PAIRING: Ron/Draco (Slash)
DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Beta: A huge thank you to Pinkelephant. Without her help, I couldn't have completed this fic.
A/N: I've finally decided to wrap up this fic. I'm sorry for not having updated for over a year! I don't know if you'll like the ending, but this is what I had in mind from the beginning. Thanks to everyone who has continued to read this fic, and double thanks to everyone who has commented or favorited.
Chapter 11
Cutting his sojourn in Italy short was something Draco didn't often do. Every time he came to Italy on business, he would stay a couple of days, sometimes even a week or two, after the shows were over. Milan had some of the finest tailor shops in the world, and Draco always took the opportunity to renew his wardrobe.
This trip was the exception. Since he'd found out about Ron's arrival in Milan, he'd had a lot more on his mind than he usually did while abroad. Yesterday, he went so far as to plan a romantic date in his mind in which he would show the redhead all the historic sites in Milan, take him shopping to some of his favourite shops, and treat him to a delectable Italian cuisine (and even letting him taste some fine Italian dessert such as Tiramisu or Cannoli), before finally retreating to their room. Even the possibility of being paparazzied had slipped his mind completely.
However, being left behind alone in a hotel room in the morning gave Draco no more reason to stay longer in Milan. He couldn't bring himself to go shopping alone, and he had to find out where the other boy had gone.
So all of Draco's plans were left unaccomplished, and he was now standing in front of his agency building, back in Diagon Alley, in good old London. He didn't have any idea where to look for Ron. He had come back here to speak with his only possible source of information when it came to Ron Weasley. Blaise should have been back in his office this morning. Draco knew he always made sure to be easy to contact after important shows, not wanting to miss any new business opportunities.
Apparently, Draco's appearance took Blaise by surprise, for he saw the other boy raise his brows and glance at his watch. It was still eight in the morning.
"Draco, I thought you were still in Milan. You always stay there for an extra couple of days after the shows," said Blaise.
"I would have, if the circumstances allowed," said Draco, with a sour tone in his voice.
Blaise suddenly looked alarmed and said, "I was going to Floo you, as soon as I got rid of these owls."
He pointed at the owls with his chin. Some were perched on the windowsill, and others were flying around in the room, all waiting for Blaise to take the letters or leaflets off their legs. They were leaving feathers all over the room. Draco knew that it was always like this after Blaise came back from a couple of days away, and as it was right after the most important shows, there had to be a lot of business going on.
"Anyway, I thought you could fill me in with the background of Weasley's sudden resignation," said Blaise, somewhat uncomfortably.
Draco felt his blood drain from his face. Did he just hear the word 'resignation?'
"Weasley's what?"
Blaise looked up aghast at Draco. "I thought you had something to do with it."
Draco narrowed his eyes with his mouth slightly open, but once he recovered from the initial shock, he was quick on the uptake. Considering the redhead's previous behaviours, this was nothing sensational after all.
It wasn't exactly like Weasley was putting his body and soul into modeling, was he? Draco thought sarcastically.
"Unfortunately, I don't. I've come here because I thought you knew something about Weasley's scarper. All I know is I let him use one of my rooms, and he just decided to disappear without a word of gratitude."
Draco did not feel like telling Blaise about the small scribbled note saying 'Sorry' that had been left by the redhead.
Blaise shook his head incredulously and muttered something along the lines of 'that inconsiderate, poor excuse for a Gryffindor.' When he looked up, he looked a little tired. "Honestly, I've no idea where he's gone. He just sent me this note saying he wanted to quit modeling. I wouldn't have even found the note in this flock if Weasley's stupid tiny owl wasn't pecking at me, trying to get all the attention it could."
Blaise waved the piece of parchment he had been holding, which Draco took in a flash. He scanned Ron's hand-written note.
According to it, Ron couldn't come and discuss his resignation in person since he didn't have the time to do so. He said that he would pay his part for breaking off the contract, and that he would pay a visit to Blaise's office when his time allowed.
