Chapter One

The noise here was almost unbearable. Screams and shouts had become an indiscernible cacophony. Most of the hexes flying overhead were silent but it wasn't difficult to pick out the occasional Unforgivable Curse. Such were the conditions of war. Even the ground was ravaged and raw. Lesions and fissures had been gouged out by wayward spells and any sort of plant life had died hours ago though it felt like days. Perhaps it could have been weeks. It was difficult to tell with war, though this one was on a relatively smaller scale than most of the other battles spoken of. Even so, it was the largest Harry had ever seen.

Trees lined this area, that much he was sure of. He recalled coming into a rather large clearing while it was still light out. The sun had just been grazing the tops of the trees. It had blinded Harry from where he was atop his Firebolt. He had looked over to his closest friends as they had drawn nearer to the battle site. Nothing had happened yet. None of them knew what to expect. Harry noticed that Ron looked decidedly paler than usual. His friend's eyes were fixed ahead despite the blinding light, his knuckles white where he was gripping the handle of his broomstick. He seemed to realize Harry was watching him and looked up, managing a weak sort of smile. Just past him, Harry saw Hermione looking very unsteady and keeping rather close to Ron. Noticing the direction in which Ron was looking, she looked to Harry as well and managed to contrive a smile of her own.

Harry could feel guilt building up within him. This was all his fault. They weren't even supposed to be here. They had only been at one of the camps. Everyone from the Order had been given their own share of those willing to fight. He'd been visiting Lupin when the news had arrived by owl. Harry had insisted he join and though Remus had objected there was really nothing he could do to stop him. Harry was of wizarding age and if he was going in Ron and Hermione were bound to follow.

It was only when the battle itself began that he realized he might just be in over his head. He had soon lost sight of Ron and Hermione. Not long after this, he had been knocked from his broom and there had been nothing to break his fall. He found himself in the thick of the battle, the darkness only broken by the passing light from spells. It simply wasn't in him to use an Unforgivable Curse on just anyone here, but caught in the heat of battle he found himself using Sectumsempra a great deal. Flashes of green told him that the Death Eaters weren't hesitating to use the worst spells they could manage on their enemies. Somehow, Harry managed to avoid any direct hits himself. Caught in the frenzy of battle, he took down more Death Eaters than he could count. It was only when he saw the back of a tall, cloaked figure with greasy black hair retreating to the Death Eater's side that he stopped. Even if he hadn't seen the man's face he knew who he was now pursuing. The back of his head had been the last thing he had seen the previous year, the sight of him escaping that had dominated his nightmares.

"Sectumsempra!" He struck another Death Eater by mistake and merely leapt over the body and pressed through the crowds. Harry found him again. He was apart from the others and now running like the coward Harry knew he was "Cru-!" Harry suddenly tripped and fell. His body hit the ground hard enough to knock the breath from his lungs. He raised his wand but by the time he could form words his would-be target was nowhere to be found. "Damnit!" Harry cursed, pounding the ground with his fist. Shaking his head, he pulled himself back over whatever had caused that nasty fall. He realized with a start that it was a body.

An ill looking man was sprawled out on his back, his shaggy light brown hair flecked with gray. "Lupin," Harry gasped, gathering his former teacher into his arms as best he could. He looked about quickly, trying to find somewhere they would be safe. Luckily, a gash in the ground proved both deep, wide, and close enough for Harry to get Remus there without too much difficulty.

This is where he was now. This was where he had stayed through the height of the battle. Terror had found a home beside the guilt within in. Lupin was still breathing but also still unconscious. There was no sign that he was badly injured but Harry knew there was a plethora of terrible spells that showed no such signs. It was entirely too obvious who had done this and he couldn't leave him until he was sure he was all right. At least this was what he told himself. In truth, no one needed much incentive to withdraw from all this carnage. Still, it was killing him not to know where Ron and Hermione were.

From where he kneeled on the ground, he could see what was happening above. Almost no one was still riding a broom. Everyone who was left was either on foot or face down in dirt and soot. Harry didn't see anyone he recognized though he wasn't sure that was something he should be thankful for. Even if he didn't recognize them, people were dead. A lot of people were dead. Harry hadn't expected the death toll to be quite so profuse. It was getting easier and easier to single people out on the battlefield yet there was still no sign of Ron or Hermione.

