'To Hell with Fame – Wilting of a Pink Rose'

(Author's Intro - Hey again, it's me - Kyo! Yeah I'm back to write a sequel to my first fanfiction! That's right a sequel. Which means, if you never read 'To Hell With Fame - Fall of The Legendary Rock Goddess' then I recommend you stop reading and check that out first. If you have read it, though, then obviously, you are ready for a sequel.

As you guessed from the title, you might know who I'm focusing on this time in this story. Yup, Ami! A friend of mine Melissa (AKA Nightwing's biggest fan.) suggested why not do a story where it show Ami, of all people, be angsty and drama-filled. I went with it. Then my buddy Dave, aka Monkeyhill suggested a basic theme for this fanfic. Obviously, I went with his, as most of his ideas rock.

Also decided to make a new character and introduce her in this story, just cuz I can. I think I was inspired by ShadowTheHedgehog92's fanfic for some of this, so this is a special shout out. :P

Rated T, for mild language, suggestive themes, the use of drugs, alcohol, and major shoujo-ai. Of course most of this doesn't happen in the first chapter, muwahaha.

Remember, if you are going to suggest ideas, give me constructive criticism, or just say what a darn good job I did, that's fine. Flamers, however, will not be tolerated, and like my good-for-nothing father, will just be ignored. Got it?

With that crap aside, please enjoy the fanfic!

The Luminous Kyo. )

Take note – I am in NO way associated with Cartoon Network, Renegade Animation, the REAL Puffy AmiYumi or Sam Register. I do NOT own Hi-Hi PAY in any way, shape or form. Again, this is based off the ANIMATED Puffy not the REAL one.

Chapter 1 – Here Comes a New Challenger

'This is weird… however, it feels so right, and so who's to say what's wrong and what's right?'

The indigo-haired woman known as Yumi Yoshimura was found lying there in deep thought on her bed with the usual 'skull-and-violet-flower' scheme she is known for. She stretched a bit as she turned to look over to her side to see the sweeter half of their duo, the pink-haired Ami Okuni, sleeping and resting away on that same bed. Yumi couldn't help but smile as she saw her new lover sleeping. 'She looks so cute just laying there… of course, that's not saying much with her.'

Yumi remembers how she went through hell just to let Ami know how she really felt about her. Just the very thought made her feel uneasy, reminiscing how she nearly killed herself in the process. It was all worth it though, as she finally told Ami how she felt. This is what she wanted, right? 'At least now, someone cares about me like I do for them. My Ami- '

Right as she spoke, the pink-haired woman started to awake from her slumber and looked at Yumi in that sweet-but-half-asleep look that most people have first thing in the morning. 'Were you saying something, Yumi?' Quickly, Yumi changed her gears, so to speak. 'Nah, not a word, Ami. Just kind of chilling here, yanno?' Yumi looked over to something else, as she changed her topic. Ami just smirked and hugged her lightly. 'You can be silly sometimes, Yumi.' She ended that with a giggle.

'Yeah… about that- ' Yumi started. 'Um, I think it would be best if word didn't get around about us. You know, our… thing?' Ami then let go of Yumi and kept to herself, tapping her fingers to her side as if she were unsure of something. 'You're… not ashamed of… US, are you?' Ami wondered if Yumi started regretting this – the one thing Ami dreaded after this whole 'thing' started. 'Hm? What? No, Ami, that's crazy, I'm not ashamed, to say, but I just don't think some people… or KAZ for that matter, would take this sort of thing… I dunno, lightly… you see where I'm coming from on this?' Yumi sounded uneasy at the end, not sure how Ami would think of this. Ami was silent for a bit, but then she nodded. 'So it's settled then, we keep this whole thing underwraps, until I say so, got it?' Ami nodded again, then gave her rowdy lover a hug right before she reached for her diary. 'Uh, Ami, what are you doing?' Yumi questioned as she saw Ami start to write in there. 'Oh this? Just jotting down some of the events thus far in my diary.' Yumi released an annoyed sigh. 'Ami… '

'What? It's my personal diary, I'm not allowed to write it down?' Ami protested a bit giving that pouty-face that annoyed Yumi a bit.

'Ugh, I guess nothing is wrong with that… it's not like we know anyone who'd wanna steal your diary… well no one but that crazy fan girl of ours, or that crazy Mike Burgess guy.' Yumi shrugged to that last one.

'Who's Mike Burgess?' Ami wondered.

'Nobody important.' Yumi replied right before getting up from the bed. 'Yumi, where are you going?'

'Stepping out for a smoke.' Yumi said nonchalantly.

'Yumi…' Ami sounded a little miffed at her last sentence, as she figured Yumi would drop this nasty habit.

'What?' Yumi had to snap back at her for that. 'You write in your stupid diary about some simple events! It helps you think and it's fine and dandy! When I wanna think, I smoke, got it!'

Ami looked like she was on the verge of tears, ready to just start bawling. Yumi looked at her, and sighed, realizing she let her stress get to her again. 'Sigh. Koko de ni watashitachi iku… '
(Author's note – a jagged translation meaning 'Here we go.')

