Uncanny Superman

Chapter 1: The Boy of Steel


The Uncanny R-Man

Disclaimer- All familiar characters belong to DC.

Author's Notes- Yes, this is yet another addition to the UDC-Verse. Man, I really have to stop getting such cool ideas.

Project Cadmus-

Alarms blared and guards ran about. Something wasn't right at Project Cadmus. Heck, nothing had been right ever since the Suicide Squad busted in and made away with the Supergirl clone, Galatea. (1) Even though Amanda Waller had increased security tenfold, it didn't prevent yet another one of their experiments escaping.

'Give me a report!' Waller bellowed into a walkie-talkie.

'N-no sighting of the subject.' A guard reported nervously. 'H-he's disappeared.'

'That isn't good enough!' Waller growled. 'Losing Galatea was worse enough. This, we don't need! Find me the clone or I'll have your heads!'

'Y-yes ma'am…' The guard whimpered before signing off.

Waller rubbed the bridge of her nose and groaned out loud.

'I'm too old for this rubbish.'


Outside the Cadmus building, even more guards were running about as they tried to locate the escaped clone.

'This is crap.' One guard muttered as he looked about cautiously. 'Waller's gone nuts. She hasn't been right since the Suicide Squad thing.'

'Shut up, man!' The second guard hissed. 'Waller'll have your ass if she hears you talk like that!'

Both guards spun around as they heard a jeep starting up.

'Crap! The jeep!' They both hissed before running off in the direction of the runaway vehicle.

Once the guards had disappeared around the corner, a shadowed figure ran out of hiding and leapt over the perimeter fence.

Unfortunately, the sentry guards were all too awake.

'Halt! Stay where you are!' They bellowed. 'Don't make us open fire!'

The naked black-haired guy just ignored the warnings as he flew towards the top of the sentry tower.

'Open fire!' The lead sentry ordered. 'Full kryptonite spread!'

The other sentries never got a chance to use their weapons as he snatched the guns from their hands and crushed them into tiny balls.

'Retreat!' The lead sentry screamed as he ran towards the ladder that led them downwards.

Unfortunately for him, the clone zipped in front of him with impossible speed.

'I don't like people shooting at me…' The clone frowned as his eyes began to glow red.

Down below, guards jumped in fright as the sentry tower exploded in a ball of flame. They didn't hesitate to open fire on the figure that flew out of the inferno. Their bullets ricocheted harmlessly off the clone's impenetrable skin as he made his way towards the lights of Metropolis. Amanda Waller would be beyond angry after she found out about this…

Metropolis: The next morning-

Lois Lane woke up with a groan as she felt something cold and wet on her face.

'Go 'way…' Lois mumbled as she swatted the thing away with the hand. 'M'sleepy…'

But the slobbering thing continued to… slobber.

Lois' eyes fluttered open to see a fuzzy white canine face staring back at her.

'Ohhh, Krypto…' Lois growled. 'Get off the bed!'

Krypto just cocked his head at his mistress.

'Off!' Lois ordered, sitting up and pointing towards the bedroom door.

Krypto nudged his mistress with his nose. He wanted to play.

'Krypto…' Lois warned the dog. 'Off. The. Bed.'

Krypto bowed his head sadly and slunk away. His mistress never wanted to play in the mornings. Perhaps his master would like to play later…

Lois slumped back into the bed with a groan. She would never be able to get back to sleep now.

Lois rolled over to look at her sleeping fiancé. For a man with super-hearing, Clark Kent sure was a heavy sleeper.

Lois smiled mischievously as she had an idea how to wake Clark up. Lois licked the top of her finger and stuck it in Clark's ear.

'Waaaahh!' Clark yelled as he awoke with a start. 'What the…?'

Lois just smiled back innocently at Clark.

'Lois…' Clark frowned.

Lois just admired her nails nonchalantly.

'Lois…' Clark repeated.

'Krypto wants to go walkies.' Lois blew on her nails, still not looking at Clark.

'But you were already awake…' Clark sighed.

'It's Saturday, Smallville.' Lois explained. 'I lay in while you take the dog for a 'walk', remember?'

'I remember.' Clark sighed heavily as he got up out of bed and made his way in to the bathroom.

'Y'know, some people would think that you don't like Krypto…' Clark noted as he popped his head out of the bathroom, only to see that Lois had already fallen back to sleep.