It was some time later, watching yet another wizard fall that Harry really did see someone that he could identify. It wasn't the wizard. He had seen so much bloodshed today he didn't feel much of anything watching another man fall, hit from behind with an unidentifiable hex. The man's face froze in a surprised sort of expression before he dropped to his knees then completely to the ground. His attacker was wearing the robes synonymous with the Death Eaters though he looked decidedly uncomfortable in them. He was also young, roughly Harry's age. Yes, Harry recognized him immediately. He was paler and thinner than ever now but his hair was still the same white blonde under all that dirt and his eyes still the same cold gray.

Malfoy appeared to be on edge, and for good reason. As long as Harry had known him, the Slytherin had never been particularly brave. He hadn't been a coward per se, but when it came to danger, Draco would most certainly save his own neck rather than stick it out for anyone else's. Harry watched as he looked hastily away from the body and about for cover. 'Not here.' Harry held his breath and ducked low. He couldn't stand Malfoy but could he kill him? He doubted it. Even the thought of so much as seriously injuring a peer made him sick. And what if he hesitated? Would Malfoy take advantage of that momentary lapse of common sense, of humanity and indecision? Most likely.

After several moments pressed up against the dirt ledge, Harry hazarded a look. He started when he realized Malfoy was standing almost directly above him. If he reached out his fingers would have grazed the hem of the other's robes and even if he did duck back down he would surely be able to see him if his eyes dropped only a fraction. Why hadn't he looked down yet? Harry wiped some of the grime from the lenses of his glasses. Draco was deathly still as a spell in the distance gouged another fissure in the earth. His eyes flashed a dangerous shade of silver as the sky was lit up and a cloud of dust enveloped the area. It was then that he thought to follow Draco's gaze. He looked through the hazy brown fog and over Lupin. There on the opposite ledge he finally spotted Ron.

Much like Malfoy, Ron was rigid. Harry's relief at find his best friend alive and unharmed was short he managed to get a firm grasp on the reality of the situation. Ron had hurried closer after spotting Harry, undoubtedly having picked him out from a distance at long last. It was by coincidence alone that Malfoy had been advancing on the same hiding place. Before either of them could quite reach it they had noticed one another. Harry recalled the night he had unwillingly hidden in the Astronomy Tower, beneath the invisibility cloak. Draco was no murderer but neither was Ron. Unfortunately, Harry was confident that if one of them ever was going to become a killer, Malfoy would be given the lighter shove.

Harry had no time to react. Malfoy did indeed raise his wand first. There seemed to be a million thoughts working their way over in Ron's head. He raised his own wand to defend himself but not fast enough. The noise from around them drowned out the incantation but the green light that shot out from the tip of Draco's wand was very recognizable. "Ron!" Harry was barely aware that he was running. He only knew that he was halfway to his best friend by the time he fell. The ledge was less of a challenge than he had thought it would be. It didn't slow him down at all as he planted one foot on a protruding root, launching himself up and over the edge. "Ron," he repeated. Why he kept calling his name was unknown to Harry. He wasn't expecting an answer, not really, but there was no time for emotional outbursts now. Harry forced down everything but rage as he looked back to Malfoy.

Harry met Draco's eyes as the other stood frozen where he was, wand still raised. There was a certain level of surprise there that Harry couldn't identify. Had he not realized what he had done or was he merely shocked by Harry's presence? The reason behind it didn't matter to him but the realization that Malfoy had the upper hand did. Harry had yet to draw his wand. He quickly concluded that Draco wasn't backing down and Harry readied his own wand, muttering a defensive spell when he realized that Malfoy wasn't aiming at him. Draco hadn't even noticed him yet. He was looking past Harry and past Ron, aiming at something specific. As Harry looked over his shoulder he blanched. It was as if a Dementor had pulled him into a close embrace. What Malfoy was aiming at was a 'who'. It was a head full of bushy mouse colored hair and the body of a female, keeping low to the ground yet rushing forward. It was Hermione.