Draco felt himself flaring up inside, and had to try hard not to show it. Ron would pay a visit when his time allowed? What was that supposed to mean? What could possibly be taking up his time? As far as Draco knew, Ron had been wandering the streets of Diagon Alley doing nothing productive but gawking at shop windows of the Quality Quidditch Supplies before he had been given a proper job since God knew when. And did he say he was going to pay for breaking the contract? That was rich coming from someone who couldn't even pay his monthly rent.
Draco didn't like a bit of what he had read, and crumpled the parchment, but not before memorizing the address scribbled at the bottom. Ron, apparently trying to seem businesslike, had left his address. Beside it was written, 'I may be away from time to time, so let your owl leave a message if you need to.'
"You're not taking this shit seriously, are you?" Draco looked up at Blaise.
"I don't want to, but I might have to. I've witnessed models come and go, and when they go, they're gone in a flash." After a pause, Blaise continued, "You know, I thought he had more guts in him. Well, if he was leaving after all, the earlier, the better."
"And you're going to let him quit? Just like that?" Draco knew it was wrong to take it out on Blaise, but he couldn't help sounding a little offensive.
Blaise seemed to have noticed and said, "I'm sorry, Draco, that it didn't work out."
Draco couldn't tell whether he was talking about business or Draco's personal matter. He decided it didn't matter which.
"Why apologize? You're probably right, Blaise," said Draco, coolly, and left his agent's office without waiting for the other boy's response.
Draco was fuming inside. But even as he kicked open the door in frustration, he knew where to go next. He wasn't sure what to make of Ron's sudden quitting, but he knew he wouldn't rest until he found out the reason behind all of this. He thought at least he had the right to know. What did he mean by 'Sorry?' What was he apologizing to Draco for? Why did it sound like it was the end of whatever that had been growing between himself and Ron?
He felt that if he let it go now, he wouldn't see Ron again. Then, this time, Ron would be out of his life for sure.
Draco found out, as he had expected, that Ron lived in a Muggle town, just outside of London. Draco had been in Muggle towns on several occasions, including those for the shooting. The most familiar to him was Spinners End, where he had once fled from Hogwarts with Snape, but the place he was now standing was nothing like that gloomy, forlorn place. Clean, white apartment buildings lined the streets along with trees and bushes, and Muggle vehicles were parked here and there.
Draco followed the numbering on the buildings and stopped in front of the flat he had been looking for. Ron was supposed to be living on the third floor. After making sure he wasn't being watched by anyone, Draco carefully took out his wand and tapped on the common front door lightly. It opened with ease, revealing a flight of stairs. After ascending those stairs, he came to Ron's door.
The whole building was quiet, almost silent, and Draco assumed that most of the inhabitants were probably out to work or somewhere. So when Draco rapped on the door, he wasn't really expecting Ron to answer the door. He was already contemplating what to do or where to go next when the door suddenly opened without warning. He almost yelped. To add to his surprise, it was not the redhead who was standing at the door, but his famous best friend.
Great. Just the right person to make me feel even better. Draco rolled his eyes.
It was the boy - now a grown man - whom Draco had opposed on so many things in the past. Harry Potter still had that unkempt hair, so unlike his own. As if to mirror Draco's shock, Harry looked astonished as well, and for a moment, they were both lost for words.
Harry was the first to break the silence.
"Malfoy," he said, with a touch of calmness in his voice that got on Draco's nerves.
Draco quickly recovered his voice. "What are you doing here?"
"As a matter of fact, I live here," said Harry, not seeming irritated by Draco's hostile gaze.
"You what? This is supposed to be Weasley's-" Draco stopped in mid-sentence. It suddenly dawned on him. Fuck, they live together. Draco should have known.
"Er...Ron's not home right now," said Harry, a little hesitantly.
Draco tried to retort, 'What makes you think I'm here for Weasley?' but it suddenly became all too bothersome, and he decided to go right to the point. "Where is he then? Gone into hiding or something?"
"He hasn't gone into hiding or anything. He lives and sleeps here. It's just that he's been sort of busy these days."
"Weasley, busy, huh? Nice try, Potter. Trying to keep me away from your boyfriend, are you?"
