"Oh!" Ichigo nodded politely as the tall man answered the door. She'd hoped that someone else besides the guy opened the door. "Kisshu-kun." She stuttered. Ugh! Now he probably thinks I'm actually shy! What did I get my self into? What a-"

"Surprise, eh?" Kish said, raising his eyebrows while giving a weird smile. Ichigo sweatdropped. What? He's actually not trying to flirt? This is a first! "Well, come on in. Your mother already went in." He ushered a confused Ichigo into the large mansion and closed the door behind them, making a soft creak. The red-haired girl turned around to face Kish, who merely gave another smile.

"Don't have to be so tight, you know." Kish chuckled as some maids took off Ichigo's coat and gently placed it into the closet. "After all, we're friends, right?"

"Yeah…" Ichigo said slowly as her eyes looked around her surroundings. "…Friends." The whole foyer was lit with bright, shining chandeliers that twinkled with crystals. Draped curtains matched the dress Ichigo was wearing. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Kish was still waiting for her.

"GWAH!" Ichigo cried as she jumped in surprise, forgetting her manners. Cat ears and a tail popped out, but Ichigo didn't notice. "I didn't mean that!"

Kish sweatdropped at the black fuzzy things, then smiled. It was probably a fake. "No worries," He said calmly, walking towards the dining room. "Most people react even more than what you just did."

"Heh-heh…" Ichigo laughed and followed Kish, but not before straightening her wrinkled dress. "I see." They both walked into the room with light-green walls and paused as Kish's stride had reached the giant window. He flung it open turns out it as a patio door! O.o and bowed to Ichigo, who felt red at her cheeks, but quickly walked outside onto the balcony. Kish closed the white door behind them and sat down on a random chair, in which Ichigo did the same. For a while, the two just sat there in the open night sky, watching random fireworks shoot out for some random reason at some random place. o.o…

"Wow," Ichigo breathed as another flurry of blue sparkles filled the dark. She didn't notice she'd broken the long pause between the two friends. "It's beautiful."

"Yeah," Kish nodded. His gaze never left from the fireworks. "I wholeheartedly agree with you, koneko-chan."

Ichigo looked at him curiously. Why was he still using that name on her? As if Kish knew her thoughts, he spoke up to answer.

"Ichigo," Kish said, his eyes turning to Ichigo. "Did I tell you yet?"

"Huh?" The girl just stared blankly at Kish. "Wha-?"

"I'm leaving Tokyo tomorrow," Kish said quietly as the fireworks roared in the background. "I'm going to find business in America," He casually leaned back on his garden chair. Don't cry, Kisshu… "I heard stocks are booming there."

"You…" Ichigo couldn't help but feel hurt inside of her. Wasn't he sad of his departure? And so sudden! "You mean to leave? For how long?"

"I don't know." That was his cold reply. Ichigo felt her eyes dampen with tears. Did he already forget their childhood friendship that had last for sixteen years? She didn't want him to leave! "I'm probably not going to come back either. I'm going to start over…" Kish turned away, his face still cold. But inside, he really did feel bad. It was because she never returned her feelings…she left him confused, not knowing what to do with her.



"I don't want to seem like I'm pushin' you, but you haven't decided about our relationship. You never told me whether its 'yes or no'! What's so hard 'bout that?"


"You know that no matter what, I'd still consider you a friend, right?"

"I…I don't know! I'm sorry…I gotta go."

"Wait, koneko-chan!"

Then it flashed in her mind. She'd always run away from Kish's reaction because she was scared of the outcome. She hadn't given him the chance to say his feelings…didn't give the chance to say her own feelings. Ichigo felt a pang of guilt in her stomach besides the feeling of sadness. Was this departure of her doing? What had she done?

As Ichigo was still had her thoughts drowning in sadness, she widened her eyes as a gentle hand brushed by her cheek, wiping away her tears.