'Typical.' Clark sighed.


Clark had showered and shaved and was now in his 'work clothes' as Superman. He and Krypto were flying across the skies of Metropolis, enjoying the rays of the morning sun.

Having a metahuman dog had its up and downs. Very few normal dogs had the ability to fly and heat vision to start. Then there was the risk of Krypto doing his business whilst in flight. Luckily, nobody had been hit on the head by anything. Krypto had to remember to do his business like any other dog, or try to aim for the roof of the LexCorp building at least.

Krypto followed his master, his tongue flapping happily behind him. Krypto loved nothing more than going for a 'walk' with his master.

Superman turned his head to check up on his furry companion and smiled at the sight of the happy pooch. For as much as Lois complained at the mess that Krypto made, she did indeed love the dog like a four-legged, furry child. Superman was glad that he found Krypto in the first place.

Superman had originally found Krypto as a puppy during and adventure with the rest of the Justice League. They had liberated a menagerie of alien creatures from Brainiac. Whilst Batman was initially reluctant to bring the alien dog back to Earth, in case of some strange alien contagion getting loose, even the Dark Knight had to admit that Krypto was one Hell of a cute dog.

Superman's daydreaming was cut short as Krypto barked in alarm.

Superman looked at his dog to try and find out what the fuss as all about.

As usual, Krypto zipped off to investigate. That dog was one impulsive pooch. At least he was invulnerable though.

Superman followed Krypto down to the streets of Metropolis to see a young naked man duking it out with heavily armed guards that could only have been from Project Cadmus. What surprised Superman the most was the fact that the young guy looked identical to what Superman was when he was a teenager. Could it be that Cadmus was up to their old tricks and was creating clones again?

'Oh, you're in for it now!' The naked guy grinned arrogantly as he tossed a soldier over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing. 'Big Blue's here and you're all going down!'

'Stay out of this, Superman!' The lead soldier ordered. 'This has nothing to do with you!'

'When heavily armed soldiers are one the streets of my city endangering innocents, I make it my business.' Superman answered, all business now.

Krypto added his assent with a growl.

Superman removed his cloak and handed it to the naked young man, who took it thankfully.

'First of all, put some clothes on.' Superman ordered. 'There are children about.'

The naked guy did as he was told and wrapped the cloak around himself like a makeshift toga.

'Now, how about you all tell me what's going on?' Superman inquired, crossing his arms.

'Long story short…' The black-haired guy began. 'I'm your clone, Blue. I busted out of Cadmus and these jerks wanted to bring me back in.'

'I see…' Superman nodded thoughtfully before turning to the Cadmus soldiers.

'This is Justice League business now.' Superman explained. 'I shall take care of this now.'

'This is Cadmus business!' The lead soldier responded. 'The clone belongs to us!'

'The boy belongs to nobody.' Superman frowned. 'He will be coming to the Watchtower with me. If you wish to register a complaint, go through the necessary channels.'

And with that, Superman left with Krypto and the clone close behind.

'Wow, that was great, Blue.' The clone grinned as he laid back calmly in the air. 'You sure showed those jackasses who was the boss.'

Superman turned to regard the clone with something that the Flash liked to refer to as 'the look'. It was usually reserved for people like Batman.

'You could have hurt people down there.' Superman told the young clone evenly. 'Didn't you even stop to consider that?'

'I was kind of busy, what with all those Cadmus guys.' The clone replied with a groan. 'It's not like anybody was hurt.'

'Save it…' Superman sighed heavily. 'Once we've found you some proper clothes, we're going straight to the Watchtower to find out if you are who you say you are.'

Suitably admonished, the clone followed Superman in silence for the rest of the flight back to the apartment where Clark Kent lived.


Next: Bring in the Clones

What will Lois think of the clone? What about the rest of the Leaguers? Tune in next time to find out…

Author's Notes-

(1)- The Suicide Squad attacked Cadmus and made away with Galatea in 'Uncanny Suicide Squad.'

If you liked this, please go and check out my other UDC-Verse stories: 'Uncanny Justice League', 'Uncanny Superbuddies' (co-written with L1701E), 'Uncanny Suicide Squad', 'Uncanny Wonder Woman' and 'Uncanny Titans East.'