Hey everyone! I'm not dead i promise! Here is the next chapter...

Disclamier: Please... although i can happily claim the plot. Yay! Mine!

This chapter is just the set up for the fun that starts in the next chapter really so i hope you enjoy! Now on with the story!


Chapter two: Draw Your Weapon...

Remus stayed curled on the floor for what seemed like an eternity before he managed to pull himself up. He would not allow them to treat him this way. He maybe a prisoner and he maybe forced to be here but he certainly wasn't going to let them beat him.

He thought about what they had said, and he felt more anger at his parents for letting this happen to him than anything else it wasn't fair. He hadn't asked to be a werewolf. He'd been four, how the hell was he meant to know what being bitten would mean at that age.

He regretted going to play. He regretted the tantrum he'd been in but he never regretted causing mayhem for his parents, not now. They had never accepted him as their son, not really not after he had been Bitten and it wasn't fair. Ferir Greyback had Bitten him because his father had displeased him and Remus had since found out that children were a favourite of Greyback's to bite.

He had been innocent in all of this. Still, he couldn't blame his father but he wouldn't blame himself either he had been four he hadn't understood. But he understood now.

He fought with that responsibility everyday and fought to make sure that those around him where safe and remained that way. He would never be like Greyback he couldn't endanger another person not on purpose.

It wasn't in his nature and he refused to do it on principle. Just because he was classed as a creature of darkness did not mean he had to act as one although he felt the twinges of rebellion deep inside him at being treated like this. He was going to throw fits and tantrums and he was going to be an absolute bastard because he could, because that was what was expected of him.

Besides he would be treated no differently even if he didn't act that way these people had already made up their mind as to how he should act and how he would be so he figured why make their lives easy for them?

Those thoughts fuelling him forwards he got up from the floor and made his way over the cot in the corner and threw himself onto it.

This could not possibly get any worse. Of course soon Remus wished he'd never said that because five minutes later he discovered just how much worse it could get.

Remus had finally managed to compose himself and was sat quietly on his bunk reading a book when the door went again. He quietly prepared himself for another verbal and magical tyst with Ethan and his cronies but nearly had a heart attack when he saw who had come in his place.


Sirius Black was the literal Black sheep in his family. He had been sorted into Gryffindor when the Blacks had created nothing but Sltyehrins for generations and he held none of the so called morals that his family had in high esteem.

Because he literally thought they were wrong. He thought his family were prejudiced soul-sucking maniacs and had told them so on plenty of occasions.

Those reasons where probably some of the few in a long list as long as some of Professor Binn's essays on stupid Goblin conflicts that he could name as to why he found himself here.

As to where here was Sirius was, there was no other word for it, disgusted, that such places still existed and he found himself hating his parents all the more for making him come here.

Here was a training camp. Or rather a holding camp for the Ministry that few people knew about. Sirius had been horrified when he realised that they still existed and when he realised he was being sent there, well he had kicked off, he'd screamed shouted and just about broke the last of every tie he had still had with his physo parents.

Not that he hadn't before since that was one of the reasons why he was having to go to the insane aslym full of pure blood nutters. Sirius didn't think he had to fear for what was being held captive, more for who was running the damn place.

He really could say that this was something that he really did not want to do. He just didn't. But he had no choice he was home for the summer and despite Sirius' wishes to the country Hogwarts did not allow students to remain in the school over the summer otherwise Sirius' name would have been first on that damn list.

And he wasn't quite old enough to strike out on his own and he didn't want to kip at his best friend James Potter's for the whole summer though James and his parents didn't seem to adverse to the idea.

James knew about his rows with his parents although Sirius never went into great detail he couldn't taint his time at Hogwarts, the only time he was free, with his recollections of his bitter arguments with his parents. But in the end it hadn't mattered because no matter how far he ran he could not escape their wrath and now he had ended up here.

