Disclaimer: I do not own Jareth, the Labyrinth, or any of its inhabitants. I do own anything/ anyone/ anyplace that I created in this fanfic… which I also own… XP nah!

I also do not own Aminta or Mikel. They were both created by Eriks leadinglady and belong to her.

Summary: It's been ten years since Sarah's trip to the Underground to save her baby brother from an accidental wish. She thinks she's finally rid of the Goblin King when he suddenly shows up, revealing that she's been wished away. But something's different about her and he intends to figure out what it is. Can he help heal her past or will they continue to hurt each other?

Warning: Jareth is totally out of character. So is Sarah.

Last Time:

After a few minutes Jason slowly made his way back over to avoid looking suspicious. He stopped to chat with Washi for a moment before he finally returned and flopped down in a chair between them. "Gretchen's the one in the peach colored gown and Margaret is the one in the black one."

Sarah grinned wickedly. "Wonderful. Thank you so much Jason."

Jason raised an eyebrow. "I get the feeling I just helped commit a crime…"

Cackling, the brunette headed towards the tables. Kara sighed heavily, leaning back in her chair. She swung her feet up onto Jason's leg and he scowled. "You make me go investigate and now you're using me as a foot rest?"

"Yup." He sighed and shook his head but continued sipping at his drink.

A shriek from the other side of the room made them turn quickly. Sarah was crying out apologies, hands fluttering about the two women who were dripping in punch. Gretchen screeched and stormed out of the room, Margaret hurrying after her. Jason and Kara exchanged a glance. Jason rolled his eyes and Kara giggled, watching as Jareth walked over to the brunette and Sarah gave him the thumbs up.

Heal Me, Hurt Me

By: Kadasa Mori

Chapter 50 (December 31st)

"Hey Jareth!" Turning from his pacing, the blond immediately found himself enveloped in a tight hug.

"Good morning Sarah. Did you sleep well?"

"Uh huh! I have to ask a favor though."

He frowned slightly. "What kind of favor?"

"I need to go aboveground again."


She pouted. "Please?" she asked with puppy eyes, tugging lightly on his sleeve.

He sighed heavily. "Fine, fine." He held out a crystal and she squealed, hugging him again.

"Thanks Jareth!" she chirped.

"Get me some of those cookies while you're at it," he said before she disappeared. He saw her salute before she disappeared entirely. He shook his head and went back to his papers.

"Thank you darling. Have a good day." Reishka waved as the little girl and her mother walked out. They stepped out the door, thanking the young woman holding it open before that person walked in.


"Sarah Williams! I have to say, I'm almost getting sick of seeing you."

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Thanks Reishka. You have no idea how much that warms my heart."

She grinned. "The regular?" At Sarah's nod, she started packing a tin of cookies. "So are you going tonight?"

"Yup. Gonna try and get everyone else to go as well."


"Yeah. Jareth's family."

"He has family?"

Sarah rolled her eyes again, pulling out her wallet. "Yes Reishka. Everyone has family. He's got a mom, a dad, two sisters, three nieces and a nephew."

"Oooo! How old are they?"

"Uh… Bella's six, Kat's five, Emily is four and I think Edmund is a year and a half maybe."

Reishka squealed, it looking odd on an older lady. "Little kids! I can't wait to meet them!"

Sarah giggled, taking her change and the cookie tin. "You will. See ya later. Starts at nine right?"

"Nine-thirty! You'd better be here by eight to get good seats though!"

"Got it taken care of." Sarah waved, exiting the store and hurrying back home. She finished up getting things ready for that night then flicked the crystal sitting on her table, immediately reappearing underground. She dropped the cookies off to Jareth, who thanked her, immediately pulling one out and going back to work. Sarah in turn, headed for the kitchen. She blinked as she recognized the person at the table. "Hey Kara!"

"Huh?" the strawberry blond turned from her ice cream. "Oh hey Sarah. What's up?"

Sarah raised an eyebrow, looking at the table devoid of any reading material. "No book?"

Kara shrugged. "Jason will be showing up soon. No point to it." She spooned out some ice cream. "Mm. Want to share? Kira made it and it's four times the normal size of an ordinary ice cream."

