All Characters are (c) of their respected owners
Important note below!
Team Chaos - Chapter 1: Faint Memories
Rouge paced back and forth on the beach of Sea Side Hill in frustration. "Dang! We have to find a base and soon!" She yelled.
"Calm down, Rouge. What's the hurry? We've been doing just fine without a base, why do we need one now?" Shadow asked as he sat on the beach, tinkering with his emerald, while he watched the ocean glisten as the sun set on the horizon.
Rouge stopped and glared at him. "We need a base because we're totally exposed! Some one could easily spy on us and ruin any of our future plans! ...And...We're the only team that doesn't have one. Team Sonic has Tails' workshop, Team Rose has Amy's house, and Team Chaotix has their detective agency building. We, on the other hand, have nothing!" She replied in an agitated voice.
Shadow was still looking out to the ocean. " want to be better than the other teams? You want to have what they have and more? Just because they have something you don't, you have to have it, correct? You just want to be the best, huh?"
Rouge's face grew red as she clenched her fists in fury. Omega took note of what was about to happen and stepped several feet away. Rouge smacked Shadow in the back of his head, forcing him to land face first into the sand. He pushed himself up.
"What the hell was that for?!" Shadow yelled as he tried to spit the unwanted sand from his mouth. Rouge gave him an evil look.
"Hmph! You shouldn't say what isn't true! I'm not trying to be the best! I am the best! Now come on, we need to find a base, ASAP! It's getting dark." The bat started walking along the beach
Shadow stood up and dusted the sand off of his fur. "C'mon, Omega. We better do as she says. Who knows what she'll do to us if we don't."
The robot nodded as the two followed after the female.
They had walked a little ways up the beach, when Shadow noticed Team Rose on the other side and stopped. Rouge could sense that he wasn't following her anymore. "Shadow! Don't dilly dally! We need to-"
"Rouge...who is that girl?" He interrupted.
She looked over to the band of three strolling across the sand, "Depends... which one?"
"The female hedgehog. I...I feel like I know her. I remember her from somewhere."
"Oh...that's just Amy Rose," Rouge said as she walked off.
Shadow watched Amy, as she and her team walked along the moonlit beach. "She's beautiful." He said in a soft, low toned voice.
Rouge stopped. "What did you say?"
Shadow's head snapped to Rouge. "I...I...said nothing...nothing at all!" A blush had come onto his face.
Rouge shrugged and continued walking. Shadow sighed and followed her and Omega. "It's strange, that girl, I remember her. She's the only thing I can remember. But why?" He thought to himself as they continued to walk down the beach.
First off, sorry for the delay! I plan to re-write the whole story before I continue. This signals the beginning. Though, not much at all was changed, just a detail or two, I thought I should put it up and let ya'll know it won't be long before the next chapter is out. I've also had some trouble these past months. Hopefully I can start fresh this's going smooth so far!
Proof read by Amechaninwonderland of Deviantart