Okay I'm back with the last chapter of Operation FEVER. This is going to be so cute. Thanks to all who reviewed I love ya to bits!
Chapter 5: the get better gift
Numbuh four went into his room after putting Numbuh three to bed. He looked at the picture that kuki drew for him and said to himself,
"Ah wonder whot should ah do to make Numbuh three feel better." He looked around his messy room and spotted a few art supplies like a card board box, some glitter, and crayons and markers. Then an Idea popped into his head
"Ah know! Ah could make Numbuh three a get better gift. Ah just hope she'll like it though." He said as he got to work on the special present.
A couple of hours later, Numbuh three woke up to find that she was lying in her room. Her head still hurt her, but at least it wasn't pounding like earlier. Even though she was still coughing and still in pain Numbuh three felt like she was actually getting better. She got up from bed and went into the living room where Numbuh four was watching T.V. he got a little surprised to see her standing by the doorway and said
"Hey, ya finally woke up from ya nap. How are you feeling Numbuh three?" Numbuh three smiled at him and said
"I'm feeling a little better, my head and throat still hurt but not as bad as before." Numbuh four then suggested to Numbuh three
"Well if ya head isn't hurting that much maybe ya fever went down a little bit. Ya wanna go check to see if it went down?" Numbuh three smiled and nodded her head as Numbuh four gave her thermometer. When the thermometer started beeping, Numbuh three took it out of her mouth and she and Numbuh four both read the temperature it said 101F. They both cheered as Numbuh four said
"Well it isn't much, but it went down a little bit, so that means ya will be okay! See ah told ya so Numbuh three." Numbuhs three and four jumped up and down and hugged each other when Numbuh three said
"Yeah, you did tell me that Numbuh four and you were right! You said that I would be okay and I am. You really are a great doctor Wally." They both stopped jumping up and down to realize that they were hugging each other. They both scrambled off each other and awkwardly looked away from each other, Numbuh three coughed and cleared her throat to ease the uncomfortable silence. That's when Numbuh four started talking,
"Um …Numbuh three, ah know that ya feeling a little better and…um... ya gonna be okay and all. But after ah saw the picture ya drew me and…" that's when Numbuh three interrupted him and asked Blushing,
"Oh, you saw that? Do you like it Numbuh four? I told you it will be pretty." Numbuh four nodded his head and continued speaking
"Yeah ah saw it and it's really nice. But back to what ah was saying, ah saw the picture ya drew me and ah thought maybe this would make ya feel better quicker…and well…here." He quickly handed Numbuh three a heart shaped box wrapped in green paper. Numbuh three unwrapped the box and gasped.
"Numbuh Four It's beautiful! I-I don't know what to say." The present was beautiful. The heart shaped box was all green and pink around the edges of it, with sparkling glitter all around it. Numbuh four then told her
"Why don't ya try opening the box Numbuh three?" Numbuh three did and the inside looked as beautiful as the outside. On the inside of the lid it was covered with glitter and it had writing that said "I hope this makes ya feel Better Kuki!" and on the bottom was a small photo of them when they was young before they joined the KND, they were both around six years old and it looked like they were waving to the camera with their arms around each other. Numbuh three blushed and smiled then looked at Wally who was blushing as well, and told him happily
"Thanks Wally this really does make me feel a kajillion times better! It's better than any present I ever gotten." Numbuh four smiled and blushed some more and told her
"Um… Numbuh three … you know how ah sometimes say really mean things to ya and ah can sometimes hurt ya feelings?" Numbuh three looked confused as she said
"Yeah, Numbuh four, but you always say you're sorry and then it's okay because I forgive you every time, just like earlier." Numbuh four then asked her
"But do ya know why ah those things to ya?" Numbuh three then thought about it and shook her head and said
"Now that you mention it, No I don't know why you say mean things to me Numbuh four. Why do you do it anyway?" Numbuh four blushed and said to her
"Well… it's because…um…I kinda…sorta like ya a whole lot!" Numbuh three happily said
"Silly! I like you a lot to Numbuh four." She giggled not really knowing what he was talking about. Numbuh four just sighed and yelled at her
"No! I mean in a BIGGER way Kuki!" Numbuh three looked shocked and looked at him with wide eyes and said
"Really, Numbuh four you really like me in a really big way!" Numbuh four nodded his head and blushed, Numbuh three blushed and admitted to him
"Well, I am glad Numbuh four because I like you in a Really Big Way too." Numbuh four smiled, Numbuh three giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Numbuh fourwas so shock but he managed to ask her
"So, ya want to finish watching Aladdin, Numbuh three?" Numbuh three smiled and nodded her head. They both sat on the couch and watched the rest of the movie, and even though Numbuh three was still sick, Numbuh four wasn't embarrassed to hold her hand.
Aww that was so sweet Right! Well I loved typing for you guys and oodles of love to all people who R&R, and Look out for My new story Operation B.F.F's. it's a Numbuh three story and it's a really sad one .every one knows Numbuh three has lots of friends but when a very special child hood friend from Japan moves close to Numbuh three's neighborhood. What painful memories from the past do they have that they don't want to share with the KND. Watch out for it okay! I love ya all! See ya!