Chapter One

Disclaimer: Don't own Inu or the gang. Don't own the song Everybody's Fool & My Immortal. I wish I did.

Beautiful starry sky with a nice cool night breeze blowing. She sighed as she looked into the sky. Knowing what a waited her Inu Yasha was going to choose and in her heart she knew who would be chosen. Inu I love you but do you love me? She thought. As she approached camp she saw that Kikyo was there. She also felt eyes on her and looked around with out turning her head. No one was there. Knowing that someone was there but didn't know who it was. She looked at Inu and smiled seeing as he had chosen.

"Kagome I need to tell you something." Said Inu as he stood. Kagome looked at Inu and was holding back the tears knowing what he was about to say.

Inu don't say it please. I won't be able to take it. She thought as her heart pounded. He looked at her. He could smell the tears but not see them he knew that she was already aware of what he was about to say. He walked to her and held her but as a friend.

"Kagome I love Kikyo and want to be with her. I love you as a friend and Little sister that is all. I'm sorry." He said as his ears drooped down because he knew he hurt her again. She started to cry. Sango stood to help her sister/friend, but Kagome took off in a dead run. Her heart had shattered. The tears ran like a river down her face. But no one noticed the pair of gold Eyes that had watched. They left the moment Kagome ran into the woods.

He had been watching her like an obsessed pup. Ever since a few weeks ago against Sounga. When she figured out how to stop the living sword. He couldn't get her out of his head and dreams. Tonight she sat unguarded and looked at the night sky. Her hair as dark as the night. Her body glowing in the moonlight. He could see she was deep in thought. When she went back he followed.

I heard what my idiot half brother said to the girl. I will take her home to my castle there I can find out why I obsess over her. Plus this girl would be good for Rin. He thought. He continued to follow her till she tripped. He stopped and let her be for a second. Then walked up to her. He had practice with Rin in comforting girls. He walked up to her and held her.

She felt the eyes but this time didn't look because she thought no one would be there. But then she felt a clawed hand reach around her. She was going to say something but she heard the voice of someone she didn't expect.

"What has the hanyou done this time?" asked the voice. She was shocked to say the least. Sesshoumaru is behind me with no intent to kill me? Also he seems to be comforting me? Has hell frozen over or what? Thought Kagome. She turned to him.

"He left me alone. He chose Kikyo over me. The dead over the living. I guess I'm not good enough for him." Then she leaned on his shoulder and cried. She let it all out. She was alone now she couldn't go back she would leave grab Shippo first though. He was like her son. Say good bye to Sango and Miroku. But she would leave. She couldn't go back to her time. She got kicked out for missing so many days. She had to make a life here. She would bring her family here and live in this time. Learn the ways of a miko then make her self a life. But first she had to get over a certain Hanyou.

"Well he didn't deserve you anyway. You need to let go. There are those that depend on you now. Don't let him rule your life. Plus I would like you to come and stay with me for my ward Rin. She wants to see you again.' Said the stoic Taiyoukai he said still holding her and letting her cry on his shoulder. For some reason he didn't mind, but it didn't bother him when Rin did it either. But his ice cold heart didn't race when Rin cried on his shoulder. He considered her a daughter though he would never say that out loud.

Rin you did this but that can't be right. I still felt like I always did I just would protect her. When Kagome started to cry I wanted to murder my baka of a brother. Then when I wanted grab her and leave I couldn't I felt the need to comfort her first. Why? Kagome what have you done to me? He thought and held her closer. Then he heard that her breathing had evened out. She had cried herself to sleep.

Inu Yasha watched as Kagome ran into the forest. That's when he noticed it. His brothers scent near the camp. What is that bastard doing here? He is following her. I need to save her. He thought and ran after her. The rest of the group followed him into the woods.

"Inu Yasha what are you doing? What do you smell?" said a child's voice from behind. Then he picked it up to and gasped. Momma be okay. I don't want to lose you too. Thought the young kit as he ran to his adoptive mother's aid. He couldn't stand to loose another mother. He ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. That's when a voice called from behind.

"Shippo what is it?" said the female voice the he saw a black Taijiya uniform. He jumped up to her shoulder.

"Sesshoumaru is in the area. I can smell him." Said Shippo as they came to the area Kagome was in. Shippo ran up to her and jumped in her lap. And licked her hand. Sesshoumaru watched the kit. Shippo looked at her and saw she was crying.

"Momma I was worried that you were hurt. I love you momma." He said as he curled and laid down. Kagome turned to him and grabbed him and hugged him.

"Thank you Shippo that makes me feel better. Come on I am leaving and taking you with me. If Sango and Miroku wish to come they can. I'm going home and getting a few things then coming back. After that I will continue my search for the jewel fragments maybe but I will go to Sesshoumaru's castle. Were Rin will be happy to see me and you Shippo. Plus I am needed and wanted. You Sango and Miroku may follow if Sesshoumaru allows it." She said and stood up. Then started to walk to the well.

"Momma I will go with you I don't want to lose you." Said the Kit on her shoulder. Sango and Miroku approached nodded.