Draco didn't think Harry swung that way, but when it came to Harry and Ron as a pair, he was never sure. They looked too initimate for Draco's liking. He had never liked their secretive way of talking or their brotherly physical contact.
Harry sighed. "He's nothing like that. I'm going to get married with Gin- his sister, in a couple of months."
"So your'e settling for his sister?" Draco said with a wry smile.
"I don't settle for anyone, Malfoy. I choose to be with her." Harry suddenly had strong determination in his eyes that made Draco falter, but quickly flicked his gaze and said, "Ron and I've been sharing this place since graduation. I, er, have seen the Quibbler, by the way."
Harry pointed somewhere behind him. Through the door Harry was holding, Draco could make out a magazine with the letters The Quibbler on the cover laid on the table, beside an unfinished breakfast. Draco forgot that the latest Quibbler had come out just yesterday.
"I never thought you and Ron would fit in a scene like that. That was really-" Harry paused. He couldn't seem to find the right word. Then with some hesitance, he said, "Interesting."
Draco snorted. It was almost comical how Harry was trying to have a civil conversation with him.
However, Harry looked even more solemn as he said, "Malfoy, I wouldn't say this to you if I haven't seen the Quibbler, but Ron's been acting kind of strange lately."
Draco quirked an eyebrow to show he was listening.
Harry continued, "Earlier, he used to talk about you a lot, how he, er...disagreed with you on some points, but now he rarely talks about you anymore, and he told me he's quit modeling. But he doesn't seem happy and he's been a bit touchy lately."
Harry pointed at the Quibbler again. "So those pictures really came as a surprise to me. I haven't seen Ron like this in a long time. Is there...uh...something going on between you and Ron?"
"Why don't you keep your big nose out of it, Potter, and just worry about your own wedding plans?"
Harry looked slightly offended. "I'm just worried about him, is all."
"So are you going to tell me what he's been up to?" Draco shot a look at him.
"Sorry, Malfoy, but if he hasn't told you, neither can I," he answered.
Draco let out a dry laugh and turned on his heels, knowing that he wouldn't get any further information from the stubborn boy.
Draco heard Harry calling from behind. "Listen, Malfoy, I have to go out of the country for several weeks on Auror duty. As I said, Ron comes back here every day. You might want to come at a different time."
Draco was on the verge to say, 'I didn't ask for your schedule nor your advice,' but swallowed the words. It was time for past grudges to be left behind in the past. He could tell that Harry was trying to encourage him in his own way. So as a response, Draco cocked his head to the side slightly, which could be taken as a nod, and descended the stairs.
Lying on his bed, Draco grabbed the latest Quibbler from the bedside table. He had bought the copy in Diagon Alley on his way from Ron's flat to his, enduring the curious look from the shop owner. He soon realized the reason of the man's impudent gaze. On the cover of the magazine were himself and Ron, sitting at an outside table of a Muggle cafe.
The photographer had chosen to press the shutter of the Muggle camera when Ron had looked at Draco with a smile on his face. Draco couldn't quite recall that moment, for he had never been smiled a genuine smile by the other boy, but concluded that it was probably taken when they were bickering. So the smile was most likely meant to be an insulting smile, but the editing made it look like the redhead was looking affectionately at Draco.
The last of the consecutive feature article on "Muggle Clothes" started with a page of Ron alone. It must have been taken before Draco had arrived at the Cafe. Ron, in his Muggle suit, wearing glasses, was sitting in front of an office desk, his fingers on some keyboard that was connected to something that looked like a metal box. Draco never knew that someone could wear glasses and still look good.
Draco recalled the scenes of the other pictures all too well. They even brought bittersweet feelings to him. If these pictures were to depict a Muggle life style, it couldn't be too bad to be a Muggle, could it? There was a picture of Ron lying on the bed next to Draco (who was holding a Muggle paperback novel), closing his eyes. Draco remembered that he couldn't dare look directly at the other boy's half-bare torso at that time.
In another scene, they were sitting on a settee, with Ron's head on Draco's shoulder, and Draco's arm around the other boy's waist. That had to be right before the kiss, when he had lectured to Ron on model professionalism. He could remember the soft tickling sensation of Ron's hair on his cheek and the scent of his cologne. There was another picture of the same scene, but they had chosen not to include the kissing. Come to think of it now, maybe Draco had gotten a little carried away.
