Author: Ozluv04

Title: Under the Covers

Disclaimer: Firefly belongs to the great one, Joss Whedon. I am just a lowly fan girl who toys with the characters for her own amusement.

Warnings: Spoilers for the series. Most notably Ariel. And it's River/Jayne in bed. If that thought makes you feel squicky, you might not want to read.

A/N: Oh My God, I wrote a Firefly fic. I love this show so much, but writing fic for it terrifies me. I hope I didn't mangle it too badly. It's River/Jayne fluff, because you can never have too much of that. Feedback much appreciated. Enjoy!

Jayne is awoken by the sudden movement of someone jerking the covers over his head. He tenses, ready for a fight, before he realizes the culprit is stretched out across the length of his body. "Chikushou, Baby Doll, what're you tryin to do, suffocate me?"

River stared at him thoughtfully from beneath the blanket. "I like it here. Like a cave, only hot. Hot breath, hot bodies. It's nice."

"That's great, but did you have to get the notion in the middle of the night?"

"It's always night. The sky is always black. It's always dark. I like this dark. It feels safe and warm." River snuggled against his chest, and Jayne sighed and wrapped his arms around her slender body.

"I suppose it's nice enough. Not too good for breathing though, gets stuffy fast. What're reckon we pull the covers back a bit?" Jayne asked hopefully.

River held on to the hem of the sheet to prevent Jayne pulling it back. "No. It's safe here. Just us, no one else. No blue, just black."

"It's safe out there to Baby Doll, no blue. Just me and you, and you know no one ain't going to hurt you as long as I'm here. I ain't go'in to let it happen." Jayne rubbed River's back lightly.

"You tried to sell me to the big bad wolf once, I was just a little girl lost, you didn't protect me then. They wanted to tear me to pieces, take me apart and put me back together again. Only they forget where everything goes. Sometimes they lose some off the pieces.."

"Choo fay wuh suh leh, Baby Doll. Those bastards, ain't never getting that close to you again."

"And will you sell me for a few pieces of silver?" River asked even though she already knew the answer.

"You know I'm sorry about that...if I had known...I'd never have done it.." River felt Jayne's body growing warm. He was blushing all over. She pulled herself up and brushed her lips against his.

"I know you won't but it's nice to hear you say it."

"You'll pay for that little River!" Jayne moved quickly, rolling over so River was beneath him. She squealed happily as Jayne tickled her mercilessly. After a few moments they lay quietly again, still burrowed under the covers. River settled into the crook of Jayne's arm and pressed herself against his side.

"You feel better, Baby Doll?", he murmured sleepily.

River was quiet a moment before she replied, "I feel safe."