"We will go with you to your time and follow to Lord Sesshoumaru if he allows. We wish to follow you and be together with our real friends. I don't know about you Miroku but Inu Yasha doesn't seem to mind if we leave." Said Sango looking at the Hanyou making out with the Dead priestess.

"I will allow it only because you are the true friends to Miko Kagome and will not cause her tears. My ward would be upset if Kagome ever cried in front of her. Let us leave. I know of were this home is of yours Kagome because I have been watching you for a while to see if my decision was a good one. I will follow you to your time. I wish to see this home of yours." Said Sesshoumaru answering Kagome's unasked question as well.

"You will not follow Kagome and kill her family." Said an angry Inu. Kagome turned looking at the ground. And said one word and left.

"Inu Yasha SIT!" Said Kagome and left. Everyone followed except Sesshoumaru.

"Miko I wouldn't I would send you back to hell with out your love. As for you little brother I have what you discarded. I intend on keeping her with me." Said Sesshoumaru.

"Why you hate Humans. You said so yourself. Why keep her let her be with me?" Said Inu Yasha.

"Because I need to find out something plus I don't hate all humans only most. I like my ward and the miko you discarded even the Taijiya and monk. But that Dead human I can't stand mostly because of the smell." He said and left.

Sesshoumaru you don't know what you just gave away. You love her though you don't know it yet. Take care of her. I'm going to be gone after the final battle with Naraku. Thought Inu Yasha.

They came to the well and saw and stopped. Waiting for Sesshoumaru to catch up. They looked at Kagome and could tell she was still hurt. Sango was worried her little sister couldn't stand to be here anymore and wanted to leave for good.

"Kagome what are you going to do after the final battle is over?" said Sango and not knowing that Sesshoumaru was in hearing range.

"Well I don't have a future in the present anymore. So if I survive I will stay here and raise Shippo and find a village to call home. After my task is over with Sesshoumaru. Then I will worry about getting married. If I can learn to love again. Maybe I will take Kouga up on his offer I don't think so though. He has Ayame. I don't think any one else loves me. I guess it will be me and Shippo." She said while starting to find the ground interesting.

"Well if you need a place to stay I will stay with you till the end. You're my best friend and Like a kid sister to me. I will always be there for you." Said Sango. Knowing Kagome needed that kind of comfort. Kagome gave her a hug.

She is all alone now. She has only two maybe three reasons to stay now and she may not be alive long enough to do them. I feel the need to be there to make sure she lives. Maybe it is me being soft but she seems to need a mate in her life. She is beautiful. I need to stop thinking about her. He thought as he approached. He looked at them with the usual emotionless mask up.

"You all ready to go?" he asked they nodded and jumped in one after the other. And ended up in the present.

"Well Welcome to my time. Shippo and Sesshoumaru I will warn you it might smell and have the overwhelming smell of humans." Said Kagome Shippo went to her and sat on her shoulder.

"As long as I'm near you I will be okay. Same with Sesshoumaru. Though I think he won't do it." Said Shippo as he looked like.

"You would be wrong young kit I would and will. I know better considering I am nearly gagging now I will stick close to the miko." Said the Taiyoukai as they all climbed out. Kagome opened the door to the well house. Sesshoumaru and Shippo flinched and then went back to looking at the future.

"Wow momma this is your time? It looks fun but what are you going to get. Am I going to meet your mom?" Asked little Shippo and looked at Kagome. She seemed to feel better. Then they noticed what she was looking at. The god tree was in her time. It stood not more then a few feet away.

"Yes this is my time. I'm getting a few things that I want and need. Yes you will meet my mother." She said then smiled. They headed to her house she opened the door. Souta was on the couch watching T.V. and heard the door open. Turned and saw Kagome in the door way.

"Hey sis you have another fight with Inu Yasha?" said the little boy. And notice his sister's head drop. Then ran to his mom.

"Kagome what is it? You can talk later if you want. Oh you brought some other friends come in and have a seat. Would you all like some tea?" Said Ms. Higurashi gesturing to the near by couch.

"Thanks mom. This will be hard to explain. Mom this is Inu Yasha's Older Half-brother Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands. Next to him is Sango the Taijiya and my best friend slash sister. Next to her in the chair is Miroku the monk and pervert…" She was interrupted by Miroku.

"That hurts Kagome. You don't see me as a friend or brother?" said Miroku faking to be hurt.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted Miroku the perverted monk that is my friend and older brother. And this little guy is Shippo the Fox kit that I see as a son. He calls me mother. Sesshoumaru has a ward named Rin that I will be looking after. After I get some things here that I to have with me." She said then proceeded to go up stairs. When she got there she went to her boom box and started to play Evanescence Fallen. More specifically Everybody's Fool.

Perfect by Nature

Icons of self indulgence

Just what we all need

More lies about a world that

Kagome packed for a bit then started to sing along. She did this while crying.

Never was and never will be

Have you no shame don't you see me

You know you've got everybody fooled

She sang with all her heart not realizing she had the audience of a certain Taiyoukai.

