Author's Note: Ok, I think this has to be my favorite story. Normally I wounldn't be all like yeah my story is great. But...I really like this one. So yeah thank you for all the reviews. And here's the epilogue
"This is going to be the last night I see you." said Calleigh as she wrapped her arms around Tim's waist on the back porch.
Tim smiled and turned around. "Were getting married tomorrow."
"Mmmmhmm..." Calleigh smiled and rested her head on Tim's shoulder. "Are you scared?"
"You're not?"
Tim shook his head. "I was when I proposed...but not anymore."
Calleigh laughed. "I thought that nurse cried more then I did."
Calleigh sighed as her cell phone went off. She was at the lab. Who would call her now? "Duquesne?"
"Detective Duquesne?"
"This is Doctor Carter-"
"Is Tim ok?"
"I think you should get to the hospital."
"I'm on my way right now."
Calleigh hung up her phone with trembling fingers. "Camden if Horatio asks tell him I had to leave."
"You ok Cal?"
"Just do it."
Camden nodded as he saw Calleigh walk out of the room. Making sure the coast was clear before sticking his nose down the microscope. "Speedle...she's going to kill you."
"What happend? Is Tim ok?"
The Nurse grabbed Calleigh's arm. "Callegh calm down...go in and see him."
Calleigh gave Betsie a confsued look and walked into Tim's room. Calleigh gasped as she walked in to a candle filled room. "What's all this?"
Tim smirked from his bed. "Come here."
Calleigh noddde and sat down on Tim's bed. "Tim...what's going on?"
Tim took a deep breath. "'re everything to me. You've been there when I get in over my head on cases. When I needed a friend to talk to about Paul. You've stuck by me through this..."
"Tim what are you saying?"
Tim reached under the blanket and opened up a small box from Tiffany's. "Calleigh Duquesne." Calleigh gasped and put her hand to her mouth as Tim opened the box. "Will you marry me?"
Calleigh looked at Tim as the tears fell from her eyes. "Yes...yes I'll marry you."
Tim smiled and slipped the ring on her finger. "I love you."
Calleigh smiled. "I love you to."
Betsie and Doctor Carter smiled from the doorway. "Awwww. This is just like in the movies."
Tim and Calleigh both looked at Betsie. Doctor Carter smiled. "Come on Betsie...we have patients to see. If you ask me this patient looks just fine." Doctor Carter winked and closed the door.
Calleigh smiled as her alarm woke her up. Calleigh didn't even have time to get out of bed before she heard a knock at the door. Calleigh slipped her robe on along with her slippers and answered the door.
"Calleigh sweetheart you look beautiful."
Calleigh smiled. "Hi Alexx."
"Hi." Calleigh smiled.
"Where's Gracie?"
"She's with my dad. He's going to bring her to the church."
Alexx nodded. "Oh honey I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks Alexx."
Eric groaned. "Go away."
"Eric Michael Delko get your butt out of this bed now."
"Speedle...have you ever heared of beauty sleep?"
Tim glared at his friend. "Why? It's not going to help you any."
"You want me to go pick up the tux's don't you."
"Yes...I can't go."
"You do realize its only 6:30 right."
"I know."
"The place doesn't even open until 7:15."
"Well I guess you'll be first in line then. Now go."
Eric sighed and headed for the bathroom.
Valera gasped as Calleigh pulled out her wedding dress. "Calleigh that's beautiful."
Calleigh smiled and the beautiful white strapless down. "Thanks...Its the first one I tried on."
"Honey your going to be so beautiful."
Calleigh smiled and went to say something but her cell phone rang. Calleigh looked down at the caller i.d. that said Tim. Calleigh glanced up at Alexx and Valera.
"It's Tim...what do I do?"
"Answer it baby."
Calleigh nodded. "Hello."
"Tim what's a matter?"
"Nothing...there's just one thing I need to do before I put that ring on your finger."
Calleigh smiled slightly knowing all to well what that something was. "Ok sweetheart. I'll see you at the alter."
"I wouldn't miss it."
"I love you."
"I love you to."
Tim smirked as he hung up his phone. "You ready?" asked Eric as he parked his car.
Tim nodded. "Yeah let's go."
"Goodman." Kevin groaned as the guard called his name. "Goodman you have a vistor."
Kevin groaned once again and got out of bed. "About time he comes to see me."
"You sure you don't want me to come in with you?" asked Eric as he eyed Tim.
"I'm a big boy Delko." Eric glared at him and Tim chuckled. "I'm fine. I'll just be a minute."
Eric nodded and watched his best friend enter the vistor's room.
Kevin smiled as he watched Tim walked in the door and grabbed the phone.
"I see your walking." said Kevin bitterly.
Tim glared at him. "Yeah no thanks to you."
"What do you want Speedle."
"I just want to say thank you."
"Thank me? I'd think you'd hate me."
"No Kevin. That give's you to much justice. I want to thank you because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be marrying this women." said Tim as he held up a picture to the glass.
"She's pretty."
"She beautiful."
"Is that your daughter?" asked Kevin as he looked at the little girl sitting next to Calleigh on the steps.
Tim smiled. "Yeah that's her."
Kevin smirked. "Looks like you have the perfect family."
Tim nodded. "I hear your lethal injection is in 6 months."
"You know it doesn't matter if they give it to you or not."
"It doesn't?"
"No it doesn't. Because at the end of the day I know that your worst punish is not having this." said Tim as he held up the picture of him, Calleigh and Gracie.
"That's a punishment? Not having a wife and kid?"
"Yeah...beacause its one thing i learned from living in a hospital for almost 2 years. Is that...a family...will always be there for you. Always protect you. And when there putting that needle into your arm. I want you to look at me. And know that I took that away from you."
"You ready?" asked Alexx as she squeezed Calleigh's hand lightly.
Calleigh nodded. "Ready as i'll ever be."
Tim smiled as Calleigh walked down the aisle. His eyes never leaving hers.
Tim mouthed a hi as Calleigh's father handed her hand to him. Calleigh smiled through the tears that were already fighting their way to the surface.
"Let's begin."
"I do."
Tim smiled as Calleigh slipped the ring on his finger. "And do you Calleigh Duquense take the Tim Speedle to be your hudband. To have and to hold as long as you both shall live?"
Calleigh took a deep breath through tears. "I do."
Tim smiled and placed the diamond on Calleigh's trembling hand. "With the powers vested in me, the good state of Florida and the people here today I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Tim smiled and carresed her cheek softly. Calleigh smiled and wiped a tear from his face. Tim smirked and kissed her. Eric walked up to them minutes later.
"Come on you to. Enough's enough."
Calleigh laughed and pulled away slightly.
Calleigh grabbed Tim's hand as the curtain was pulled back. Tim took a deep breath as the guard's fastened the restraints on Kevin's arms.
"Just hold my hand." whispered Calleigh. Tim smiled and put a hand on her swollen belly. Tim looked back to find Kevin looking at him. Kevin smirked and looked back up at the ceiling. Maybe Speedle was right. Family really was what mattered.
Calleigh squeezed Tim's hand as they closed the curtain. " ok?"
Tim nodded. "Yeah...its over."
Calleigh gave him a sympethatic smile. "Come on...let's go home."
Tim smiled and kissed Calleigh lightly. "Yeah...let's go home."
THE END...See randomwritting he did go to Tiffany's lol. Please review. Thank you. You guys truly are my reason to keep writting.