Draco traced Ron's face with his fingers. His own face looked like he was yearning for the other boy. It looked a bit too obvious. But looking at all these still, Muggle pictures made him almost think that he wasn't the only one who felt that way. If the redhead had been acting in front of the camera, he had to be a natural in acting. If not, Harry could not be totally wrong in thinking that there was actually something going on between them, and that had probably persuaded him to tell Draco to come back at a different time. But was there really something between them? Draco couldn't tell.
The next time Draco called on Ron's flat, neither Ron nor Harry had answered the door. That had been in the afternoon after an ad shooting, so Draco made his next visit at a little later time than that, believing that the third time was the charm. When it wasn't, Draco stepped outside and let out a deep sigh, half from desperation and half from exhaustion. He looked around for any sign of the redhead. He saw nothing but a quiet street in the twilight. He then realized that he had not taken any time to explore the redhead's territory. He didn't have any other plans for the night, and even if he wasn't exactly interested in Muggle quarters, the early spring breeze was rather pleasant, helping soothe his restlessness.
Starting from Ron's flat, Draco noted that as he got nearer and nearer to the Muggle railroad station, an increasing number of pubs and other shops appeared on both sides of the street. Some of the shops attracted Draco's attention, for they seemed to be the kind of shops that Ron might like, with their delicious looking confectionery or sandwiches displayed in their windows.
Draco stopped in front of a cafe emitting a particularly good smell. He could see Muggle employees wearing clean aprons in blue and white stripes and moving busily around.
The scent drifting from the cafe reminded him how hungry he was. It was dinner time. It wouldn't hurt to eat a potato for one meal, would it? To balance out the calories he would be absorbing, he could always rely on Tofu salad for the next couple of meals.
It wasn't until after stepping inside and deciding to choose a menu that Draco realized he didn't have, never had, Muggle money with him. He tutted and turned to go out the same door when a flash of red caught his eye. It was none other than Ron Weasley.
Ron was seated at one of the tables at the back of the cafe, with a large potato in front of him. He was bringing a particularly large chunk of that potato with its beans and melting cheese to his mouth with a fork that seemed too small for the load, while his left hand closed around a bottle of pink liquid.
Draco quietly walked in front of Ron, who still seemed unaware of the blond's appearance.
"Enjoying your meal, Weasley?"
Ron froze, his fork stopping in mid-air. He then looked up, wide-eyed. Seeing Draco's face, a scowl quickly formed on the redhead's face.
"Malfoy? How did you- what are you doing here?"
Apparently, 'I just happened to be here' wouldn't work, so Draco decided to take a different approach. "You're easy to track, Weasley."
Ron made a face. "What are you tracking me for? What do you want with me?"
Draco pulled a chair across from the other boy and seated himself. He felt his blood starting to rapidly boil inside him. While he was able to keep his outer composure, his voice came out dangerously low as he leaned forward across the table towards the other boy.
"What do I want with you? Is that all you can say? You just suddenly decide to abandon everything and flee to God knows where, and you ask me what I want with you? Don't you think you owe me an explanation? To start with, where have you been gadding all this time?"
Ron put down his fork and averted meeting Draco's eyes. "I was going to- to talk to Zabini, once things got settled."
Draco was not at all satisfied with the response, and was about to ask what he meant by 'things,' but he saw the other boy unconsciously playing with his potato using his fork with a slight pout on his face. Draco couldn't help but find this gesture arousing. At the same time, Ron almost looked like a boy about to be punished for his misdeed, and Draco suddenly felt a tiny bit of guilt for ruining the boy's pleasure of eating one of his possibly favourite foods.
After a good five seconds of awkward silence, Draco asked, "Good, is it? Those Muggle food? Did you know those potatoes you're eating are the king of carbohydrates, Weasley?"
Ron flickered his eyebrow in a slightly puzzled way, but a wicked grin quickly spread across his face, replacing the sulky look he had.
"They're delectable, Malfoy. This-" he pointed at the potato- "is a combination of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. It's more than you can dream of. Want a bite?"
