Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. WB and the like own Gilmore Girls, and the characters.

Summary: AU: The mistakes of an adjusting debutante can take on daunting consequences when her father's actions force her into the bed of none other then Lucifer's reincarnation himself. PDLD & a socialite story

Author's Note: I am still deciding how far this will go, what will happen, and how it will happen. But what I do know, is that this will undoubtedly become a PDLD, and it's a socialite story, meaning – that well, Rory Gilmore "Hayden" has money, likes having money, and… will undoubtedly spend her money. Haha..

It was more then pure desire that brought her to his mansion the night of his nineteenth birthday. It was need, and lust, and just pure hatred for her father. She wanted to spite him. The only thing that was sure to piss her father off, was beginning to light a flame to him, holding him high on a pedestal as other females had done for him most likely every night of his teenage life. Her father would not be pleased.

She was ready to force a fall into his charms. He was back, and she was going to give him a welcome home he would never forget. She remembered sitting at dinner while her parents went over the parties and dinners they would have to attend within the month. His party was mentioned by her mother, and then as quickly as it was mentioned, it was discarded by her father.

Her parents married while he was gone. She was now a socialite, and not so pure and innocent. She was no longer his Mary.

Dean hadn't lasted as Rory took part in the life that all of Hartford had expected her to partake in. Jess had lasted a few months, succeeding in taking her innocence plenty of times before he left without saying goodbye. Her mother and she were no longer the small town girls that charmed the men in their lives. They were Hartford women, born and raised to become perfect trophy wives.

These women were nothing of the sort. They masked their playfulness, and took on cold, veiled personalities. They were fulfilling their duties.

It didn't take long for one of the maids to open the door. She walked inside, handing the maid a present, which she took to put on the table that was already overflowing with gifts from other elitist children. She looked around, her gaze landing on Paris standing in the corner. She watched as Paris looked down at her watch, groan, and tap her foot impatiently.

But Paris would be here for another hour and a half. Rory Gilmore, who hadn't taken on her father's last name when he married her mother, scanned the party that was a combination of a birthday and welcome home party. He would be staying here for the summer before he started his sophomore year at Princeton, and Rory thought it best that she welcomed him home in person. After tonight, she'd be in Europe for the summer with her grandmother, and then would be straight off to Yale to start her sophomore year as well.

"Mary," someone said into her ear from behind her. Rory turned, and looked upwards to meet the pale blue eyes that belonged to her caller. She smirked lightly, tilting her head to the side.

"Bible boy," she said, almost teasingly as she pressed her hands to his shoulders, and pushed him from the room, into a quieter room with quite a few people making out in it. "Well… okay, so I thought this room would at least be empty. I want to talk to you… in private. It's important."

Tristan scanned Rory's face, begging for a sign, or trace of what she wanted to talk about. He found that her eyes gave nothing away, so he nodded curtly, taking a hold of her hand, surprised she didn't object. He led her from the room, and through the core of the party towards the large staircase in the foyer, from which she'd emerged into the party from not even five minutes ago.

Rory let Tristan drag her up the stairs and down a few halls. "God," she whined, flexing her hand inside of Tristan's, "Do you have enough hallways? We've been down eight!"

"It's a big house, Mary," Tristan replied, pushing open a door, and pulling her through.

"Oh wow, definitely not how I pictured your bedroom, Tristan." Rory said, letting her hand still rest inside Tristan's. "Welcome home, and happy birthday."

"Thanks," he said slowly, dropping her hand before running both of his hands through his hair, kicking his door shut with his foot. "So what did you need to talk about?"

"I broke up with Dean."

"Bagboy didn't take it to well, did he?"

"Mmm… no." Rory said, rubbing her forehead. "And I dated Jess…. And that didn't work out well either…" she said, cracking her fingers out of boredom. "I moved to Hartford."

Tristan raised his eyebrows in mock surprise, "Really? I hadn't heard."

Rory shook her head, pulling her coat off, and tossing it to the ground, not bothering to drape it over the chair that was seven feet away, "Yes. My parents got married a few months after you left Junior year."


"My mom's elated.."

"That's great."

Rory nodded, before crossing her arms over her chest, looking around Tristan's room before she started walking towards doors that Rory presumed led to a terrace. "I am now another rich girl."

Tristan smirked, and watched Rory's back, before following her out on to the terrace. "So Mary isn't a Mary anymore?"

Rory smirked, shaking her head, "I lack the pureness and innocence, yes," Rory said, turning to look at him, while walking backwards onto his terrace. She shivered slightly at the unusually cold late June breeze, suddenly wishing she hadn't taken her coat off.

Tristan's eyes widened at her immediate answer that was lacking a blush, "So what'd you need to talk about?"

"I'm glad you're home."

"What? Why?"