Look here she comes now

Bow down and stare in wonder

Oh how we love you

No flaws when you're pretending

But now I know she

Sesshoumaru listened to her as she sang. Though the music was loud he listened to her words. He could smell her crying.

Never was and never will be

You don't know how you've betrayed me

And somehow you've got everybody fooled

He knew she needed to cry and let this out. But he wanted to go to her.

Without the mask where will you hide

Can't find yourself lost in your lie

He was sorry for her and knew it. She was suffering for his truly foolish brother.

I know the truth now

I know who you are

And I don't love you anymore

She cried through this whole song. Knowing in her heart he was the fool but right now she felt like the fool.

Never was and never will be

You don't know how you've betrayed me

And somehow you've got everybody fooled

Sango came and listened to the song. She began to cry. Knowing that it meant Inu but realizing Kagome thought otherwise. Her friend knew the truth but felt different.

It never was and never will be

You're not real and you can't save me

Somehow now you're Everybody's Fool

That is when Kagome noticed the audience. She blushed and turned back to work when she was grabbed by the arm of a demon. The arm of the last person she expected to consul her. She turned and saw for a moment that he looked concerned. Then the look left his god like features.

"Miko why do you cry? You know he is the one that is the fool not you. He left the living for the undead. I think you need to listen to the words that you sung a moment ago. He betrayed you not the other way around." Said Sesshoumaru reading her mind. He wiped the tears away then left. Then heard her sing again.

I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

Because your presence still lingers here

And won't leave me alone

She sang with the tears still flowing from her face as she sang. This time begging for Inu to leave her heart alone.

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase.

Sango came in and sat next to Kagome realizing that she needed a female friend. Knowing Sesshoumaru's words were correct. It would be a while before she could let go.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

Miroku approached and heard her and knew whom she sang to asking to leave. Though he thought said man could not hear her.

You used to captivate me

By your resonating light

But now I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

Inu sat in a near by tree Kagome had the window open. He heard every word she sang from the first song and this one. It hurt to hear her say this but it was true. He knew what she spoke of though. Not literally yet but in her heart she wanted him gone. He betrayed her for the undead.

The wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

Sesshoumaru knew he had to help her but how she was just hurt and he could not show her that he might care. His pride would be at stake in that manner. He knew his brother was listening. He had shown up when the first song had started and heard every word she sang so beautifully. The current one wasn't bad. He enjoyed the piano.

When you cried I'd wipe away all your tears

When you scream I'd fight away all your fears

And I've held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

Kagome in was fighting her own tears but they wouldn't stop she needed to cry and for a while. Inu Yasha had hurt her. She knew it was going to happen, but that didn't make it hurt any less. She was not weak for crying but she was alone and was probably going to be for the rest of her life. At least to her anyway she would be alone.

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

And though you're still with me

I've been alone all along.

This part told Inu some thing he knew for a while especially when he told her his decision. She knew that he would choose Kikyo. She knew that he was going to see the undead miko. Though the last part he just figured out. The part that hurt was he just realized why she was always hurt when he would come back. She had loved him. He betrayed that love and destroyed her heart. He felt guilty.

When you cried I'd wipe away all your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

I held your hand through all of these years

But you still had all of me

Kagome turned and leaned on Sango's shoulder and cried her eyes out. She wanted to scream right now.

"Kagome it's alright. Go ahead and cry you need to. I will always be there for you if you need me." She said and noticed that Kagome had gotten up and ran to Sesshoumaru. Something seemed off. Then she sensed him. Inu Yasha outside the window listening and watching. He seemed to be guilty and mad. Her friend was seeking comfort from the demon lord and he was willing to give. That was fine but for how long would he do so before he caved and didn't give the comfort Kagome had needed. Then there was the baka outside the window. He was guilty and knew it. He hurt her could they forgive him.

Inu watched in horror and pain as Kagome ran to Sesshoumaru for the comfort that she needed. Had her heart known what he hadn't the entire time? Did she know whom he was going to choose before he chose? He had regretted making her feel the pain she had. But he didn't regret his choice and wanted to keep it. He loved Kikyo, but to hurt Kagome over it that was what he did wrong.

"Miko what are you crying for now?" asked Sesshoumaru. He looked at her confused as to why she still cried over the fool of a brother he had. He knew what was wrong. He knew she needed to let this all out before they got back to Rin.

"I am sorry I need to be alone. I just need to let this out I didn't mean to offend you Sesshoumaru-sama." She said and left. He was confused now and went after her into her room in which Sango had left her.

"Miko why do you insist on trying to hurt your self over him. He isn't worth the trouble. You are crying over a fool." He said to her. She nodded.

"It is not as easy to let go as you might think. I thought I loved him and now. I know he doesn't but it still hurts. I can't let go yet. I loved him I don't now but to truly let go of him will take a while. Why do you care I don't concern you? I am just another annoying human. I mean yeah Rin likes me but that doesn't matter. I am just too…" she didn't finish because Sesshoumaru had his hand over her mouth to silence her. He wanted to kiss her to taste her and quiet her. She need time to cool.

"I care because I respect you more then the others. I don't wish you to hurt does that not matter." said the Taiyoukai.

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