Mitchel "Monkey" McClurg POV

I could feel the AC kick on as I sighed and rolled over and looked at the clock. My head was spinning with ideas. I had tried for months to perfect Nitrox 3 1/2, but each time something would happen. I groaned as I looked at the clock, it was reading that it was 4:00am, the annoying green lights staring at me. I could hear Tork's voice in my ear telling me how I had blown up his engine those times that he would test the new fuel. I wanted to scream, I knew that thier was no way that I was going to get some sleep, and that I might as well look at the equations again for the new stuff.

As I rolled out of bed and headed for my little work place. It was quiet, I could see Porkchop fiddling with his car. Most likely giving it "Character" as he likes to put it. As I sit down on a stool and pull a folder out of my backpack. Opening it and scanning over the equations on the paper. I had graduated high school early, I was only fifteen when I graduated. No one knows about it, except Porkchop. All of them really think that I just dropped out, but I didn't. My mind wasn't on the sheets though in front of me, though I tried to convince my body that it was. I was just staring at them, seeing them but not seeing them at the same time. My mind drifted back to those good old days, the days that I was ready to fight no matter what. I haven't always been a scaredy cat, it was just a fatal accident that made me scared of everything and to drive especially. But when you see your one and only sister killed in a car wreck, I guess it would make you scared of everything.

"I should of been the one that died in that accident" I thought, as I pulled my hands up to cover my eyes, my chin resting on my palms of my hands. My eyes closed and my head buried in those memories. The memories of my sister and that night, the night that I lost her forever. It wasn't fair, she was only fifteen when she died. She was looking forward to driving, she was looking foward to building her own car. She was exicited to finally join the racing world, then again I should of said no to that as well. It was my fault that I lost her so quickly. It was my fault that she is gone and that she would never be able to feel the adrenline rushing through her veins.

As I pulled my head away from my hands and looked across the garage. Seeing Lani walk through, some files in her hands. Her long hair was down for a change, just grazing her middle of her back. Her eyes seemed to shimmer more than usual, I couldn't help but wonder why she was up this earlier in the morning. When I looked at the clock I soon realized that the night was almost up anyways. The clock was reading that it was 5am, she was most likely organzing the files. I saw her climb the stairs, my eyes watching her until she disappeared. I knew that thier was a chance that we weren't ever going to get together. She was better than me and probably wanted someone like Nolo or Vert, not the lowly mechanic. She was amazing with a car, but that I didn't mean a thing when I came to us. I just groaned and looked back down at the sheets of paper, she needed someone better than me. She needed someone like Vert or Nolo, I wasn't going to do anything for her. I was just a mechanic and she deserved something better. As I groaned and started to concentrate on the equations.