This if my first fanfiction, so don't get too mad if it's really bad. Please read and review! Thanks ;)

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket... sigh.

Chapter One

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Tohru happily sang, running up to Kyo and giving him a box of chocolate.

"It's… Valentine's Day?" Kyo asked. Sweatdrop.

"Yes, silly, you didn't forget again, did you?" Tohru asked, still obnoxiously happy.


"Because… Valentine's Day is full of happiness and delight!" Tohru smiled, tears of joy spilling from her brown eyes.

"And also because Valentine's Day is a day to be feared for the members of the zodiac," Yuki mentioned dully, appearing somewhat out of nowhere.

"Yuki-kun!" one of Prince Yuki's many fangirls cried from just down the hall.

"Goodbye, Miss Honda," Yuki smiled half heartedly, sprinting down the hallway and disappearing around the corner.

"Yuki-kun? Yuki-kun! WAIT!" the fangirl shrieked, pathetically and rabidly chasing Yuki.

"What's so special about the stupid rat, huh? Why do so many girls chase after that selfish, weak…" Kyo began his usual tirade before he was interrupted by the arrival of a mob of a more fangirls.

"Yuki's that way if you're looking for…" Kyo started to say, absentmindedly pointing down the hall.

"KYO-KUN!" the girls shrieked in unison, cutting him off.

"W…what!" Kyo gasped.

"I love you sooo much!" one random fangirl shrieked, fainting on the spot. She was run over by the many other fangirls on their rampage to reach their beloved orange haired sweetheart. Aah, the life of the fangirl.

"N-no! Stop! Get away! Gack!" Kyo shrieked, akin to the screaming of the many high school girls, and ran down the hallway.

"Where's Kyo off to in such a hurry?" Haru asked monotonously, appearing behind Tohru.

"H-hatsuharu-san!" Tohru smiled. "Happy Valen…"

"That's nice," Haru said, patting Tohru absentmindedly on the head and walking off down the hall.

"Kyo… Kyo, accept my chocolates!" the fangirls cried. "I love you! Be mine!" Kyo was completely surrounded by the screaming girls and his numerous attempts to bat them off proved fruitless as they seemed to multiply before his eyes.

"Haru!" Kyo cried for help upon seeing the teen slowly trudge up the hall, staring up at the ceiling. "HELP!"

Looking down, the usually placid ox suddenly noticed his kitten being drowned in a sea of girls.

"Back off from my Kyo!" a now black Haru called, enraged. Unfortunately, the spirits of the girls could not be dampened by a simple threat, and Kyo was in as much trouble as ever.

"Wait, Kyo, don't try to run now!" the girls shrieked as Kyo had finally managed to remove all his limbs from the clingy girls and hurtle down the hall at top speed.

Halfway down the hall, however, another cry of the fangirls could be heard. "Where did he go?"

'Oh God, none of them hugged… he didn't… he couldn't… transform?' Haru thought, worried.

"I'm coming, Kyo!" Haru cried, charging down the hall and shoving every girl away who blocked his path. Suddenly, however, he felt two strong hands drag him into an empty classroom…


Well that's the end of the first chapter... I hoped you liked it. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon... I promise it'll have a lemon! Yum. Okay, so please review to tell me what I'm doing wrong. Bye!