Rory shrugged slightly, looking at him, while holding herself with her own arms, before looking over the gardens beneath them. "I missed you." She said, ignoring the sickness in her stomach of how false that statement truly was.

Tristan smirked, stepping forward, pinning her against the railing of his terrace with arms on either side of her. "I missed you too, Mary Magdalene." He said, his warm breath sending another shiver throughout Rory as it hit her neck. "So… what was the meaning behind this impromptu one on one time?"

"I wanted to welcome you home."

"And you did."

"No I didn't." Rory shook her head.

"Yes, you said happy birthday and welcome home."

"I didn't give you my present."

"I saw you give it to the maid."

"No, I didn't give you my present Tristan…" Rory said slowly, trying to make him understand without coming out and bluntly saying it.

Tristan looked at her for a moment, realization coming over him. "Rory…" he said seriously.

"Tristan." She imitated.

"You want to have…?"

"Add it to your conquest jar." Rory muttered, unfolding her arms, wrapping them around the middle of his chest. She finally realized how much he towered over her. She was five six, and she guessed that Tristan had to be at least be five eleven.

Tristan groaned, pressing himself into Rory, effectively making the railing of the terrace press into her back. He caught her eyes, and stared straight back into them, before running his hands up and down her sides, making sure to caress the sides of her breasts before holding her waist in his hands. "You want to?"

Rory nodded, pausing before pressing kisses to his neck, "Do you?"

"Do you need to ask?"

"No," Rory laughed, pushing him forward to press him against the side of his own home. It didn't seem to sit well with him, because in one swift motion, he was the one pinning her against the side of his house. She moaned quietly, something that just made a bulge form in his dress pants.

Tristan watched her for a moment, before crushing his lips against hers, wanting to get on with his night's activities so he could repeat them later on. He heard her groan against his mouth, and he immediately darted his tongue out of his mouth, licking her lower lip, begging, and pleading for access. Rory obliged him, and soon their tongues were lost in a full out war for control.

Tristan explored the inside of her mouth, his hands hiking up the skirt of her dress. He caressed her thigh as they kissed, and groaned when he felt her hands trail down his chest, skimming over the bulge in his pants, only making it grow more. He moved his hand from her thigh, to her side, unzipping the zipper that was on the side of her dress, letting her dress flail open, before carrying her inside in his arms, kicking shut the terrace door behind them.

"Rory," Tristan groaned when she started to unbutton his dress shirt, after effectively tossing his tie to the side. He was having trouble believing Rory was about to be the first girl he'd ever slept with in his bed. Sure, he'd slept with girls inside his house before, but he had never recorded them as a conquest in his own bed. He'd used the guest rooms for that, but Rory was different.

He was soon shirtless, and felt Rory trail kisses over his collar bone. He'd forgotten her dress was unzipped but still not off. Letting her feet grace the floor, he let go of her, before going to his knees, and hiking the skirt of her dress up as he started to stand, pulling her dress off. His jaw dropped when the black fabric was left as a useless piece of cloth on his floor. His former Mary wasn't wearing a bra? Somehow, he'd never thought he'd ever see her bare chest, even if they were being intimate. He'd imagined caressing them, seeing Rory in all her glory as she mounted him like a horse in the wee hours of the morning after spending a night of intimacy together, to go for another round.

But somehow, he never though he'd see the day when he would see her breasts. He groaned, knowing that he wouldn't object to taking Rory more then once tonight. "God," he groaned when he pulled her flush against him, feeling her naked chest against his own.

Rory moaned slightly, her nipples becoming hard from the chilly air that had snuck into Tristan's room in the minutes they'd left the door open while talking on the terrace. She quickly pulled his belt off, letting it drop to the floor like a coiled snake. She quickly unbuttoned his pants, and unzipped them, pulling them down with her hands, leaving the two young adults clad in only undergarments. Looking up at him, and meeting his gaze, she smirked, before rubbing him through his boxers, which seemed to agree with him as he let out a low, guttural groan. She felt his cock harden through is boxers, and she pulled them down to his ankles, while she took residence on his floor on her knees in front of him.

His eyes looked at her, half shocked at her forwardness, and half glad she wasn't being shy with him right now. He decided that he needed the foreplay as her soft, somewhat experienced mouth glided over his root. He whimpered in pleasure, twisting his hands in her chestnut brown hair, thrusting his hips to meet her mouth as her tongue glided over him, pleasing him. Rory smirked, rolling her tongue around his shaft. She pulled her mouth away, nipping at his head with her front teeth. She felt Tristan squirm, so she rose to her feet, before pressing herself against him.

"Definitely… not a Mary," he groaned, untying the strings of her panties, letting them fall away, discarded along with the rest of their clothes. He pushed her towards his bed, letting her fall, before mounting atop of her, his eyes and hands memorizing every inch of her. "I need… this.." he said, breathily, while reaching towards his nightstand, his eyes never leaving her body. "I want… this… I can't… foreplay… needs to wait…" he groaned, ripping open the condom, and rolling it over his rock hard cock.

