think was an angel, 'cause she touched my leg and it was suddenly better, and after Rebekah's funeral I saw her with Rebekah when Rebekah showed up for one last good-bye. This woman's name was Gabriella. I would have hoped that God would send her to help me again but why should he, he has already given me three very special gifts. The first being my Mother who has tried so hard to give me what I want no matter what. The second being, letting me meet the Longacre family especially Charity, Rebekah, and Ethan. They have changed my life so much for the better. And the third being life and sending Gabriella so I would have a longer life with my leg. And plus Gabriella said that I would never see her again.

That was what I thought about as I broke down and started to cry, I may have said that I really didn't expect God to help me out but that doesn't mean I wasn't scared.

A/N: Ok now please update and just so ya know Dr. Thomas was implying that she had cancer (just incase you didn't pick up on it). And in real life there are other ways that she could try but for my story it works better this way. Ok, ok.

Now please review and so sorry it took me so long to update and if you want to know why you can check my profile page and there is a little note at the bottom.