Sarah giggled and took a seat across from the girl, grabbing her own spoon. "So what's new?"

Kara shrugged again. "Not much. It's been boring for the past few days."

"Yeah, where have you been?"

"A friend's on the other side of the Underground. Book meet." She scooped out another spoonful of ice cream and glanced up. "Noticed did you?"

Sarah moaned. "Jason was intolerable." Kara giggled. "Kept complaining you were out with your boyfriend."

Kara blinked blankly at her. "Boyfriend?" Sarah raised an eyebrow, spoon hovering over the ice cream as she stared at her. "I don't…" A smirk slowly grew over her features. "Ah… yes. My boyfriend."

"Kara… what are you talking about?"

An innocent look covered her features. "Whatever are you talking about Sarah?" she asked.

Sarah tsked. "Kara. It's not nice to keep secrets from your friends."

"Hm… I'm sure it's not."

The brunette rolled her eyes and took a rather large scoop of ice cream. "I'll figure it out sooner or later Kara. Don't you worry about that!"

"Worry about what?" Sarah inhaled the ice cream, forcing her to swallow it all. Jareth raised an eyebrow as she shrieked loudly, hitting her head against the table. He turned to his sister in confusion and she shrugged.

"Brain freezes are harmful to the brain," Kara announced informatively. "I don't believe she'll recall what's been said." Sarah sent her a dark glare, too busy punching her head to reply back.

Jareth crossed his arms. "But you do."

"Seeing as how it's about me I'm hardly about to divulge." Jareth rolled his eyes and walked out.

"Thanks for the help you blond jerk!" Sarah shouted after him only for Kira to poke her head in.

"I didn't do anything yet!" she wailed. "You guys are so mean!"

Sarah rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean you Kira. I meant your dumb brother." The blond was too busy wailing about their 'mean-ness' to listen.

Jason hugged her tightly as he leapt into the room. "Poor Kira!" Sarah shot Kara a look as the strawberry blond sighed. "And Kara! So lovely to see you again! It's been so long!"

"Mm. Two days Jason."

He grinned widely. "Aw! You counted!" He grabbed her hands. "Alas, my love. I cannot spend time with you right now!" She raised an eyebrow. "I've been called upon by our lord goblin king for very important matters of discussing things about stuff."

Sarah and Kira stared in confusion. "Well you'd better get to that meeting," Kara nodded expertly, pulling her hands from his and reaching for her ice cream. He saluted and hurried from the room. Once he was gone she sighed. "That went much better than I'd feared."

"Feared?" Sarah asked, headache gone and ice cream devoured once again.

Kira snorted, grabbing her own spoon and aiding the ice cream eating. "You shoulda seen him after Kara was away for a month."

Kara groaned, turning bright red. "Can we please not talk about this?"

Sarah grinned widely. "So what'd he do?"

"Well," Kira started. "First, he kinda didn't notice she was back. Was annoying me as usual and then he kinda realized there was another blond in the room that wasn't me or Jareth and gasped, screamed 'Kara my love!' and raced over, glomping her so tight, they both fell over."

Sarah frowned. "That's not that bad…"

"It was at a huge party." Kira smirked at her little sister. "And I mean huge. Like every lord and lady in the Underground." Kara moaned and hid her face in her arms as Sarah cackled.

"That's number two on the 'Let's Embarrass Kara' List." Kara announced. "Number one was when he tackled me into the lake and we had to walk back to the castle soaking wet and covered in weeds." Kira nearly snorted her ice cream up her nose, choking on the cold on her face as Sarah burst into a fit of laughter. Kara joined in the laughter at her sister's face.

Once their laughter subsided, Kara sighed. "But… that party will haunt me for years to come."

"Party… years…." Sarah gasped. "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys!"

Kira and Kara's eyebrow rose. "Tell us what?"

She started talking faster than the speed of light, both blonds just staring blankly at her as she slowly turned purple from lack of air. "… anditsgonnabeawesomesoyougottacome!"

There was a pause, Kira stuffing ice cream into her mouth and Kara just staring before she asked, "tell us what?"

