Cornelius chuckled. "That's a great campfire story, Carol. Cute. Real cute. Next you'll be telling us that Z-23 will be coming for us in the dark of night." The doctor glanced up at the HDTV monitor and blinked in surprise. "Where is the subject? And where are the wranglers?"
Hines spun in her chair. "Off camera, sir." "I can see that, Ms. Hines. Put them back on camera, please."
"Switching, sir." The next camera in sequence was positioned near the elevator doors. It revealed nothing. And the security cam inside the car showed it to be empty, too. Carol Hines keyed the intercom. "Security, where's the subject?" "Wranglers have him, Ms. Hines."
"Wranglers, come in," she called. "Wranglers? Do you copy?" There was no reply. "Switch to camera five, back in the field," Cornelius said. Ms. Hines gasped when she saw the new image on the screen.
In the foreground, two wranglers lay dead, hacked to pieces, their body parts mingled with the slaughtered tiger's. In the background, Harry was not visible, just a large hulking beast as it strode through a sundred chain link fence twad the elvator and the underground complex.
Suddenly, the Klaxon blare of the alarm echoed in the complex's steel corridors. "Security!" the Professor cried. "What is wrong? What is the siren for?" "Not sure," Major Deavors replied from the command center. "This could be serious, what the hell was that thing, Professor, and where is the subject? said Cornelius. "I believe Cornelius that 'the thing' you refered to is the subject." Cornelius turned to Carol. "Shut down his transponder, Ms. Hines. That should send him into a mind loop and bring him down for good.
Carol Hines tapped her keyboard, then slammed her fist down. "No response," she said, her usual monotone voice shaded with panic. "The Transponder is in overridde...from an outside source. There's nothing I can do."
"Security! I ask again: What is wrong?" the Professor screamed. "Sorry, sir," a vioce replied. "This is the guard outside of your lab. Someone is breaching the security perimeter, in the elevator, on his way down here. The level is in lockdown. We're armed an--"
His words died in a terrible scream. Over the loudspeakers, Cornelius, Carol Hines, and the Professor heard shots, shouts, screams...chaos.
The Professor was visibly trembling. "Don't worry," he whispered. "We're safe behind these walls. He doesn't know we're here, he--"
A grating sound interrupted him. Four diamond sharp claws began tearing through solid steel. The door to the laboratory shoo, then fell from its hinges. Harry loomed in the doorway, snarling.
Desperately, Carol hines tried to regain control of Weapon Z-23 through the REM device. As he burst into the lab, control of the subject eluded her, though she did manage to interfface with Harry's brain suffienctly enough to project his thoughts.
On the HDTV monitor, Carol saw an image of herself in Harry's mind. Malignant and small--almost diminutive compared to the giant that he was. She watched horror as her virtoual doppleganger was beheaded with a backhand swipe of Harry's claws, only a split second before she felt the actual swipe of death. Her own head leaped from her shoulders in a fountain of blood.While her brain died from lack of oxygen, Carol Hines considered a final irony.
'I was right... Never should have stuck my neck out... Sure to get it chopped off...'
Harry came at Cornelius next. As he lunged, the doctor saw his virtual twin on the monitor, in the guise of a grim, medieval torturer, with a surgical mask for a hood and angels of death--wearing the faces of MacKenzie, Henry, Chang, and many others--hovering in the background.
"That's not right," moaned Cornelius in the moment of his long and brutal murder. "I'm a doctor...A healer...I help people..."
Finally, Harry turned on the Professor. the scientist backed up. He begged, pleaded, whined, and finally howled as Harry severed one hand, then the other. Kneeling, then crawling, imploring Harry to spare his life, the Professor looked up at the monitor right before death cast its pale shadow over him. One the screen, he saw no genius. No architect of the flesh. Certainly not a god. Not even a man, really...just a frightened, sobbing little boy crying for his mother, pleading for mercy--utterly powerless in the face of a cruel, arbitrary, uncaring fate.
Primal Fury
A:N Yo what's going on out there people. Here's the newest installment to my heart rendering series I have a challege that needs to be addressed I really need input on this for those of you who don't know this is a bloody roar crossover. And a certain characteristsic of all the Bloody Roar characters is the fact that the main characters have a beast form that they transform to Harry needs one so if you have an animal of choice let me know by review alright? Any way keep reading and reviewing my fics cause you guys know that this is what I live for. Peace... Matsu...out.
Chapter Four: Discovery
brief author's note: this chap is roughly a couple of months later sorry for skipping around on you guys but apparently the fic doesn't need a storyline or character developement or any type of fucking plot device that can be attributed to creating a great piece of work all it needs is HP characters to make it good- sorry about that I just got this reveiw that kind of pissed me off It was basically some dick saying hey cool fic but you need to put in Harry Potter Canon Characters...check my profile for my full response it's worth it... Anyway there will be some flashbacks that tie in to Betrayal and Harry's world travelling as he tries to come to terms with what they did to him. He did suffer brain damage as a result of Busuzima altering his DNA and giving him a healing factor lol another wolvie tidbit so his mind kind of scabbed over the really traumatizing stuff so all that time is really hazy and all he remembers is jumbled and cryptic... The order of the firebird also appears at some point so we'll get a glimpse of the life that everyone has had while Harry's been away...well get ready for another action packed ride...also if you want a part in either Legacy or Continuity let me know by email at matsuken2099 at yahoo dot com or go to my forum...