"Don't cry," Kish said gently. Ichigo could feel his breath on her shoulder. "It's not because of you." It's wrong to lie, Kisshu-kun. "Since I…don't have a family, as my relatives' whereabouts are unknown, I felt no reason to stay. That's all." Kish smiled reassuringly at the surprised girl. You liar. She probably liked you back. Now you're breaking her heart and running away. Fool. "Perhaps I can find them there."

"R-Really?" Ichigo sat back, a bit happier it wasn't her fault. "I thought it was because I was always trying to hide…"

"Naw," Kish waved a hand at this proposal and leaned back, satisfied his good friend wasn't unhappy anymore. "Nothing 'bout you."

Ichigo smiled weakly. "I…I guess it's good that you're going to America. I hear that something called 'Mew Mew Power' is starting there." She paused for a moment, then suddenly exploded.

"WAHHHHHH!" Ichigo wailed as Kish sweatdropped at the waterfall-like tears overflowing the balcony and falling into the moonlit pool beneath them. He stood on his chair just to be sure his shoes wouldn't get mussed by her tears.

"You're going to go to some America an' I'm going to a new school an' I'm not gonna see you again!" Ichigo continued crying and flung her arms around Kish. The guy didn't expect any of this, but he simply accepted her and squeezed her back. Ichigo continued to get her friend's shirt wet until she calmed down and started sniffing.

"You're so calm 'bout it," Ichigo said meekly. "I thought you would miss me. But, noooooo, you're just so calm 'bout it!" She started crying again no water fountain, thank goodness! O.o and pounding on his back. Kish just stayed silent. "Why? Why j'you have to leave me all alone!" Ichigo knew she was ranting, but she couldn't help it. "I know I seem greedy 'an all, but I know I probably won't make friends, and probably you'll be all alone too!" Ichigo snuffed for a bit, then FINALLY calmed down and sat back on her chair.

"I'm sorry," Ichigo said softly. "I should've respected your choice. I understand." She smiled at Kish and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm going to miss you."

One last pink firework shot into the sky and blasted as loud as ever. But Kish didn't notice. He knew her kiss was of friendship, not of love. So, Kish just smiled and kissed her back. He was so disappointed at his own choice, but his mind was already made.

"I'm going to miss you too, koneko-chan." The two friends hugged each other as more fireworks came up into the night. Ichigo knew her mistake now. She should've tried to tell Kish she didn't love him, but it ended up like this. She knew her mistake now.

"…And that concludes our instructions for your essay on butterflies." Mr. Akasaka said smiling. "Any questions?" He peered around at the room filled with snoring students. All, except one, that is. "Good!" He said cheerfully, immediately signaling all the students that their doom was soon to end. "Class, you may leave now." The dense teacher grinned as a whirlwind of dust filled the classroom as students sprinted out of the door. After the coughing had ended, Mr. Akasaka walked over to Ichigo, who was still furiously writing down some notes. He smiled at the hard work she had accomplished.

"Miss Momomiya-san!" Mr. Akasaka said to get his student's attention. As hoped, Ichigo jumped up in surprise and turned to face her teacher. "I see you've been doing well with your studies, eh?"

"Oh, yes!" Ichigo enthusiastically nodded as she closed her book. The young teacher noticed scribbles everywhere on a certain page filled with the words "Aoyama Masaya". Mr. Akasaka smiled at this. She didn't notice his gesture and continued to pack up her things. Then, her teacher remembered something.

"Sorry, Ichigo," Mr. Akasaka said calmly as he rushed to shut down his laptop and thrust on his jacket. "I forgot I have work today."

"Eh?" Ichigo zipped up her backpack while throwing onto her shoulder and following her teacher wherever he went. "What job? Isn't your job here as a teacher?"

"Oh no, that's only my part time job. My other part time job is at Café Mew Mew."


"Never mind!" Mr. Akasaka turned off the lights in the classroom and ran out of the classroom, only to pause, turn around to face Ichigo who'd been trailing after him the whole time and reach from his pocket to give the girl a lovely sack of cookies.