Sarah grinned, racing through the castle. Everyone was gathered except one poofy blond haired Goblin King who she'd been told to get. She skidded past his door and hurried back, throwing the door open. "Jareth!" He turned as Sarah raced over. She grabbed his hand. "Come on! We're gonna be late!"

"Late for what?" he asked as she tugged him down towards the entryway.

"The fireworks!"


Kira and Alan stood there, all of the kids bundled up tightly, Evie standing beside Ryuu, Kara arguing with Jason as usual and her parents watching in amusement. She grinned widely. "Okay, Evie, Ryuu and Kira, you know where my house is right?" They nodded. "Good. She released Jareth's hand, instead wrapping her arm around his father's. Glorificus raised an eyebrow. "You can take me aboveground, but I'll guide you. Jareth you take your mum and one of the Three Musketeers. Kira and Alan can take the other two and I'll grab Sir Riley." The dog barked and trotted beside her. "Evie you bring Jason or Kara." She quickly grabbed Kara's hand. Ryuu sighed and grabbed Jason's arm. "I'll meet you guys there!"

Somehow, none of them got lost, everyone appearing in her backyard. She grinned. "Yay! All right. Follow me!" She led them through the small forest behind her house on a path devoid of any mud or grass.

Jareth stepped up beside her and lowered his voice. "How is there a clean path for us to follow?"

She grinned up at him. "Why do you think I kept asking to go aboveground last week? Took for-ev-er but I got it done in time!"

He sighed and swung an arm around her shoulders. "And here I thought you were shopping for chocolate or something." She rolled her eyes but didn't remove the arm.

It took nearly ten minutes to get through the trees but Sarah grinned as they reached the exit and waved an arm. "Welcome to the party!" she chirped. The entire field was set up in tents, people selling food or random little trinkets. On the hill to the left lay blankets with awaiting their occupants. Sarah grinned as they stared at her in confusion. "This is the New Year's Party! It'll rock your socks!" She spun on her heel. "But first! We must find my very special friend. She said she'd be towards the front on the left."

"What does she sell?" Kara asked in interest as they walked through the fair.

"Probably ice cream, cookies, hot chocolate – you know, stuff that makes little kids go insane on sugar." Kara smirked, glancing back at her sister who groaned. "There's Reishka! Reishka!!!"

The woman turned and grinned brightly. "Sarah my dear!" She hugged her then turned to her company. "And who are these young ladies?" she asked the Three Musketeers."

"I Bella!" Bellezza chirped. "This Kat and Emmy and Riley!"

Reishka laughed. "I know Riley already. He came to visit me a lot, right Riley?" He barked and she pat his head, pulling out his bowl. "What shall it be today? Chocolate or vanilla?" He barked twice and she laughed again, put ice cream in the bowl and set it on the ground. As he attacked it, she turned to the girls. "And what would you young ladies like?"

Five minutes later they were walking towards the spot Sarah had saved them on the hill, each of the Three Musketeers holding a bag of sugary goodness, a huge bowl of ice cream and about a gallon of hot chocolate. Kira and Alan glared darkly at Sarah who sent them an innocent look. "What?"

"Here ya go."

"Thanks!" Sarah chirped, taking her food and handing them several bills, hurrying over to Kira and Alan who were standing nearby. "Fried dough!" she sung, happily sinking her teeth into the treat.

"You're lucky I got Alan to come along," Kira suddenly informed Sarah causing Alan to roll his eyes.

The brunette blinked and turned to her. "Aaht?" she asked around her fried dough.

Kira raised an eyebrow as she inhaled the powdered sugar and fell into a coughing fit. "I said, you're lucky I got Alan to come. He wasn't gonna but I told him if he didn't you'd be after him for the rest of the year."

"Which I told her would only be a few more hours," Alan announced, watching as Jason ran away from the ice cream covered Three Musketeers.

"So I threatened him with you after him for all of next year and he came along."

Sarah grinned. "Glad to know I could be of service."

Alan rolled his eyes. "Only for tormenting me. Thanks for that." She sent him thumbs up. "I'm gonna go save Jason from your daughters, Kira."

