I hid in a tree. I saw where Sakura and Naruto were hiding. Not bad. They were hiding in trees as well Kakashi whipped out his icha icha paradise.

"come at me, please." He said while flipping to his place. Rouge just nodded and got into a fighting stance. She closed her eyes and then suddenly she just wasn't there anymore. I looked around wondering where she was, but i couldn't find her. Suddenly though she appeared right behindKakashi and kicked. He barely dodged it. Then he did something none of us had ever seen before. He put his book away. I gasped involuntarily and looked toward where Sakura and Naruto were. They were as surprised as i was. Rouge formed a few hand seals and suddenly there were a whole bunch of flower petals flying at him. What is she doing? How the hell... What! They had turned out to be razor sharp. dashiki got cut in a few areas but managed to dodge any attacks directed at critical parts. dashiki pulled out a kunai and went at her. She pulled one out and they went at it. I had never ever seen people fight so skillfully. Suddenly Kakashi started to do some hand seals. A blast of fire pored out towards her and i thought she was done for. However that was not the case. Once the flames had subsided we saw that she had formed a water shield around her. When there was no water around. That was amazing.

"Okay that's enough for now" yelled Tsunade. they both stopped what they were doing. Both were breathing hard. "Rouge. How many people did you detect?"


"Very good! There were nine in total. You are very skillful, Rouge. Did you ever take any tests while at the village of spirit?"

"We took a lot of tests, Hokage. They had to determine which ones of us were rats, and which were wolves." She clenched her fists as she said this.

"I'm sorry if i brought up some unpleasant memories, But you're in a better place now, We'll treat you better then them. Please come to my office tomorrow at noon. Explore the village of Konoha, you might find something you like."

"Yes ma'am"

"Hey Hey Rouge Rouge!" said Naruto, enthusiastically.

"Yes.. umm"

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I shall one day be Hokage, the best one Konoha's ever seen! Do you want to come with me? I can show you all the cool things." He said

"Sure Naruto-sama." she said. This had surprised me. She looked as if she would prefer to be alone.

"How Nice of you Naruto. I'll see you tomorrow rouge" Tsunade walked away back into Hokage tower.

"So ... so... where shall we go first... hmm ooooh i know, hey hey Rouge Rouge are you hungry?"

"A little"

"Yipeeeeee come on I'll take you to the place with the best ramen in the world"

"Alright... I don't have any money though"

"That's alright Kakashi-sensei will pay for it right sensei?"

Kakashiwas caught off guard and couldn't say no.

"Come on guys let's give Her a great first day." And with that we were off!


Good? Bad? please review sorry if it sucks, I'll try to update as soon as I can, sorry bout the lateness i totally didnt mean to be that i'm very slow sorry, also sorry if kakashi's name is Dakashi or something like that, my computer was being evil and replaced it with that, sorry.