'Ami… ' Yumi started, sitting down next to Ami, scooting over near her. 'Don't cry. I didn't mean to get off the handle like that… ' Yumi was trying her best to be 'out-of-character', so to say… 'B-But… you yelled at me… ' Ami's eyes were now like two pink jewels glistening as she just wanted to cry. 'Ami, I DIDN'T YE – sigh. Ami, I didn't yell, ok? If it sounded like that, I'm really sorry. It's just you know how I get without a smoke.' Ami hugged herself in comfort looking away from Yumi. 'I'd wish you'd stop doing that. You're only hurting yourself.' Ami said in a low voice. Yumi just let out a stressed sigh, as if it was forced. 'Look, some habits are just hard to quit Ami, ok? I'm sorry I can't be all 'cutesy-wootsy' like you, but I have my own image to look after, ok? And smoking just so happens to be one of them. I change for no one.'

'… Not even, for me?' What Ami said caught Yumi off-guard. Once more, Yumi sighed like she did. All she did was hug Ami and got from the bed to proceed for outside.

'Yumi! I-I love you!'

'Shyeah, I know.' Yumi just closed the door behind her.

'I'm sorry, Yumi.'


The Puffy Bus was parked on the side of a dirt road, littered with green grass, a boatload of trees and the occasional flower. Kaz decided to park and take a break, as they were on their way to Atlanta, Georgia for their next gig. He just wanted to get something to eat from the kitchen so he did so, knowing that if it isn't money then it must be food that is important to him. This gave Yumi the perfect opportunity to step outside to the fresh air… only to fill her lungs with her cancer sticks.

As she was smoking, er, 'thinking' as she calls it, a random passerby noticed Yumi right there. The person who noticed her was around Yumi's size, with the brightest green-hair ever. The girl was wearing her unique style of 'FRUiTS-magazine' clothing, depicting a black hoodie with green bordering around it. Her black pants and her bright-green skirt accompanied this. She wore her headphones on the back of her neck, usually blazing some J-Metal, probably X-Japan. She carried a huge keyboard-guitar, something you'd see way back in the 80's being played by some guy with a cheesy 'Kid-n'-Play' haircut. The strange girl stopped and blew a bubble, and upon popping it she said this –

'Hey, that Orochi girl!' She smirked after saying this.

Yumi just had a few vein marks pop on the side of her head. 'EXCUSE ME?'

'H-Hey! Calm down, I was just kidding (for the most part anyways.). Umm, yeah, I saw you guys perform back a few miles there, and well, I figured this would be a nice opportunity!'

'Opportunity for what?' Yumi put out her cig on the back of her hand.

'For me to join your band!' She struck a pose so dramatic, somewhere in another world; even Sailor Moon felt the shivers of lame-cheese go up her spine.

'Psh. Sorry, kid. When I say 'duo', I mean it. Puffy's not looking for a THIRD member… Yumi waves to her and starts to walk back inside. However she can't seem to move her right leg, she looks down to see the young newcomer clinging her leg.

'Kid, yer startin' ta piss me off!' Yumi was clenching her fist, just about ready to start beating her off. (Ugh, get your mind out of the gutter people; I know what I typed.) But the young keyboardist just wouldn't let go and gave her the sad-puppy face. 'Oh boy, you are pulling an Ami I see… '

'Please, let me join you! Yumi, forever you've been my hero! When you rock, you roll! When you rain, you pour! No one is as awesome as you – the Legendary Goddess of Rock! You take crap from nobody! And just between you and me, the way you thrashed that dude – freakin' awesome!'

Yumi loves cigarettes. But one thing she liked more than that was being sucked up to. 'Well, I must say, you have good taste kid.' She let her up. 'You are -?'

'Midori… ' She cut her off. 'Midori Greenfield. People call me Mimi for short. Uh, a p-pleasure to meet you.'

Yumi snickered. 'Ah, so you're half Japanese, eh? Or did you give yourself that name, just because you love the color "Green"?' Midori didn't get this. Just then, Yumi went back inside. Midori reached a bit for her but it was too late. She just sighs, wondering where she went wrong. Just then Yumi comes out giving her one of her many 'axes'. Midori is speechless just gawking at it. 'F-f-f-f-fo-FOR ME?' Yumi nodded and handed it to her. 'It's a token of apprenticeship. You want to make it big in the music world you need to learn from the best, kid. Welcome aboard.'

As Yumi said that, she did not expect a full frontal glomp from her, squeezing any air from her. 'EEE! THANK YOU! DOMO ARIGATO, YOSHIMURA-SENSEI!' As Yumi was being squeezed, she thought of one thing – 'Yoshimura-sensei… yeah that sounds pretty cool.'

As this was happening, they didn't realize none other than Ami was watching them from a corner. Ami felt a little weird seeing this and walked off back to her room, somewhat slouching her torso forward in her walk. 'It's probably just nothing… '


Sorry this chapter started off slow. But whatever. A slow start for an awesome middle, I always say. Remember, R&R please, and I only accept constructive criticisms. Oh and btw, I'm Mike Burgess. - Kyo