The redhead had to be saying this as a sarcastic, teasing comment, knowing that Draco was abstaining from excess intake of all these nutrients.
So why not accept his provocation?
"I don't mind a bite." With that said, Draco pulled Ron's wrist holding the fork toward him. Ignoring the 'Hey!' from the other boy, Draco took what remained on the fork into his mouth.
"Not bad... for a Muggle food, that is," said Draco, chewing. Truth be told, it was delicious. It was almost a miracle that Muggles could invent such cuisine.
To Draco's surprise, Ron had turned slightly red, looking miffed.
"You don't have to try to like it," he spat out, and roughly pulled the plate closer towards him and started attacking the remainder of the potato.
Maybe because Ron's eating manner wasn't passable, or maybe because the two were eye-catching, but in either case, Draco noticed a Muggle woman at the next table eyeing them suspiciously. When Draco shot a glare in her direction, she quickly averted her eyes.
It only took about five bites for Ron to finish his beloved potato. After wiping his mouth with a napkin, Ron stood up unceremoniously, left the table, and walked out the door. Draco swore inwardly and stood up to follow. He was afraid that Ron might Apparate once he was outside, but when Draco came out the door, he found the redhead leaning against the cafe's wall, hands in his pockets, obviously waiting for him. Ron was looking at him directly with those blue eyes that always gave him the chills.
"We can't talk in front of that Muggle, can we? Some of their lot can be really nosy, just like ours, especially when they see or hear things less ordinary."
With that, Ron turned on his heels and started walking up the sidewalk. Draco followed. He was rather intrigued that Ron had obtained insight into Muggle nature, or whatever it was. He also noted that Ron wasn't wearing the cocky clothes from the catalog shoot anymore, but an old pair of jeans and a denim jacket over a plain t-shirt, and still carrying that ragged sack, which, all in all, suited his outfit. But what struck him the most was that Ron was practically inviting Draco into his place.
Following the other boy to his flat and ascending the stairs, Draco admired the curve of the boy's bum and every crease of his jeans. He hated to admit how such cheap, plain clothing could look so good on someone. Even the densest people would notice that.
When they arrived at the flat, Ron opened the door and made room for Draco to enter.
The last time Draco was here, he could only see a small portion of the room. So this is how it looked. Though the sitting room was tiny, with the minimal amount of furniture, it did look functional. There were mismatched chairs and a sofa, some books and papers in disarray, but the place otherwise seemed fairly clean and tolerable.
On the mantelpiece were some framed pictures taken on their graduation day from Hogwarts. Not only Gryffindors but also Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were smiling at the camera, arm in arm, shoulder on shoulder. There was also a picture of Ron's family, with a tall redheaded groom and a young beautiful bride whom he recognized as Fleur Delacour in the middle. So far, Draco had not taken any part of this. But then he found a fresh issue of the Quibbler on top of randomly stacked books on the side. He recognized his own face and Ron's on the cover, and it somehow made him feel content.
"I share this place with Harry." Ron's voice broke him from his stupor.
"I know," he answered, nonchalantly.
Ron turned his head switfly. "You know?"
Draco shrugged. Ron looked questioningly at him.
"You saw Harry?" he said, lowering his brows.
Draco shrugged again and smirked. "Look who's jealous."
Ron's ears turned a shade of red. "I am NOT."
"Don't bark, Weasley."
To think it was over Potter he was trying to tease the redhead made him nauseous, but still, it was getting intriguing. Ron actually looked a bit jealous, which let Draco's hopes up.
"Don't fret, Weasley," he chuckled. "I would never lay one finger on that git. He answered the door when I came here two days ago. That's when you were out, playing busy."
"I was busy," said Ron, disgruntled.
"So tell me then, Weasley, what have you been occupied with?"
"You don't give up, do you?" said Ron, tearing out his hair and half sitting on the windowsill.
"Weasley, it just occurred to me," Draco said, ignoring the other boy's comment. "Aren't you offering me a seat or anything to drink?"
Ron looked up at Draco. "No, I want this talk to be over with quickly."
