Hey all :) My first fic here so uhm.. yeah (looks around nervously) Hope you enjoy it. Oh, and the first chapter is ALOT longer, trust me XD X3



Rain poured down on the dark depths of the Viridian Forest. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed.

Suddenly, a young Pikachu's cry could be heard above the chaos.

The young Pikachu was currently running through the forest, kicking up mud and dodging trees and bushes as he went. A look of anger could clearly be seen across his face.

"Pika…chuu" The young Pikachu panted as it continued running, sweat mixed with blood ran down his face, matting his light yellow fur. The Pikachu reached a clearing and sighed softly to himself. His ears perked as he looked around him franticly.

As if searching for someone..

Almost suddenly, a low growl erupted from a nearby tree the Pikachu was near.

"PikaA!" Jumping out of the way, with amazing agility, the young Pikachu just barely evaded a tail whip..from none other then a mirror image of himself. The Pikachu skidded across the clearing on all fours, mud coming up from the ground as he did so.

"Pikachuuuu" The young Pikachu looked across the clearing at the one that just attacked. A low growl escaped form deep within his throat.

"Pika!" The attacking Pikachu let out a battle cry, almost as if he were saying 'Fight me!'. His dark blue eyes blazed with red as he ran forward on all fours and lashed out at the other Pikachu.

The other Pikachu jumped backwards again, jumping on the side of a tree, and missed the retracted claws only by an inch.

The two Pikachu panted, their fur both matted down from the heavy rain and sweat.

Both pairs of eyes blazed like fire.

Both pairs of ears twitched uncertainly.

..Both gazed angrily at each other and let out a hiss that would scare any Pokemon back to their dens.

"PIKAAAA!" Both jumped up and, almost instantly, ignited their entire bodies with electricity. The electric connected with both Pikachu and combined. With almost enough power to light up all of Kanto, they both lashed out at each other in the electricity. They both fought violently, scratching, biting, whatever it took. They just wanted to hurt the other.

As if they were destined to fight..

And, almost after it started, the light faded. Both Pikachu dropped helplessly to the muddy ground. Fur sticking to their skin and electricity still going off in tiny sparks around them. The Pikachu's breath came in short gasps. Failing miserably to try and get up, they both turned over so they were facing up to the sky.

To the heavens..

This was not the way to end this. They knew that..but something drew them forward.


Both Pikachu let out a short sigh of defeat, and continued staring up at the starless sky..

"Pii.." I final, weak cry was made from both Pikachu as both of their hearts stopped together. Their eyes, which had held much expression just a few minutes ago, were now lifeless, as they still continued to look up..