Rory pulled herself fully onto his king sized bed, and Tristan readily followed atop of her. He slipped his hands between her legs, parting them quickly, giving a quick brush of his hands over her clitoris. She moaned, raising her hips to meet his hands, before he replaced his hands with his latex covered steal. He didn't enter her right away, he gently, and lustily placed his head at her entrance, letting her squirm beneath him, before he jammed his entire length inside of her, hearing her scream at the pleasure that erupted inside her. He groaned, enjoying the semi-tightness she was encasing his steal with.

He stilled, not thrusting inside of her just yet, waiting for her to get used to what if felt like to take him whole. She moaned at the pleasure that was escalating and escalating within in a few minutes, before she pressed her hips against his, signaling she wanted him to start with his thrusting.

He knew, that even if she didn't want to continue with their intimacy that he would go ahead and finish even if she was just a dead lay. He needed to erupt, to let her feel, and need sex. He gratefully thrust inside of her repeatedly, hitting her g spot within moments of the penetration. She moaned, and groaned beneath him, and that only made him want her more.

Tristan Dugrey finally nailed the Mary. The virgin everyone in Chilton had thought her to be. They couldn't have been more wrong. He couldn't have been more grateful for the tightness she still had. He'd gotten used to the loose, and vacant feel of girls. Rory's less experienced canal pleased him, making the suction that he felt even better. He groaned, and rolled, gripping Rory's hips, so she could ride him like she would a horse.

He heard her whimper, but he quickly replaced his concern in a moment with need, and lust. He remembered that he thought she was a virgin up until minutes ago, and decided to take it easier on her then he would any other girl. The whores, he thought scathingly. Rory was definitely not another one of those whores.

Rory rolled her hips in a circle, biting her lip, the taste of bitter blood overwhelming her mouth as she leaned down to kiss Tristan. She gripped his shoulders as she moved her hips forwards and backwards, feeling his length inside her the entire time. It was only a little painful, but she wanted it. The pleasure she was receiving outweighed the pain by astronomical amounts.

"Tristan," she moaned, her nails digging into his shoulders, arousing Tristan even more. "Oh god, Tris…" she screamed, straightening her back as she rode the waves of her orgasm out.

Tristan shuddered when he felt her hotness through the latex of his condom. He moaned, knowing that he was about to reach his peak. There was no turning back, now. He thrust upwards, greeting Rory's hips with his own, before moving back down, and thrusting again. Rory screamed, and Tristan was suddenly thankful that there was loud music downstairs, or he would be sure that someone would hear her scream.

This encounter would change his life for months. The visions of her under, and on top of him, letting him have his way with her would cause many wet dreams for him.

Tristan let himself go, before rolling to be on top of Rory again. He pulled out of her, quickly, removing his condom, and tossing it into the trashcan beside his bed.

"Ah god, Rory," he groaned into her neck, his hands caressing her thighs. "I don't even know what to call you anymore… Rory… Mary… Gilmore? Or… Hayden?"

"Rory's fine…" she said, sitting up, and combing a hand through her hair. "You're party is still going on."

"Mmm, so?"

"Let's go back down there."


"It's your party."

"And I'm having a private party up here." He said, sitting up beside her, watching her from the corner of his eye. "You want to go down there, don't you?"

"No… I want to go home," she stifled a yawn, by bringing her hand to her mouth. "I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow morning."

"So that's it?"

"What's it?"

"You just come here, and have sex and then you up and leave?"

"Well… yeah," Rory said slowly, "I mean… you specialize in this type of thing. I mean, if it were a sport, you'd be captain of the team!"

"You've changed."

"Tell me about it," Rory groaned, rolling off of his bed, standing in the middle of his room in all her glory. Tristan's eyes raked over her body, memorizing it before she pulled her dress over her head, zipping the zipper. "Keep my panties," she said with a smile, "Another set to add to the collection, Bible Boy."

Tristan smirked, and tilted his head to the side, "I have to say, Gilmore," he started, scratching the back of his neck, "That I like this side of you."

"Better then the Mary side?" she asked, pulling on her shoes. She couldn't for the life of her remember kicking them off.

"Mehhh…. It's a tie."

Rory nodded, crawling back onto his bed, kneeling before him, pressing her lips against his. It was prolonged more then a minute when Tristan reacquainted himself with the inside of her mouth. He rolled his hand over her back, resting it right above the small of her back before Rory pulled away. "Happy birthday…" she said, climbing back off his bed, picking up her jacket that lay in front of the door. She opened it, looking back over her shoulder at him, "Oh… and welcome home." Smirking, she walked out, closing the door with a snap behind her.

She was not Tristan Dugrey's Mary any more.