Draco sighed and seated himself on the leather sofa that looked the most comfortable, and crossed one leg over the other.
"Let's hear your excuse for letting us down, then," he said, looking at Ron accusingly.
Ron looked abashed and said, "I didn't mean to, you know, let you down."
"But you obviously did let not only Blaise, but me down. Enlighten me so I can understand, Weasley. What was that note you left in the hotel supposed to mean?"
Ron was now staring hard at his shoes as he said, "Well, for not having been able to tell you earlier that I had to leave...not just the hotel, but the agency as well."
Draco's irritation was starting to mount with Ron's lack of straightforwardness.
"A simple word as 'sorry' doesn't imply all those meanings, Weasley. Did you seriously think that would cover up for your discourteous behaviour?" Draco said in a disapproving tone.
"I didn't have the time to explain at that time, because they called upon me at such short notice," said Ron.
"They?" Draco looked up questioningly.
Ron looked as if he regretted what he had just said, but he answered nontheless. "The recruiters at the Appleby Arrows. They hired me as a Keeper to fill in for their vacated post after Stanwood got dismissed for potion problems."
Draco was taken aback by this sudden news. It took a moment for him to register what he had heard.
"You're what? You're playing Quidditich?"
He looked incredulously at Ron, vaguely aware that he was on his feet.
Ron looked away, his ears quickly turning red. As he fixed his gaze somewhere outside the window, he spoke, "I never could give up playing for a professional team. I've been always seeking a chance and trying out whenever new players were recruited."
Draco couldn't believe it. He was more stunned by the fact that Ron had something completely else than modeling in mind than by his supposed Keeper skills matching professional level.
"I don't believe this. Why did you even accept Blaise's offer in the first place?" said Draco, drawing closer to Ron.
Ron looked up startled at Draco, as if having sensed his anger.
"I, uh...I needed to earn a living...and a decent broom. My Cleansweep wasn't bad, but it just wasn't good enough when you wanted to try out for a professional team," said Ron.
Draco felt heat rising up his cheeks. All along, the redhead hadn't taken any part of modeling seriously. It felt like a betrayal.
"I knew it. You never gave a damn about modeling," spat out Draco.
"That's not true," said Ron, responding hotly. "I admit I wasn't taking it seriously at first, but then I realized it wasn't something you could do half-heartedly."
When Draco didn't say anything, Ron continued, "I learned that from you. I saw you putting all your soul into it. Your professionalism made me uncomfortable, Malfoy. I knew modeling wasn't my thing, and I could never be like you."
Draco let out a dry laugh and said, "So I see modeling didn't come to you. I hope Quidditch does."
Ron's face turned dangerously red. "You don't understand."
"What exactly do I not understand?" said Draco, coldly.
Ron looked hesitant, but after shifting his position, he started talking. "After graduating Hogwarts, I failed the Auror admission test. After everything I've been through, helping Harry on his mission and battling with the Death Eaters, they tell me I don't qualify. Of course, they took Harry in with widely open arms, and I, being his best friend and all, was offered another position at the Ministry. But you'd think I'd take that?"
Draco just shrugged in response, and the redhead went on, "So I didn't have a steady job. For two years, I was sort of lost. But I realized at some point that Quidditch was the thing I wanted to do the most. It keeps me going, you know. But it wasn't easy to win a position at a professional team. I'd been practicing, but it wasn't working out for me. That's when Zabini found me. I wasn't really picky about my jobs because my savings were drying up."
Like you had any, Draco wanted to say just to irritate the other boy, and as if Ron had read his mind, he said, "I did have a small amount. I had part-time jobs at some shops. Anyway, even after I started modeling, I kept practicing. Sabina - she's the German model whom I worked with, had a boyfriend who worked for the Quidditch committee, and she let me know that the Arrows were unofficially looking for a Keeper. I tried out, and they hired me."
Draco chewed the inside of his cheek. So that just about explained everything, including what Ron had been doing in Milan, disappearing now and then, and after he was back. It also happened that the German girl wasn't involved with Ron in the sense that Draco didn't want to think about.
"The best I could do was leave early before further time and money were wasted on me," added Ron.