The 'real' Discovery
"Albus! Come quickly I believe we've found him!" Minerva McGonogall cried excitedly as she rushed into the Headmater's office waving a piece of parchment over her head franticly. "Albus we have found Harry Potter. After these three long years we've finally located him." Her face held a look of immense joy and hope at the thought of the return of the young hero of the Wizarding World. Albus leaned forward at his desk and adjusted his half-moon spectacles. "Minerva may I ask where did you get this information?" He asked quietly.
Minerva sighed slightly and handed him the parchment. "One of our search parties spotted him in a American city called Los Angeles, I believe it is located in California." Albus reached across his desk and picked up a lemon drop, completely avoiding the parchment held in Minervera's hands. He gave a satisfied smile before popping one into his mouth. "My dear Minerva, would you care for a lemon drop?" After she shook her head, he place the tin down upon his desk. "Albus we have found Mister Potter what should we do?"
Albus took the parchment and gave it a once over, before raising his eye's to meet Minerva's these are correct cordinates I presume?" Minverva nodded. "Then we will send a retrieval team." He turned away from Minerva and rose from his desk. He walked toward his back shelf and picked up a small orb. He held it in his hands before it began to glow red. "Kingsley, this is Albus come in."
Kingsley's face appeared rose from within the crysal. His baritone voice ringing out. "Yes Headmaster?" Albus wore a look of grimm determination. "Auror Shacklebolt is your strike team ready?" Kingsley's expression became one of intense concentration. "So, I take it we have located Mister Potter." Ablus nodded. "Yes I need him returned to me by the Sorting Feast tonight. But do not try to harm him. We know he has not been in Voldermort's grasp but we can never be to sure where his allegiances lie at the moment so please be as curteous to Mister Potter as possible understand?" Kingsley nodded, "Understood, Headmater you will have Potter before the Feast."
"Good Kingsley, I wish to present him to the students as well as the Order as a returning Hero. Hopefully it will boost their morale this war has been hard on all of us and now that Mister Potter has returned..." He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. "...It might be over a great deal sooner than expected."
(PS: ARE YOU HAPPY NOW YOU StUCK UP SOB THERE'S YOUR FUCKING HP CANON CHARACTERS YA BITCH YA FUCKIN' BITCH. I'M TIRED OF YOUR FUCKIN' DIVA BULLSHIT GODDAMMIT YA BITCH...sorry I have the D on dvd and I love the search for inspirado+Angel in Disquise...KG & JB that's doing ya double team )
also read between the lines people there's a reason that I wasn't planning on writing any of the canon characters into the story for awhile...but alas it's too late for that now you'll just have to use deductive reasoning to figure everything out it's all a big puzzle I'm giving you all the pieces but it's up to you to solve the Harry Needs a Beast Form Still taking suggestions...
Derek Matthews was for the first time in his life carefree. He had been free for nearly three months after escaping that facility. He adopted a new name, idenity the works. But somehow he knew that Harry Potter would always come back to haunt him. He'd learned how to control the 'other him' now that he knew what he was now. And that there were others like him, problem was they weren't all that hospitable to humans or trustworthy.
Not that he blamed them after what he'd learned about Tylon and the man named Busuzima and the ZLF. He couldn't quite place but he knew those names from somewhere. The last three years were still a blur. All Derek could truly remember of any part of those three years was waking up completely nude in the middle of nowhere covered in blood. Derek was thankful for the Native American Shaman Fox, who found him and nursed him back to health. The man also explained his unusual circumstances namely his new gift, explaining to the young man what a Zoanthrope truly was. According to Fox, certain people had a special ability to become one with the "Great Spirits". Zoathropes were just another name for those individuals.
Derek, mused dryly, as he looked back on the time when he was confused and afraid, and allowed himself to smile slyly. 'If only they could see me now.' Whatever had happened to him during that mental lapse, had definitely changed him for the better. He was stronger, faster, smarter than he had ever been. Hell, now that he thought about it he was probaly stronger than most if not all humans on the planet. Not to mention his special bones, Derek looked down at his right hand as he unconsciously flexed it.
But, back to Harry Potter, Derek did remember him and his life of subtle malnipulations by a certain Headmaster, and he happily cast it aside in favor of his new existence as far as he was concerned, Harry Potter died back when his so called "family" sold him off to the high bidder. But somehow, Derek alway knew that one day his old life would come back to bite him in the ass. He just wasn't counting on that day to be today.
"Are you sure that this is really Potter. Shacklebolt?" Mad-Eye turned to face his partner as they lead their teams into position. Kingsley nodded solemnly, "Almost positive, we just need to get a visual conformation from, Nyp- Auror Tonks." He turned to face Moody, "You see the way I see it is she's the only way we can get close enough to be absolutely sure it's him." Moody nodded, " I see, th' lass is a Metamorph, so no matter what she can get in close." Kingsley sighed sofly, "Let's hope that this time it's the real deal, so to speak." He turned to face his strike team, "Alright at Auror Tonks's confirmation, we will proceed and capture the subject. Let's make it quick and clean we need to be in and out. Immediately! Understood!" At the nods that occured around Kingsley smiled. "Alright, let's bring our boy home. MOVE OUT!"
End Chapter
AN: Okay that was kinda short but hey I'm under at lot of pressure I'm Really REally sick and it's making it hard to concentrate, but don't worry the next chappie will be worth it. Right now with all my fics as I'm getting ready to post new ones I'm writting Filler chappies as to set up the really good stuff. As always Read Review because I need your feedback this fic has about twenty different plot lines flowing aroung in my head but I can't choose which to use...REad and REVIEW!