"Café Mew Mew's specialty." He said curtly to a confused Ichigo. "That's where I work. Just down a few blocks from here. Come visit us sometime!" Mr. Akasaka grinned at Ichigo, then turned around and fled from the school. "Bye, Momomiya-san! See you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" Ichigo called. She had wanted to follow her weird teacher, but her feet wouldn't allow her to. The cookies seemed to be first priority now! She unraveled the ribbon tying it and reached in for a sugar-sprinkled pink gingerbread.

"Mmm…" She closed her eyes and inhaled the sweet smell of strawberries. "…Those are good cookies!" Without opening her eyes, the girl plopped the shapes into her mouth, one by one…until there was no more left! Ichigo opened her eyes to find Mr. Akasaka gone. She tilted her head to the side, her stomach still rumbling for more. They were so delicious! But…where's Café Mew Mew?

A flash of that place from before came through Ichigo's head. Was it…it was! Ichigo happily jumped onto her bike and immediately started pedaling. She couldn't wait to taste those cookies again! After a few minutes of leg-exercise, Ichigo noticed something wrong happening. She was pedaling, and yet she hadn't made any distance yet. Ichigo peered at the wheels to see what was wrong. She almost yelped at the sight and jumped off to unfasten the vehicle…

…Her bicycle was still in the bike rack.

"Ahhhh!" Ichigo cried in joy as her bike came to a stop with a 'screech'. "Here we are!" Before her was the towering pink place she'd seen the day before; she remembered.

Her eyes sparkled at the sight of the pretty restaurant for a moment, then she came back to earth. "But…" Ichigo noticed. "It seems like no one has visited it for a while." She was right, for though the café itself looked cheerful, the exterior was dark and empty. Parking her red bike at the entrance, Ichigo cautiously walked towards the giant door.

"Wheeeeee!" Pudding cried as she swung around the chandeliers. Her face was chibi with happiness. "This is fun, na no da!"

"Calm yourself, Pudding," the blue-haired lady said coolly as she sipped her tea. Her feet were in crossed in an elegant position, her head held up high. She looked at Pudding with a sneer, then continued her sipping. "Guests may come any second."

Lettuce, who was balancing dishes on her hands, looked at Mint helplessly. "But…" She stuttered as a dish smashed to the floor. "…No one's visited for two years now-whoa!" Everyone winced at the sound of high-pitched breaking. Lettuce was still holding her hands up in defense when all the broken pieces were already settled on the floor. The braids in Lettuce's hair shook with surprise. "Whoops…heh-heh," She said meekly, then went away to get the broom. "So sorry!"

Zakuro, who was wiping the heart-shaped windows turned to Pudding and Mint to nod. "She's right," The model said calmly. "I just don't understand why Ryou still wants us to work here. After all, as Lettuce said, no one's come to support us for a long ti-"

"Anyone here?" Ichigo peeked from behind the door. "Is this Café Mew Mew?" Everyone sweatdropped at the fact that someone actually came to the café. Was this true? Pudding was the one to break the silence.

"Welcome to the Café Mew Mew, na no da!" Pudding chirped as she landed from the chandeliers and right in front of Ichigo with a 'thud'. A sweatdrop came to the red-haired girl. "Please, sit down!" Pudding literally dragged Ichigo to a table and forced her to sit on a white chair.

"Now, for a show!" A ball from nowhere came, and Pudding balanced herself on it, no problem. Next was fire blowing, then monkey counting, then plate smashing, then-

Plate smashing?

"AHHHHHH!" Lettuce toppled over a very frightened Ichigo and flung some plates into the air, as she'd already cleaned up the mess from before and was taking in some more plates until she fell onto someone.

"Okay…" Ichigo politely set Lettuce back up. "You okay?"

"Uh-huh!" Lettuce rapidly nodded her head. "Gomen, I'm so sorry!"

"Aww, it's okay," Ichigo said kindly. Truth is, she was having a heart attack. "Everyone makes a mistake once in a while, right?"

