Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto….

A/N: After Reading a lot of the reviews I did notice I made many mistakes so I decided to redo the whole Chapter 1. To the people who said Naruto must face the gates. I am giving him this ability because Kyuubi was seal within him. In the story Kyuubi was a very powerful alchemist so I guess that clears the point as to why he can use alchemist without the circles. But I'm going to give him that ability later on when he does more training with alchemist. For now he will stick with circles.

Summary: What if Naruto written down the rest of the scroll of seal only to find it isn't all about ninja techniques.

Talking "hello"

Thinking "hello"

Kyuubi and Inner Sakura talking "HELLO"

Naruto the Ninja Alchemist

Chapter One: The Beginning

Konoha, the hidden leaf village was in a uproar. The Scroll of Seals have been stolen by the number one prankster Uzumaki Naruto. Ninja everywhere was searching everywhere looking for him.

Naruto hiding deep inside the forest sat down by his favorite place near a Sequoiadendron tree unwrapped the scroll and began to read it. "The first move, lets see Kage Bunshin no Justu". "Damnit a bunshin justu is my worse justu ever". "It's a good thing I brought a extra scroll to copy these things down hehehe" Naruto cried happily. He continued to copy down the scroll until. "Lets see here Alchemist whats that?"

After spending a whole 3 hours copying the scroll Naruto finished and started to work on his Kage Bunshin. After an hour Iruka finally manages to find him.


"Mizuki-sensei said if I could learn one technique from this scroll I can pass the graduation exam" replied Naruto.

"Mizuki-sensei? Why would he do that" whispered Iruka.

"It seems you found Naruto before me Iruka-sensei" a person said from the trees.

"Mizuki why did you trick Naruto" asked Iruka.

Naruto taking the time they were talking hid the copy of his scroll of seal behind in the hole of the Oak tree.

"Why do you want the Scroll of Seal Mizuki"

"Why? To have the Ultimate power of course" "When I get the scroll I will surpass all the Hokages" "Now give me the Scroll of Seal Naruto" said Mizuki.

"Don't listen to him Naruto run with the scroll" yelled Iruka.

"Have you ever wondered why everyone hates you Naruto? There was a secret that was suppose to be kept away only from you" said Mizuki

"What is it?" Naruto said shocked

"Don't tell him Mizuki" yelled Iruka

"It is to never call you a demon fox, you are the demon fox that attacked Konoha 12 years ago!"

"Naruto don't listen to anything he say", said Iruka

"Iruka you are foolish I'll just kill you both" Mizuki said while unwrapping the fuma shuriken from his back. "Now both of you die", Mizuki yells throwing the fuma shuriken at Naruto.

Iruka quickly came to intercept the fuma shuriken protecting Naruto from the blow. "Naruto run away"

"No I won't run away, I won't leave you behind Iruka-sensei' said Naruto.

Iruka nodded. "I believe in you Naruto".

Iruka-sensei believes me I will not let him down. Naruto thought.

"How touching", "I'll prove to you demon fox just how pathetic you are", " I will get you both at the same time with this next one", yells Mizuki unwrapping another fuma shuriken preparing to throw it.

"Stay back Iruka-sensei I got this", said Naruto "KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUSTU" Hundreds of shadow clones poof into existence. The clearing was crowded with hundreds of clones surrounding Mizuki with smirks on their faces.

Naruto did a jounin technique and what is with this number of clones. Iruka thought.

"What is this" Whimpered Mizuki falling onto the floor staring at the clones as they surround him

"ATTACK!" yelled one of the Naruto. All the shadow clones jumped at Mizuki.

Mizuki's scream could be heard all through out the villiage.

Did he have to go scream like a girl. Winced Iruka.

"I think I overdid it" said the only remaining Naruto scratching his nose as all the clones poof out of existence.

"Naruto close your eyes" said Iruka..

Naruto closed his eyes, when he opened them he saw Iruka without his forehead protector on.

"Congratulations you graduated" "I'll even treat you to ramen when we get back"

"I love you Iruka-sensei" said Naruto pouncing on him.

"Get off me Naruto we still have to take Mizuki back to the village.

The next morning Naruto woke up bright and early and headed towards the hokage tower. He quickly took his picture and rushed out of the building only to run into Konohamaru and his teacher Ibisu.

"Who the heck do you think you are apologize to Konohamaru this instant", commanded Ibisu.

"I'm sorry" Naruto quickly apologized.

That was the fox brat. Thought Ibisu. As Naruto runs off into the distance.

"Ow who the heck hit me" Asked Konohamaru getting up.

