Summary: Roy is Fuhrer, and both he and Edward are married to two different women. Roy is married to Hawkeye, and Edward is married to the new colonel, Starrla. One night, when Starrla is singing at Club Orange, she mistakes Roy for Edward and kisses him. Starrla is engaged to Roy, and Roy is married to the lovely new General Hawkeye. But will things change? Will divorces develop?

Roy Mustang was so. Amazingly. Bored.

He didn't know being Fuhrer would be so HARD! Every day, it was work, work, work, sign, sign, and sign. All He did was scribble his signature on papers for no apparent reason. It was late, and he just had… Oh, say 20 more papers to sign and fill out. Roy began to toy with his eye patch, then he stared at the sky, then he leaned back as far as he could in his chair before tipping backwards and banging his head on the wall.


The thick oak double doors muffled the voice. But he knew only one person who worked this late: his wife, and lovely general, Riza Hawkeye.

"Come in, Riza!" He called. Maybe they could pass the time with something so he didn't have to do paper work…

The door was pushed open.


Edward looked at his Fuhrer. "Sir?"

Edward, now twenty-three, was engaged himself, but not to Winry. He was engaged to a woman named Starrla, who was the Colonel in Central. In order to marry Riza, Roy had to lift the law on fraternization. So Edward took this to his advantage. Edward was now the Major General, which was a very important military rank. Edward had grown to a full height of about 5'11", which was about up to Roy's chin. However, he still suffered nicknames like "miniature" and "pint-sized."

Starrla, however, was a whole different matter. She was about 5'8" and had gold-orange hair, with a fair face and pale skin. Starrla had personally dyed her military jacket orange, and wore it open to reveal a plain white t-shirt beneath. Instead of the standard miniskirt, Starrla wore black pants to her ankles and tall boots. Edward and Roy had argued continuously until Roy had agreed that married or engaged women didn't have to wear the miniskirt. Except Riza. She had to. Starrla knew nothing about alchemy except the basic principals, and simply didn't bother. She preferred guns. Like Riza. And swords. Like the previous Fuhrer, Fuhrer Bradley, who turned out to be Pride the homunculus.

Starrla had a voice like a lark and fingers that could play a piano well, and often went down to the new club, Club Orange, and sang. It was what she did in her spare time, as well as go down to the theater and try out for musicals.

Edward shut and locked the door. "Okay, Roy, you have got to help me. Starrla wants me to go watch her sing at the club tomorrow night, but I have to be in Dublith. Grandma Pinako came down wit h a fever and Winry doesn't know how to help."

Roy sighed. "So what do you want me to do?"

"Can you go for me?"

"I'm to tall to pass as you, sorry."

Edward fumed, but calmed himself. "You don't have to. Lots of people from the military go down to watch, and as long as you go there will be balance. Take Riza, take Bloch, take Armstrong, take Havoc. I don't care, just PLEASE go!"

Edward shoved Roy a ticket. Roy just flipped it onto his desk. "Is it free?"

"Yeah! All been paid for!"

"'Course I'll go, then."

"THANK YOU! I swear to God, I'll do super good on my next assignment! Oh, yeah, could you pick up some flowers for her?"


Once the doors thumped behind Edward, Roy shuffled around on his desk until he came up with the ticket.

"I never knew this club was so formal." He said to himself.

-Club Orange presents-

Colonel Starrla Elric

Singing the lovely, well known tune,

"My Will", written by Do As Infinity

-Admit one-

What song is that? He thought. Oh well. It sounds nice.

Edward left the Central building, smirking. What a fool, that Fuhrer. What an idiot. To not realize his scheme at once. Edward had left for Resembool last week, so Envy had to fill in for the Fullmetal Alchemist.
"Thank you for buying me a ticket, Roy!" Riza smiled and cuddled with her husband's arm.

"Me, too!" Cain Fury added.

"And, me, of course!" Armstrong put in.

"Yeah… At $20 a ticket, you'd all better have a good time." He sniffed. Roy had dressed in a red jacket and a white shirt, and just regular black dress pants. Riza was wearing a black dress to her knees, Armstrong just wore his military uniform and Fury wore just a black suit. Simple, yet formal. Roy had a bouquet of lilies in his hand, which he told Riza were for Starrla from Edward.

Roy threaded his way through the club until he found a dim-lit table near the stage. There was a black grand piano hauled up on stage, as well as a small microphone set on a one-foot stand on the top. It was like the whole club was full of people just to listen to Starrla. Roy, looking through the crowds, recognized several familiar faces: Falman, Havoc, Breda.

A waiter shuffled over, and blinked. "Fu…Fuhrer Mustang!"

