Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter,but you already knew that.
Claimer: I do own this idea.
Pairing: A small reference to Penelope/Neville.
AN: I love reviews. I do. And yes, I know this is random, but I was bored.

He was terrified. Terrified that Peeves had decided to go down the corridor, terrified that Snape had felt the urge to go on the hunt for students out of bed.

Neville Longbottom tiptoed as quietly as he could down the long corridor, peering his head around doors. He had hidden a few times from various prefects and Filch and now, he was hoping he'd find Trevor before he had to hide again.

This door creaked, a long creak that sent echoes down the hall. Neville cringed, inwardly shouting in frustration. Now everyone would be after 'the student out of bed'.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Neville turned towards the unfamiliar female voice in alarm. Hands on hips, Penelope Clearwater stood facing him, blonde eyebrows raised. Neville swallowed hard.

"I-I can't find my t-toad..." he croaked, looking down at the floor nervously.

"Oh," Penelope replied softly. "What if I told you that I had found a frog?" Neville looked up at her hopefully.

"Really? Have you found Trevor?" Penelope smiled, and reached into her pocket. Slowly, she pulled out the small frog and held it out to him.

"I won't tell anyone you were out of bed. Everyone gets worried about their animals." Neville nodded, and took his pet out of her hands.

"Now, back to bed," she told him.

"T-thank you," Neville replied. Penelope smiled, bent down and kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight," she said, before turning back down the corridor. Neville slowly touched his cheek, and grinned. Seamus and Dean would not believe this...