After a long silent moment, Draco opened his mouth.
"While I don't approve of your selfish ways, I got your point," said Draco, and Ron actually looked relieved.
When Ron seemed off-guard, Draco took another step forward towards him and said, "But I have another question. Why is it that you're avoiding me?"
Draco saw the other boy flush.
"I...I don't know what you're talking about," he said, refusing to meet Draco's eyes again.
"You'd locked your door at nights, and you'd been gone in the mornings when you could've woken me up." After a deliberate pause, Draco continued, "Like now, you don't look me in the eyes any longer than two seconds. Do you still say that you're not avoiding me?"
Ron pushed back his hair and opened his mouth as if to protest, but instead, let out a long sigh. He then looked at Draco reproachfully and started, "I've noticed that you've changed your tactics, Malfoy, but you're still your Slytherin self. Back then at Hogwarts, you would insult me about my family and our financial status. Now, you tease me in your flirtatious, charming way and see how I react, and you're clearly enjoying it."
Draco was dumbfounded at these words. What exactly was the redhead trying to say, and why was he turning red like that?
"What are you talking about? You're not being coherent, Weasley," he managed to say.
Ron looked in his way and said, "You distract me, Malfoy. You keep teasing me with all those flirty glances and kisses when I need to be concentrating on my Keeper skills. Well, teasing me and telling me it was all a joke just to see me devastated might be your plan, but I won't go for that."
Draco couldn't believe his own ears. What did he just say? Draco was the one being teased and flirted with, and not the other way around. But despite the accusatory look he was receiving from the other boy, Draco felt his heart flutter. He didn't want to let his hopes get too high only to be disappointed, but he couldn't help saying, "Why, Weasley, you almost sound like you have a thing for me."
With that, Ron's face turned even more red, if that was possible. "Shut up," he mumbled. But of course, Draco wasn't going to.
"Wait a minute, I didn't know you went for blokes," said Draco. Now, that was a lame thing to say.
"I don't!" said Ron, with a vengeance.
So he didn't go for blokes after all. But before Draco let disappointment sink in, Ron started talking again. "I don't...usually, that is. Somehow, I find myself finding you your own way."
"What do you mean 'in my own way?' I'm attractive in anyone's eyes," responded Draco defensively, but right now, he didn't really care what other people thought about him. What mattered was that Ron actually did think him attractive.
"Let me tell you, Weasley," he said, and closed what space was left between them. Ron tried to draw back involuntarily, but his head bumped against the window behind him. Before Ron could make any further movement, Draco placed a hand behind the other boy's neck and crushed his lips to his. Ron let out a 'urmph,' and tried to push Draco away. Draco broke off the kiss momentarily and said in a hoarse whisper, "I don't kiss or flirt with random people. I only flirt when I really mean it, Weasley, so take that in mind," and resumed the kiss.
At first, there was no reaction from Ron, but as Draco kept on kissing softly and gently, he felt the other boy relax under his lips and start kissing back. Taking it as a good sign, Draco started kissing him fervently, and slipped his tongue in the other boy's mouth. Ron let out a soft moan. His mouth was warm and wet, and Draco was delighted to feel the other boy's tongue pressed against his own. He had wanted this so much.
They stayed like that for a while, kissing each other. When they finally parted their lips, Draco cupped Ron's cheeks with both hands and pressed their foreheads together.
"I didn't think you supported the Arrows, Weasley."
"Well, they weren't my first choice, but they are a good team to start with," said Ron, with dazed eyes.
"I suppose so," said Draco. Then, looking into the other boy's eyes thoughtfully, he said, "There's another thing I want to tell you."
Ron quirked an eyebrow and said, "What now?"
"Considering you've disappointed me and Blaise, it's not really something I should be glad about, but I am... that you've quit modeling."
"Was I that hideous?" asked Ron, gingerly.
"Not really," smirked Draco. "It's more that I don't fancy sharing your half-naked body with the rest of the world."
Ron let out a small laugh, and Draco sealed his mouth again. Ron was more than eager to comply.
"You know what?" Draco said between kisses, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Potter's not coming back for at least a fortnight."
The End