"It was just a brat Konohamaru come along we have to see the Hokage" said Ibisu.

Naruto's POV

That man was looking at me with those same cold glaring eyes. Thought Naruto arriving at the Oak tree he hid the scroll in. He pulled the scroll out and opened it.


Katon: Goukakyuu No Justu (Fire Element: Powerful Fireball technique)

Description: The user gathers a large amount of chakra into their mouth and blows it out like a big flame thrower

Katon: Karyuu Endan (Fire Element: Fire dragon technique)

Description: The user gather a large amount of chakra into their mouth and breaths it out in a form of a dragon

Katon: Ryuuka no Justu (Fire Element: Dragon fire technique)

Description: The user gather a huge amount of chakra into their mouth and breath a stream of fire that is extremely strong, agile and very fast.

Kage Bushin Shuriken no Justu (Shadow Shuriken technique)

Description: Multiply a single shuriken into a few hundred.

Yomi no Shoutaku (Swamp of the Underworld)

Description: Creates a Swamp that swallows anyone caught in it.

What only 5 techniques I thought the scroll of seal have tons of justu. Thought Naruto. Oh this next part is about this alchemist thing.


Alchemy was an ancient form of study. It uses the basic forms of transmutation circles to form items from ingredients to create or mold it into something new. The most important law of Alchemist is Equivalent Exchange. If you use an amount of something it has to be form into something that is equal. In history there had been Nine great beings who held the ultimate alchemy powers. Each had a special power they specify in.


Naruto finish reading that part. Interesting nine great beings hmmmmm, this sounds oddly familiar, I really should of pay more attention in history classes. Thought Naruto. He continued looking at the different transmutation circles and it of their uses.

This is so interesting and I get 2 weeks to train before I have to meet my team. Though Naruto. Maybe I should use this time to try and learn a few moves and try this alchemy out. Thought Naruto.

The next day Naruto woke up bright and early. I know I have a good amount of stamina but I need a way to increase it. Thought Naruto. "Oh I can ask Iruka-sensei for help", Naruto said out loud. "After I eat breakfast of course". After 10 cups of ramen Naruto quickly ran towards Iruka's house. "IRUKA-SENSEI, IRUKA-SENSEI" Naruto yells as he bang on Irukas door.

"What are you doing here six o'clock in the morning", asked a sleepy looking Iruka.

"I wanted to ask if you got anyways to help me build up my stamina and chakra control" asked Naruto.

Is Naruto asking me to teach him, I must be having a dream. Thought Iruka.

"Hello Iruka-sensei are you there".

"Yea Naruto I'm here" Iruka replies finally believing Naruto was really there asking for help.

"So what ways can I build my stamina and my chakra control".

"Well you could get weights for stamina and speed building, for chakra control I have some excercises written down on a scroll you could learn from", Said Iruka.

"Wait here a bit I'll go get it now". Iruka went into the house and brought a scroll out and handed it to Naruto.

"Thanks Iruka-sensei I got to get some weights now", yelled Naruto running towards the stairs.

Iruka started to head back into his house.





Naruto ignored the person and headed to the weight shop. When he arrived he saw a shop with weapons of every kind. He saw kunais, swords, shuriken and lots of other items but weights. If Iruka-sensei tricked me I'm going to kick his ass. He thought. He entered and saw a girl that looked about his age sitting by the counter. "Hello is there any weights available" asked Naruto.

"Sure what kind do you want we got normal weights, chakra weights, chakra absorbing weights and this newly shipment of gravity tag that increases the amount of gravity around you but it costs a lot" answered the girl.

"How much does the gravity go up to".

"Only 10x but you can get two and that would make 20x but I don't think you can afford one of these tags yet". Replies the girl

"How much is it"

After being told of the price Naruto quickly counted his money seeing he have just enough but that would mean no ramen for a week. This is for training I'm sure I can last a week without Ramen. Thought Naruto. Oh just how wrong he was. "I'll get it so how do you activate this thing"

"You yell gravity times the amount you want, but I warn you if you go for times 10 at once you will be stuck like that because you wont even be able to move your mouth under all that pressure you understand", asked the girl.

"Yea I get it thanks", said Naruto paying for it and preparing to leave. "By the way what is your name", Naruto asked.

"Its Tenten" she answered. "Yours?".

"Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto"

Naruto quickly ran home and got his scroll of seal copy and headed towards the forest by the oak tree. He opened the Charka control scroll Iruka gave him. "Lets see".


Tree walking exercise

It was said if you master this exercise you could master any techniques out there.

By gathering the right amount of chakra to your feet you are able to stick to the tree without using the use of hands. It was said the hardest part to gather chakra is the feet.

