I dont own Sly cooper but you already knew that. This is my first Sly Cooper fanfic so bare with here people if you dont like it ok if you like it thank you. So please read and review thank you for your time. (it's get better...i hope anyway lol)

A Plot Unfolds

"Hurry up you lazy pathetic excuse for falcons" an outraged voice echoed thorough out the volcano. Perched on the rim was a medium silhouette of an owl. The robo-falcons screeched as they dived into the lava retrieving the scattered clockwerk parts one by one.

The owl smiled with such a grin that would cause even the bravest of heroes tremble in fear. She looked at the piled of clockwerk parts that lay before her. "Soon raccoon, soon you will rue the day you messed with the clockwerk clan and ruined my life. I vow revenge upon my father and the rest of my family. Soon the cooper clan will cease to exist"

Robo-falcons screeched as the last part of clockwerk landed in front of their new master. "Your order has been completed master." Came the voice of a tall falcon.

"Wonderful" The owl smiled. "Now my falcons take the parts to the base. I have a matter to take care of."

"Yes master." The tall falcon replied as he snatched the clockwerk eyes and flew off toward the south all the other falcons following suit.

The owl watched then flew off toward paris. "Your time is coming to a close raccoon"

I know it was short. I'll update when i can again if you liked it so far thank you. If you didnt well ok.