My last story was a Snape and Hermione but this one is going to be a Draco and Hermione. I hope you like it just as much.
"Crabbe, Goyle, why am I here?" Draco demanded.
"It's our birthday present to you." Crabbe answered.
Draco turned to glare at him.
"What the hell made you think that I would have any desire to go to a muggle club?" his voice dripping with ice.
Crabbe looked at his shoes.
"We thought that you might what to check out the action." Goyle piped up. "You're always telling us you hate it the way witches through themselves at you."
"So you thought that you would bring me here!" he almost shouted. "To a club full of muggles!"
"yes." They said in unison. Still having not realised what they have done wrong.
Draco turned away from them and took a deep breathe. It would not do for him to lose his temper in the middle of a muggle club. But really what were they thinking! Bringing him to a place like this. Yes, he was fed up of witches like Pansy Parkinson leaping on him every chance they got. But a muggle club!
"I swear the pair of you has nothing but air between your ears!" he snapped.
He thought about going back to the pulse. It was his favourite club. He went there when he needed to get laid and wasn't at Hogwarts. But the thought of having to deal with Pansy on his birthday was not his idea of fun. So here he would stay. Who knows, maybe there would be a good lay here. Not that he would ever tell anybody about it even if there was.
He lat his eyes sweep across the girls sitting at the bar, but that was all they were, girls! He turned to look over the dance floor with a steely gaze. He paused as two girls in the middle of the dance floor caught his eye. Both danced as if nothing else existed. Felling that maybe he would be able to have some fun he looked at both more carefully.
The blonde of the pair was facing him. Her hair was up and framed her face. She had on a mini skirt that could be used as a belt; it was paired with a blue top that stopped just under her breast. She had a good figure but not the best he had ever seen.
The guy she was dancing with whispered something in her ear. Her head flew back and she laughed loudly. Reaching out she grabbed him and pulled him right up against her.
Draco shock his head, she was too easy.
The brunette had her back to him. He let his eyes trace her body. She had on a pair of skin tight jeans that flared below the knee, but that cupped her butt to perfection. She wore a read top that attached around her neck but left her shoulders and upper back free before wrapping around her trim waist. Her long brown hair hung about half way down her back.
What would it feel like to touch? He wondered. His fingers twitched.
He found that he could not tare his eyes away from the stranger. The sway of her hips had him hypnotised. It was almost as if she had become part of the song itself. She danced like she had no care in the world. Merlin knows he wished he felt like that.
It was strange watching the woman. Oh, there was no doubt that she was a woman. The only one in the club it appeared. She seamed almost familiar.
The blonde leaned across and whispered something in her ear before heading of with her dancing partner, leaving the Brunette surrounded by boys. And they were all boys. None of them would be able to handle this woman. She didn't even seam to notice them. She just kept on dancing.
"We can leave if you want." Crabbe said, pulling Draco's attention away from the dancing siren.
He turned and stared at the two idiots that had brought him here in the first place.
"After you dragged me all this way? I don't think so!" he snapped. "One of you go and get me a drink while I find somebody to dance with."
He gave a long suffering sigh as he watched both scramble off to do his bidding. Why did he put up with them? He didn't even like them. Granted sometimes they have there moments but normally they just annoy him.
He turned back to look at the brunette siren. Her hands were now up in the air and her body just seamed to flow. It was immensely seductive, she probably didn't even realise how hot she was. Her movements seamed too innocent and unplanned. Unlike the blondes, she had known what she was doing.
He watched as a guy walked up and started to dance behind her. Draco snorted as he saw the man try and get the women's attention. Having failed everything else the man just turned her around.
Draco gasped.
There must be something wrong with his eyes. He couldn't really be seeing what he was.
"What the hell is Granger doing in a club!" he said out loud.
"What was that Draco?" Goyle asked.
"Nothing." He said turning to take his drink from Goyle. "What is this?"
"It's something called a beer." Crabbe answered. "We tried a bit at the bar and it tastes pretty good."
Looking at the brown liquid in the glass, he thought about whether it was worth trying. Putting it to his nose he took a sniff. It seamed to smell alright. He put the bottle to his lips and took a sip. It was not bad he supposed. Nothing compared to a glass of firewhisky but it would do. He took a long draw from the bottle and turned back to the dancing Granger.
Why did it bother him so much to see her in a club? It was probably because she spent most of her time buried in her books. What was worse was he had been thinking about turning on the charm and going down to dance with her.
He took another draw form the bottle.
Well since she was here there was no point in not having some fun anyway. He watched as she moved in time to music, having lost the guy that turned her. An idea came shooting into his head.
Taking another draw from the bottle he handed it to Goyle and made his way onto the dace floor. As he walked through the crowd on the floor he made sure to stay out of Grangers line of vision. He would have gotten to her sooner but girls kept wrapping their arms around him and trying to dance.
He finally reached her; she had her back to him again. He couldn't stop himself from watching her. There was still a part of him that would not except that his exotic dancer was the know-it-all mudblood from Hogwarts.
Taking a deep breathe he put his hands on her swaying hips. For a moment it seamed like she hadn't even noticed, but then slowly she brought her arms down and put her hand over his, all without losing the rhythm of the music.
It sounded stupid, he knew it, but it seamed as if the music seamed to be coming form her. As if the music was passing from her hands into his. For a moment he didn't know what to do. Giving himself a mental shake he moved to the music with her. He tightened his grip on her hips and pulled her slowly closer to him, until her back was flush with his chest. For a minute or two the moved gracefully together. Suddenly the beat changed and she started to grind up against him. To say it took him by surprise would be a under statement. Who knew the mudblood could be so hot?
He was fascinated when she bent her knees and shimmied down his body. As she straightened she rubbed her butt erotically into his groin, almost making him moan out loud, and much to his shame making him half aroused.
Now, Draco thought, Now!
"Granger you should be careful who you dance with." He whispered in her ear coldly.
He felt every inch of her freeze as she turned to face him.
Well what do you think? You know there is only one way I can find out and that is a review! So click that little button and make me one very happy girl!