Watching Alan walk off, Sarah nudged Kira. "Aren't you happy you forced him to come along?" Kira rolled her eyes but grinned in good humor.

A woman beside them, having heard the entire conversation turned to them and winked. "Yeah, I got my hubby here too so we can do the traditional kiss."

Kira raised an eyebrow, Sarah's eyes widening in mortification as she suddenly remembered the age-old tradition and trying, but not succeeding to sink into the ground. "Kiss?"

"Yes dear! As soon as the bell tolls you have to kiss whomever you love! Didn't you know?"

She turned slyly to Sarah who was trying to sneak away. "No… I didn't… Sarah?"

"Yes?" she squeaked.

"Did you know about this?"

"I… er… no… I forgot." She laughed nervously. "No. I think I left something on the stove at home!" She turned to run away but Kira caught her arm.

"Ah ah ah. You couldn't miss family time Sarah. Thank you ma'am! Let's go tell everybody Sarah!" She dragged Sarah over beside Jareth, who was seated on a picnic blanket, hands propping himself up, and grinned. "See ya."

Jareth raised an eyebrow at the cherry colored Sarah. "… are you all right?"

She jumped. "Fine!" she squeaked. "Just peachy!"

He slowly nodded. "I thought you didn't like peaches…"

"I said I'm fine!"

He held his hands up in defense. "All right…"

She pouted then sighed. "Sorry Jareth."

"It's all right… was Kira being annoying again?"

"When is she not annoying?"

He chuckled. "Good point."

There was microphone static and everyone turned to look at the stage at the front of the field. "Thank you all for coming! It is now 11:58 and counting! Please join in for the final countdown!" The projection screen showed the ball in New York City glimmering.

"What's that?" Jason asked, nudging Sarah.

"It's this beautiful crystal ball in Times Square. When it hits 11.59 it starts to drop and when it hits the year at the bottom it'll light up everything and it'll signify the new year."

"Oh… can I have it?"

She sent him a dull look. "No." He pouted.

"Do you do this every year?" Jareth asked.

"I watch the ball drop every year but I've only come here for the past two."

"It's 11.59! One minute until the new year!!!" They all watched as the ball slowly dropped. As it hit ten seconds, everyone began counting. "Ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…four… three… two… one… Happy New Years!!!"

Music began playing, fireworks going off as couples turned to each other and kids squealed running in circles and throwing confetti in the air. Kira laughed and kissed Alan, Hotaru kissing Glorificus. Kara let Jason to kiss her cheek, hiding her flush when he did, Evie quickly kissing Ryuu.

Jareth frowned, eyes narrowing. "What's everyone kissing for?" he asked in confusion.


He turned to her. "Huh?"

"I…" She took a deep breath before grabbing the front of his shirt and tugging. His eyes widened as their lips met, brain shutting down in shock before he realized what was happening and kissed her back. Light flashed beyond closed eyes but he paid no attention. Sarah pulled away after a moment and turned bright red and wringing her hands together nervously. "Happy New Years Jareth."

He blinked once again before wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. "Happy New Years Sarah." She smiled and leaned back into the hug.

There was another flash of lightning and they turned to find Kira holding a camera, Jareth's family and Reishka's standing there. Sarah turned bright red again and shrieked. "Kira!!!"

The blond grinned. "Yes-AUGH!" She raced away as Sarah tore after her screaming death threats.

Kara sighed. "I'll go make she doesn't kill her…"

"Thank you Kara," Hotaru smiled, waited until Kara disappeared then hurried to Jareth and hugged his head. "You're so cute!!!" she squealed.

Reishka was beside her also squealing. "You two are perfect for each other!!!"

Glorificus sighed heavily, Jason cackling and Alan rolling his eyes. A tug on the dark haired man's pants made him look down. Bellezza frowned. "Daddy? Does this mean Sarah is Aunt now?"

He sighed but couldn't help the grin across his face as Jason cracked up. "Not yet Bella. Not yet…"

A half an hour later the Three Musketeers had dropped and a half an hour after that Jason began complaining about being cold so they all made their way back to the Underground. Sarah hummed to herself as she got ready for bed, rubbing lotion on her arms and thinking about the fireworks, what was going to happen in the next year, kissing Jareth, the w-

"Oh my god…" she inhaled then turned bright red, hands slapping to her cheeks. "I kissed Jareth!" She grabbed her pillow, stuffed it over her face and screamed into it.