Water walking exercise

This is just like the tree walking exercise but instead of walking on tree you walk on top of water. By accumulating the right amount of chakra you are able to stay afloat on top of the water.

The leaf exercise

An exercise created by myself. By concentrating on the leaf on your forehead you will store chakra into the leaf this takes immense concentration to achieve.


So that's why Iruka-sensei is always making me, Kiba, Shikamaru, and Chouji concentrate on the leaf on our forehead for punishment. Thought Naruto. "Anyways I guess I can jog with this gravity note on for 2 hours than 1 hour on stamina exercise, spend 2 hours on my chakra control, 2 hours with technique and 4 hours on alchemy since I barely even understand it".

Deep within Naruto, Kyuubi stirred hearing the word alchemy. It seems my host is practicing alchemy I guess I will feed him bits and bits of my knowledge when he sleeps. Kyuubi thought.

Naruto felt something stir in his stomach but took it for hunger. He put the Gravity tag on and yelled "gravity times 2". He instantly felt the effect the tag put on him. This tag is very good training if I can move that is. Thought Naruto. He struggles to move and after an hour he finally manages to start a slow walk. For an hour he walked around the clearing slowly getting used to the gravity. After that he began to do push ups, sit ups and punch and kicks. After that he started working on tree climbing. He took off the gravity knowing how dangerous it would be to fall from a tree at 2x gravity. For two hours he worked on chakra control only manages to get 1/20 way up the Sequoiadendron tree. He turned the gravity note on the second he finished with chakra control. He slowly walked towards the middle of the clearing where he left all his scrolls. He slowly opened the scroll of seal copy. He slowly memorized the seals for Katon: Goukakyuu no justu.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no justu" yelled Naruto concentrating the needed chakra. All he got was a puff of smoke coming from his mouth. Ok Naruto you can do this think of what you did wrong. Thought Naruto. That's it I have to concentrate Iruka-sensei's technique better work. Naruto slowly concentrate the needed amount of chakra into his mouth and hands while he perform the seals. "Katon: Goukakyuu no justu" he yelled once again. This time he got a puff of fire instead of smoke. "Yes I got fire instead of smoke". The next two hours the fire got a bit bigger and bigger even though its not big enough to do any damage.

"Ok finally its alchemy time". Lets try this circle first. "It says this circle is used to boil water…. Hehehehe now I can make my ramen faster". He packed his things turned off the gravity seal and he took off towards a nearby lake. When he arrived he started using a piece of stone to draw the circle. "I wonder if there is any ways that I can make the circle without using a stone, maybe when my chakra control gets better I can do the circles with my chakra" he said to himself. The next 4 hours he spend slowly trying to boil water in a pot he conveniently had with him.

After spending 4 hours he only managed to get the water warm. "This alchemy thing is much harder than I thought" he said as he slowly walked towards his house because of the effect of the gravity seal. It was night by the time he reached his house. "At long last I arrive" he says to nobody as he unlocks the door. He walks toward the kitchen area to find only 30 cups of noodles left. Oh no I won't survive with this little amount of ramen I guess I'll have to stop myself from eating too much. He thought as he opens one. He used alchemy to warm the water up and than started to heat it up by the stove. After a few minutes he heard the sounds of boiling. He closed the fire and started to pour water into his cup ramen. After eating he brushed his teeth and went to bed.

My vessel has fallen asleep it is time to feed him knowledge of alchemy. Thought Kyuubi. At through the night Kyuubi slowly feed Naruto bits and bits of information.

The next morning Naruto used alchemy to warm the water again only to find it boil already. "Heh that must have been a fluke" he said to no one. He made his ramens and headed towards the clearing again. This time he only brought his scroll of seal and a pot. He did his exercise again only to find he was able to slowly jog although it made him tired really quickly.

He started to do chakra control exercise only to find it was a bit easier. This is so weird its like I'm getting better by a few times after just one day. Thought Naruto.

By the end of two hours he managed to get 3/20 of the way. When he worked on his Goukakyuu it was larger by a lot as well even though it would only burn people a bit because it was still rather small and easy to dodge. When he got to the lake he filled the pot with water and tried to boil it again. It worked on the first time.

"Ok its as if I got a upgrade of something" he said to himself. He opened the scroll and read the next circle. "A circle that repairs crack that's good I can repair cracks on the wall of my house". Naruto started to head back home. He got a pack of chalk to write circles with. When he got home he slowly started to repair the cracks in his house. Only making the cracks even bigger in size. "AH I'm doing this all wrong".

