Title: Letter to Earth

Author: Cassandra Hunter

Category: BtVS/Stargate Atlantis

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.

Plot: Buffy's letter home from Atlantis raises quite a few eyebrows and reveal something's that the others did not know.

Notes: Set during 'Letters from Pegasus'. This came to me when I was watching it. I wondered what Buffy Summers would say, had she been there. So came the birth of this.


Weir turned to Rodney. "Rodney are we ready to send the message?" She asked him.

He nodded and informed her quietly, "When you are."

"Good." Dr. Weir nodded. "Lieutenant Ford should be finished up soon." She turned to Major Sheppard. "Are sure you don't want to send a message?"

John shook his head. "I'm good."

Ford stuck his head through the door.

Before he could say anything, Weir interrupted him. "Ford are we ready?"

"I still have to get Summer's message, then we are done." Ford looked at them. "Do you know where she is?"

John nodded. "She's probably in her room."

"I'll just go find her then." Ford left.

Major Sheppard looked at the Doctor. "How long has Summer's been working for the SGC?"

Weir shook her head. "She doesn't work for the SGC. Buffy works for an organization that the government likes to keep in contact with."

"What kind of organization does the government want to keep in contact with?" Sheppard questioned her, as innocently as possible.

"I'm not quite sure." Weir shrugged. " All I know is that she came as a favor to the president."

"The president?"


Buffy Summers entered the conference room with a yawn. She looked at the occupants of the room. "You wanted to see me?"

Weir nodded. "Yes. It seems you have recorded your message." She gestured toward the camera. "We're about to send them off."

Buffy nodded and took a seat. "So..."

Ford blinked in realization. "Oh! Yeah.." He went behind the camera and nodded. "Its recording."

She took a deep breath and looked at the camera. "This is for my family and friends. Willow and Xander, I'm sorry for everything that had happened. Jesse, Tara, Anya... They would all still be alive if it wasn't for me. God, Sunnydale would still be standing if it wasn't for me. You guys are my best friends.

"Giles, you've been there for me since I came to Sunnydale and after we all left. You're part of my family." She paused and took another breath. "Please, take care of Dawn, like you promised.

"Faith, since there now is a very good chance I may not make it. I want you to take over as leader permanently. The lives of those teenagers are in your hands. Take care of them. And don't let Illyria scare the mini slayers to badly.

"Andrew, what can I say? You're a pain in the ass. But you're our pain in the ass and we wouldn't trade you for anything. You're one of us now. Congratulations." Buffy told the camera with a sight grin. She could feel tears welt up.

"Dawn. Dawn. My little sister. Take care of yourself. I love you. Make me proud.

"Illyria, protect Dawn. And please try and work on your people skills.

"Finally, this one goes out to all the mini slayers. Protect yourselves and each other. Be careful and think wisely.

"And finally. To Jack O'Neill, thank you. For everything." Her voice broke and tears fell from her eyes. "Goodbye Dad, I love you."

Buffy Summer reached over and turned the camera off. Then she left the room, leaving the occupants of the room in shock.