In his worst nightmare. He couldn't believe they still existed and when he got out of there he knew that he was going to leave his parents. He figured the first chance he got he'd leave.

And if he had to he'd escape. He was not above doing that. In fact that as the days went on he was starting to think that this was definitely the best course of action, now all he had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity.

Sirius scowled it seemed the perfect opportunity was taking its time in appearing and all the while he was steadily finding more and more reasons to hate the place.

He wrote to James constantly but neither of them could find a way to get him out quickly. Sirius did his jobs but he made a point of making friends with the inmates though many of them were ready to bite his head off at first.

He did everything he could think of to get thrown out but the leaders of the camp only thought his antics were the first signs of a good guard and so Sirius gave up trying to be kicked out and resolved to escape.

He'd been in the camp for about a month and was starting to learn the habits and the routines of the guards when he heard a commotion in the high security wing. He was on Night Watch, he liked it better there was more chance to sneak off.

He carried on with his round when he was grabbed by Ethan Masters and his thugs Danny King and Jensen Benson. "Sirius Black." Ethan smiled. Sirius forced a smile onto his face Ethan ran the high Security Wing and was the camp's head hunter and Sirius couldn't find a word strong enough to describe how much he hated that man.

"I have a job for you." Ethan smiled. "Do I want to know?" Sirius asked just barely keeping the snarl out of his voice.

"Tomorrow morning we will be giving the newest member to the camp their orientation after that they're your responsibility." "Why me?" Sirius asked suspicious. He'd made it quite clear he was not willing to look after the poor people in the cages.

"Because I said so and because you're the best cut out for the job. Your job is to make sure he behaves and to report any issues is that clear?" "And if I said no?" Sirius said stubbornly. He might have been dumped here by his parents but that didn't mean he had to make things easy for those he was working for.

"Then your parents will know what a true little shit you are." Ethan grinned. Sirius frowned. "That's the best you can come up with?" Sirius asked. He had thought he'd already made it perfectly clear that he did not give a shit what his parents thought.

"Well it is because I know there's something that you really would not like your parents to know." "Ha! I doubt you can find anything that they already don't ream me for." Sirius said defiantly. "I doubt that." Ethan threw a letter at him Sirius caught it and his eyes skimmed the contents before he snarled and screwed it up.

"You have no proof." "I have one person that's more than willing to offer evidence." Ethan said obviously enjoying himself. "Oh yeah?" Sirius snarled and who the hell would that be then?" "I believe a Severus Snape. Knows you from school. He said you would know him."

Sirius slammed his fist into the nearest wall. Of course he knew that bastard! He hated him. Him and Snape had been fighting since they had met on the first day of school it was the way of things. Sirius with his best friends James and Peter against Severus with Lucius and Bella. Sirius' worst nightmare. Of course Bella was gone now but Cissa had stepped up to the spotlight after her sister had left and was doing a grand job. He hadn't truly realised just how much he hated his family until this past year.

Now he wanted more to do with them and this was his punishment. His mother thought that after a summer of seeing what not being pureblood meant he would come running back. But Sirius truly lived up to his name, he was the black sheep of the family and after spending a month there he had decided that he would never be like the rest of the Black family.

Sirius put the paper in his pocket. He would get Severus for that when he returned to school but for the moment he had more important issues to deal with. He had to deal with Ethan Masters. "What do I have to do?" He asked in defeat.

Ethan and his thugs may have won this battle but they had most definitely not on the war. And Sirius had decided it was war. "Make sure he knows the rules and knows that punishment will be strict and harsh if he refuses to accept it."

Sirius growled in his throat but gave a tight nod as an affirmative. Signalling he was doing this but he was damn well doing it against his wishes. Ethan smirked. "I'm pleased to see we understand each other."

"Whatever." Sirius snarled before stalking off. That did it.

This was definitely war.

And Sirius was going to win the war starting with making sure to cause as much trouble as possible, starting with the new inmate the first thing the next morning.