For hours he spend working on a single crack and it for the first two hours grew enormous. He was able to slowly make the crack get smaller.

By the time he was finally done repairing the crack he sat down on the chair in his kitchen panting form exhaustion. He ate his ramen and went to sleep. Kyuubi slowly fed him knowledge of alchemy when he felt his vessel has fallen asleep. For two weeks this went on Naruto slowly learned all the basic alchemy, now he can create small objects from ingredients. He never got to advanced alchemy even though Kyuubi gave him knowledge. He mastered the Goukakyuu, able to do a decent Karyuu Endan, He was able to master the tree walking and able to stay afloat on top of water for 5 minutes before he falls in. His Gravity note was at 3x and he just slowly got used to it.

On the day after the two weeks break Naruto woke up bright and early ate his ramen. He went out for a slight jog before he headed towards the academy. When he arrived he took a seat next to Uchiha Sasuke. He observe the class where everyone is talking loudly. He looked at Sasuke who was staring out the window. Stupid bastard I'm going to kick his ass the next time I fight him. Naruto thought. He was snapped out of his thought when the person in front of him called his name.

"Hey Naruto this is only for those who graduated" said the person in front of him.

"I got my forehead protector see Shikamaru" Naruto replies.

"How troublesome" sigh Shikamaru.

Suddenly Naruto heard the sounds of Elephants charging down the hall. He turned and saw the love of his life Sakura and Ino. He heard them yell "I WIN" as they glare at each other blabbering about who stepped into the class first. Naruto continue to hear them talk until Sakura looked his way.

Oh my god Sakura-chan is looking this way. Thought Naruto. As she walked towards him Naruto blushed. "Hello Sakur-" he said.

"Naruto move out of the way I want to sit next to Sasuke-kun", she interrupted.

Than as if fly attracted to light a whole bunch of girls surrounded Naruto saying they should sit next to Sasuke. This went on until Iruka came into the classroom. Saved by Iruka-sensei. Naruto thought.

"Ok class I am going to announce the teams ………………………….. Team 7 will consist of Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura--"

"Yes I'm with Sakura-Chan", Naruto yelled in joy.

"Nooooo I'm with Naruto" cried Sakura.

And Uchiha Sasuke" finished Iruka.

"Noooo I'm with Sasuke" cried Naruto.

"Yes I'm with Sasuke-kun" Sakura yelled in joy. "HELL YEA LOVE PREVAILS" yelled Inner Sakura.

"Hmmpt", muttered Sasuke.

"Team 8 will be Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino……………and Team 10 will be Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji, and Yamanaka Ino". Finished Iruka. "You can have some time till your Jounin sensei arrives, Class Dimissed".

Naruto ran off towards his house and went to study the latest circle. This one allows me to form items from minerals in the ground. He studied the circle as best as he can. He made a cup of ramen while he was studying. When it was time to get back to class he closed the scroll and hid it. He ran off towards the academy once again. When he arrived he saw Sakura and Sasuke already hitting there. "Am I late" asked Naruto.

"No sensei isn't here yet, but the others already left" said Sakura.

Naruto took a sit and he started to practice drawing invisible circle on the table. He slowly concentrated and used his chakra to form the circle. He only got half way when he lost his concentration when Sakura started talking to Sasuke. Damn it I almost had it. Thought Naruto. As they wait for their sensei Naruto started to do chakra circles on the table even though he never managed to because Sakura kept on talking. For three whole hours this went on until finally Naruto couldn't talk it anymore.


"Shut up Naruto", yelled Sakura.

Me shut up? She has been talking for three whole freaking hours straight to Sasuke without an answer and yet she kept talking sometimes I can't really stand her.

Thought Naruto. "Heh for being late I'll prank him" said Naruto as he picked up a chalkboard eraser and slides it in between the door and doorframe.

"Like a Jounin would fall for such a dumb trick dope" said Sasuke coldly.

"Yes Sasuke-kun is right take it down now" said Sakura "YEA I LOVE THESE THINGS" Screamed Inner Sakura.

Just than a head popped in and the eraser landed on the person's head.

"Hahahahahaha he actually fell for something like that" laughed Naruto rolling on the floor.

"I'm sorry sensei I tried to tell him not to" said Sakura "HA HE FELL FOR IT" said Inner Sakura.

Is this guy really a jounin. Thought Sasuke.

"My first Impression of you guys is I hate you"

I hope that's long enough for you guys. The next Chapter is going to be out soon.

I thank Dragon Noir for giving the idea of the nine beasts thing I think I might add that in.

-A Sequoiadendron is a very giant tree