"Truth is," Mint said arrogantly to Ichigo. "You're very rude. Lettuce already tries very hard not to break plates." She scorned at a very confused Ichigo. "You don't have to push it in."

"Ugh!" Ichigo cried. Who's this girl to be so rude? And to think, she called me rude! "For your information, I wasn't trying to be rude, Missy. I was only being considerate about her." She turned to Lettuce, who was already picking up broken plates. "Let me help you!" Ichigo offered.

"O-Oh, it's okay!" Lettuce stuttered. Zakuro made no response, but stood beside Mint. "Just explore around!"

"Um…sure!" Ichigo shrugged, then walked around. She was already going upstairs. What a weird place! She pondered. Weird service, too. Man, I gotta go pee! Ichigo rushed around, looking for the washroom. Finally, a door that seemed to look like the washroom did the trick, and the freaked out girl rushed in.

She had gone in, but found no stalls or sinks. "Eh?" Ichigo said in curiosity as she only saw a table with a statue of a cat. "What's this?" The cat looked very kawaii, and Ichigo felt an urge to poke it. She leaned closer and-

"Don't touch that!"

"Eh?" Ichigo whirled around to find a blonde guy at the door. Now that's what I call realy kawaii! Without being able to response, Ichigo didn't know her foot was hitting the table leg. "Ai-eeeee!" She cried as her body smashed over the statue. Surprisingly, the cat didn't break. Instead, the activation button hit Ichigo's thigh as she feel over and onto the ground. The blonde ran over.

"What's the matter with you?" He yelled. Ichigo was so flustered and surprised at the same time. And I thought he was nice-jerk! Ichigo winced at his yelling, then stood up defiantly.

"Uh, excuse me, but that's really rude!" Ichigo snapped loudly. "I just almost slept in class, rode my bike all the way here, put up with scary fire effects, almost got killed by some giant plates, got dissed by some hipster, had no choice but to explore and I HAVE TO GO PEE BADLY!" Ichigo roared at the finale. The guy stepped back hesitantly. And I thought she was cute-weirdo!

"Ah-em," The guy said, keeping his distance from a spazzing Ichigo. "I'm Ryou Shirogane, owner of Café Mew Mew." He ignored Ichigo's pleas for a washroom and continued. "So I suppose we're honored to have a guest like you appear, but…kind of unexpected, don't you think?" Ichigo started jumping up and down like a floating kirema anima. "Next time, tell us that you need a reservation, okay?" The girl started screaming the alphabet while crashing into walls. "Although, really, we need a new waitress…" Ryou pondered. Ichigo finally came up to Ryou and started stretching his face out.

"CAN'T YOU SEE I'M IN AN EMERGANCY HERE? HUH?" Ichigo screamed into his face. Ryou winced at the breath. Yuck. "Oh yeah, I'm Ichigo Momomiya!"

"Right, right," He muttered as he pulled Ichigo off his stretchy face. "But first off, what's that light around you?"

"Ooh!" Pudding cried. Turns out the four waitresses had followed Ichigo after they heard her screaming. "Stretchy, na no da!"

"I dare say" Mint commented. "But that was very unladylike. And by the way…" She added, noting some pink sparkles come from the activation button.

"…What's that around you?" Lettuce finished for Mint. Zakuro just did her cool as Pudding continued to cheer for stretchy faces, Mint's rambling on how girls like Ichigo would never get a suitor or Lettuce's freaking out at the sight of sparklies.

"Eh?" Ichigo sweatdropped as her eyes watched a swirly pink glow form around her. "What's happening?" Ichigo cried as she poked it. "What's going on?"

"Hold on, Momomiya-san!" Ryou yelled as he reached for an instruction manual from nowhere, flipping rapidly through the pages. As he reached Chapter Three, the blonde's eyes widened and slowly turned to his comrades.

"Ladies," He said calmly as Ichigo continued to freak out and spaz. "I think we've found her."

Okay-eee…so, whadya think? Please review, myah! -


PS-the next chappie will come up really soon!