Meanwhile, Jareth was trying to keep the blush on his cheeks from spreading as Jason grinned and taunted him. "Jason!" he snapped. "If you don't shut up I'll tell Kara you were the one who dropped her teddy bear in the mud!"

Jason blinked then grinned wickedly. "I already told her! Besides, you've got more important things to worry about! Like the fact you and Sarah kissed! Awww! You two make such a cute couple!!!" He was having the time of his life annoying the Goblin King who was slowly turning red… until a pillow hit him in the face. As the pillow fell off, he blinked and looked around finding no Goblin King.

Staring up at the stars, Sarah recalled all of last year. The first five months had been a blur of working, hanging out with Carmen, running and Dieter's Heaven. After that she'd found herself in the Underground where every day was something new. She'd met so many people both good and bad; mostly good though… except Kaigan… and the guy that kidnapped her and those two at the party and that snake at the meeting and-

She cut her thoughts of with a growl. Okay brain. You made your point. Lots of bad people. She looked back up at the sky and sighed.

Arms wrapped around her shoulders and she jumped looking back at Jareth. He smiled and she blinked then turned bright red. "Hi," she squeaked.

He put his chin on her shoulder. "Hi… Jason's being annoying."

She snorted. "When is Jason not annoying?"


"Therefore stating he's annoying is like stating your hair is a blond poofy mess."

He pouted. "Thanks."

"Welcome." She looked back up and he looked up as well.

"What are you looking at?"

"The sky."

"Well… obviously. What at though?"

"Just… thinking about what the New Year might bring."

"I know."

She glanced at him. "You do?" At his nod, she asked "and?"

"And what?"

She pouted and poked his side." Jareth. What will it bring?"

He rubbed his side. "Well, Jason will annoy Kara, Kira will be blamed for everything that goes wrong, you will eat chocolate and I will taunt you daily." Sarah tried to scowl but ended up giggling. He chuckled and hugged her closer. "So… can I have a good night kiss?"

She turned bright red but nodded. Giggling from the doorway made them turn. Jason and Kara had smacked their hands over Kira's mouth, all three staring at them. Sarah and Jareth glowered and Kira squealed, running off. Jason turned, opening his mouth but the door slammed in his face, Jareth's arm lowering from the crystal he'd thrown. Sarah giggled at the muffled 'ow!'

Jareth smirked then turned to her. "Well?"

"My hero," she chirped and kissed him.

Outside the door Jason rubbed his nose and turned to Kara whose lips were twitching. He pouted. "Kara… my nose hurts."

"What will make it feel better?"

He tapped his chin. "Hm… ice cream?"

She chuckled and hooked an arm around his. "Only if you treat."

He grinned and tugged on her hair. "As long as there's strawberry I'll be fine." She rolled her eyes elbowed him.



To all Heal Me, Hurt Me Readers and Reviewers,

It only took two years, three months and fourteen days to complete the first half of Heal Me, Hurt Me but it's finally done! Whoo! The second half will be called Heal Me, Hurt Me II. Original ain't it? XD

DA KISS HATH ARRIVED!!! For all those who were like "YO! Where's the kiss dude?!" There is it! (points) Horribly written but it's there!!

Thanks to "justanotherditzyredhead" for the reminder of Kara's boyfriend who will return in the second half XD I have so many characters I forget about them!

If anyone has ever been to Friendly's and ordered their HUGE sundae with 12 scoops of Ice Cream and 6 different toppings… you know what I mean about it being 4 times the size of a normal ice cream. It took eight people (including myself) to finish this thing in THIRTY minutes. It was GIGANTIC! … now I want ice cream… TT.TT

Imma lazy bum so it seems kinda unfinished but I couldn't start anything new cause this part's ending! So yeah, this part is over! Thanks to everyone who's kept up with me this far and to everyone who's begun reading!!! Next part will be up soon! Please watch for it!

Till then,

Kadasa Mori