"Yes, duh, I'm here." Roy replied. "Starrla is my colonel. You think I would want to watch her?"

"Well, uh, yes. May I bring you something?"

Every hand at the table flew up. "Red wine!"

The waiter nodded and shuffled off to get four glasses of wine.

"So when is Starrla coming on?" Fury asked. "I've never heard her sing before!"

"Of course you have, Fury. Remember, at Edward's birthday party?" Roy brought up.

"No, sorry. Remember, I had to work?"

"Oh, really? I didn't notice."


The voice took Roy by surprise, and he almost fell off his chair.

"Hehe. Thank you for such a… Gracious announcement!" Starrla giggled slipping from behind the curtain. She was dressed in a short, glittery orange dress and had her hair pulled up into a neat bun.

Roy looked at Riza. "Don't you think she looks a bit…?"

Riza nodded. "I wonder why the Fullmetal doesn't have a problem with it?"

Starrla sat down, her dress shimmering. Roy, in this light, could faintly see the orange tattoos on her shoulders. The one on her right shoulder was a star, and the other was a moon. These represented herself, Starrla, and her sister, Moonan, who… I'll get into it later. From her right ear hung an orange moon earring, and from the left hung an orange star.

Starrla played several scales, and then adjusted the microphone. "As it says on your tickets, I will be performing the song 'My Will', written by Do As Infinity. It's in our language, unlike 'Wind' that I sang last week. Once I get my fingers on the keys, I'll start."

"Have you ever heard this song before?" Roy asked his wife. Riza shrugged. "Maybe once, on the radio. I don't think so."

"I've heard it!" Fury piped up. "It's a wonderful song. Sad, though. You'll love it. Okay, I think Starrla's ready…"

"Quietly awakening...
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you..."

Starrla's fingers fluttered over the keys, and her eyes closed with the melody. Roy shivered. The first word even seemed sad.

"Unable to move forward across 'just a little more' distance
The way I see before me is always blocked
Every time the days I want to see you but can't pile up,
My strong heartbeat turns to heartbreak.

If there is such a thing as 'eternity',
I want to believe, even if I have to take the long way.
Although I know that I've been hurt before because I'm clumsy
I won't stop; I won't give in to anyone."

Roy sank into the words. They were so well written, and so well put together… It made him feel sad and exhausted.

"I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...

I've known all too well about pretending to be strong.
But since then, my doubts have vanished."

Riza looked at her husband. Roy's eyes were closed and he had sank back into his chair. His arms were folded on his stomach and his mouth was twitching up in a smile. Riza nudged him, making him jump.

"Are you falling asleep?" She hissed.

"No! Hell no! This is… Great…"

"There's definitely things I want to show you
And so many words I want to hear
I want to see all sides of you, when you laugh and cry
So I'll stop waiting
and seize my 'chance.'

I think of you,
and I feel like that alone is enough
to make my heart grow stronger.
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you..."

Fury leaned on the table. Roy looked at him as if he were insane. "Are you CRYING?"

"This song always makes me cry! It's just so sad!"

"I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
my distant voice can't reach you now,

But so that someday it definitely will...
Believe. La la la la la la
Believe. La la la la la la
Believe. La la la la la la…"

The piano continued for what seemed like twenty seconds, and then drifted away. Starrla stood up, bowed and slipped away behind the curtain.

"I told you! You loved it, Roy." Fury teased.

Roy glared at him, then stood up. "I have to go take these flowers to Starrla. They're from Ed, and he asked me to give them to her."

"All right, Roy." Riza smiled. "We'll wait for you. Our wine is just getting here, anyway!"

It wasn't hard to find her room. There were two doors around the back. One was blank, but the other had a golden star on it and "Starrla" written across it in bold, underling letters. Starrla didn't just sing there, she actually worked there, and got paid.

Roy knocked on the door lightly, toying with the flowers. He hoped he could at least get two words out before he was slapped: "From Edward."

Starrla looked up from the makeup table. She was going to perform another song in ten minutes, and was just making sure what makeup she would wear. Or if she should just keep the makeup she had on now. She stood up and clicked in her heels to the door, looking out the peek hole. All she saw was a flash of red; Edward's jacket.

"EDWARD!" She shrieked gleefully. She pulled open the door and, without even bothering to look, threw her arms around Roy and gave him a big kiss.

Roy was stunned. He was married, and Starrla was engaged.

And then Starrla noticed… Roy was tall.

She opened her eyes and blinked. Roy blinked back. Starrla slowly stepped back into her room.

Roy shoved her the flowers. "These are from Ed."

"I'm engaged."

"I'm married."




Starrla shut the door. She stepped backwards far into her room, sank into the corner… And burst to tears.

"Oh my God! I kissed the Fuhrer!"