Book smarts was Hermione's expertise. She didn't belong in a war zone. Harry knew she hadn't seen Draco yet. Like Ron, she had spotted Harry first but it wasn't long before she noticed who was with him. Common sense had deserted her. She cast aside any sort of caution and set off at a sprint towards Ron. Had she not seen Draco or did she simply not care? "Hermione, no!" But it was too late, Malfoy was already speaking the incantation, and his eyes were still fixed upon his next target. Harry spat out the first thing that came to mind "Sectumsepmra! Sectumsempra! Sectumsempra!" He slashed his wand wildly, repeating the word as forcefully and as quickly as he could. There was no flash of green. Harry had gotten to him first. Even if Ron wasn't, Hermione was safe. Even so, the sudden spray of blood brought him no satisfaction. The force alone had caused Malfoy to stumble back several steps. His arms had gone reflexively to his face before he had dropped his wand and fallen, crumpling onto his side.

There was so much blood on the ground, over Malfoy's face and chest and hands. He wasn't moving. Harry wouldn't be surprised if he had killed him. Another pang of guilt worked its way through him but he dismissed it immediately. Malfoy had deserved nothing more. Dumbledore had been wrong, he was a murderer. What he had done to Ron was unforgivable. Harry felt his breath hitch and catch in his throat as he choked back tears. Ron. If he hadn't insisted on being a part of this battle his best friend would still be alive. Harry made his way to Hermione, dropping down beside her as he struggled to quell a fresh surge of sobs that threatened to overwhelm him now.

Hermione had gathered Ron into her arms. Harry thought she looked exceptionally calm considering the circumstances. In fact she looked far too calm. They had both cared dearly for Ron but Hermione had cared for him in an entirely different manner. At least Harry thought she had. Now he wasn't entirely sure she was even upset by his death.

"We need to get out of the open," Hermione managed to keep her tone level. "Ron needs medical attention."

"W-what?" Harry could scarcely find his voice. He didn't want to state the obvious but he wasn't sure what to say. His eyes slipped down to Ron and it was only then that he noticed the rise and fall of the other's chest. "He's…alive?"

"Harry we need to take cover," Hermione insisted.

Harry had never been so relieved. "He's alive." He laughed weakly, shaking his head.


Looking up, Harry realized that Hermione was right. None of them would be alive much longer if they kept sitting here. His relief suddenly faded into confusion as he helped her maneuver back into the chasm with Ron. If that hadn't been the Avada Kedavra, what had it been? It suddenly occurred to Harry that this was the least of his worries. "Hell," Harry cursed under his breath, feeling ill as he got to his feet again. He was weak from fatigue but found the energy necessary to take off at a run again. Surely Draco wasn't dead. After all the grief he had caused Harry at Hogwarts he couldn't be this easy to kill. But what if it had been that easy? The last time he had used the spell it had done more damage than he had bargained for and even then he had only used it once. 'Don't be dead Malfoy'.

Harry nearly dropped back off the ledge he had just managed to climb over. There was blood on the ground, a great deal of blood, but no Malfoy. Harry looked around desperately. He couldn't have gone anywhere on his own and Apparating was out of the question as well. There would have been a trail of blood had someone carried him away, not that they would have had time. He supposed a side-along Apparation might be possible but who had been close enough to get to Draco so quickly and without his noticing?

"Harry! What are you doing?"

The voice had come from a low angle. Harry didn't even look down to Hermione. He was still scanning the sparse battlefield for his adversary, for the familiar white-blonde hair of a Hogwarts bully, for Draco Malfoy of all people…Harry had made a mistake. If Malfoy was dead now it was all his fault. "How's Lupin?" he asked weakly, bargaining with her by dropping to one knee rather than taking cover again.

"What are you talking about, Harry? Get back down here." Now her voice was sounding strained as well.

"Lupin!" Harry snapped impatiently, "Is he awake yet!"

Hermione didn't seem entirely sure how to respond to being shouted at in this situation "How should I know! He could be anywhere."

"What?" Harry spun back around, peering down the opening in the earth.. Hermione was there, standing at its edge, now only wearing her casual clothes. Ron was lying on the ground close by, Hermione's robes folded up under his head. True to Hermione's word, there was no Lupin, no second body on the chasm floor. Harry put a hand over his heart, grasping the fabric of his shirt, and closing his eyes tight. It was so dark now that closing his eyes made little difference. The air smelled of gore and the noise had died down. This battle was over. The absence of cheers told Harry that the casualties on both sides had been so devastating that there was no real victor, just a handful of people left alive. Ron was lucky to be breathing, Hemione was, for once, blissfully ignorant, and Harry was in all likelihood, a murderer.