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Chapter Three

Qualifying, Fights, and Secrets

Serenity opened her eyes, the alarm next to her going off waking her. She turned the alarm off and stood up from her bed. She walked to the bathroom in her pink sleep clothes and closed the door behind her.

She entered the warm water of the shower and cleaned her body and hair. She soon exited and walked back into her room to fetch some clothes. She grabbed her jean shorts and pink jacket and placed them on.

Just then a knock came at the door. Serenity opened the door to find Kaiba standing outside in his black and green race uniform." Ready to go, everyone is downstairs eating breakfast," Kaiba asked.

Serenity nodded and followed him down the hall of the exspensive hotel to the elevator. The two metal doors opened when they arrived so the two entered. Kaiba stood away from Serenity with his arms crossed and his poker face on.

" Nervous about today," Serenity laughed.

" Ha this day will be easy, practice and qualifying is always easy," Kaiba answered. Serenity smiled and followed him out of the elevator. They walked into the hotel's breakfast room where the crew sat. Raphael and Mai at one table, Raphael was eating a plate full of donuts while Mai read a book with wedding dresses.

Valon and Alister sat at another table having a match of arm wrestling and Pegasus sat at the back table reading the newspaper. Serenity walked over to the breakfast bar to grab a bite.

Kaiba sat down next to Raphael who was placing donuts in his mouth one by one." What do you think about this dress," Mai said shoving the magazine in front of Raphael. Raphael looked at it and then spit out his dounuts.

" $10,000 dollars are you crazy woman, I don't have that much money," Raphael said.

" Hey don't call me crazy I'am just trying to plan our wedding which you haven't even helped me with," Mai said whacking Raphael on the head. Kaiba laughed at how the two got along, they would make a good couple. Serenity came and sat down next to Kaiba.

She placed her plate down and then handed Kaiba a cup of coffee." Thank you," Kaiba said making Serenity smile. After everyone had finished their meals the crew piled into the van and headed to the race track.

Kaiba walked down pit road with Serenity next to him." Where are we going," she asked?

" I'am heading to meet with my team mate," he said. Serenity watched as Kaiba stopped and walked up to a man sitting in a lawn chair next to a purple and black car.

The man had spiked dirty blonde hair with tanned dark skin. He wore a pair of sunglasses which made him look like he was asleep.

" Marik are you awake," Kaiba asked.

" No," said the man. Serenity jumped back in surprise and Kaiba smirked at her reaction.

" What do you want Kaiba," Marik asked removing his glasses.

" I just wanted to see if your were ready for today, I need you up there with me during raceday so we can win this, remember last year you finished 5th in points," Kaiba said.

" My car is as ready as its ever going to be, you just worry about yourself and Duke," Marik said placing his glasses back on. Kaiba nodded and headed down pit road to his car. Serenity ran after him and walked beside him.

" Who is Duke," she asked.

" A grade A asshole and pervert, I'd stay away from him if I was you," Kaiba warned. They soon reached his pit. Serenity watched as Kaiba stopped all of a sudden. She looked around him to see a man in a white uniform with black hair propped up against Kaiba's car.

" Hey there Seto," said the man.

" Duke, what do you want in my pit," Kaiba spat back. The man raised his head and smiled.

" Just sizing up my competetion, but I find it that there is nothing to size up," Duke laughed. He then smirked when he spotted Serenity. He walked over to her, but was cut off by Kaiba.

" Leave her alone Duke and get back to you own pit Qualifying is about to start," Kaiba said. Duke glared at Kaiba and then looked at Serenity again. He smirked at her and then walked away.

" See I told you he was an asshole," Kaiba said. Kaiba then turned and headed to his car. He placed his helmet on and entered the car to begin Qualifying.

Serenity sat next to Pegasus on top of the pit box watching various cars go around the track and getting their positions for the race. Serenity watched as Kaiba's car was called to begin and watched him drive his car onto the track.

She looked at the computer screen next to Pegasus to see the current standings. Duke was right now on the pole, with Marik in second, and Yugi in third, and Kaiba was the last car. She stood up on the pit box and watched as Kaiba's car went flying past the finish line on his warm up lap.

" Come on Kaiba," Serenity said slapping her hands together. She watched his car go around turn four and again past the finishing line. She looked at the computer and watched as Duke went down and Kaiba took the pole.

" Yay he did it," Serenity cheered and clapped. Pegasus smiled and radioed to Kaiba for him to bring the car in. The black and green car pulled into the pit and was met with the cheering of his crew. Kaiba exited his car and slapped hands with his men.

" Ha luck, thats all it was," came the voice of Duke. All of the crew turned to see him and his crew standing there.

" What was that Delvilin," Kaiba spat.

" I said it was luck that you stole the pole from me," Duke smirked.

" Luck has nothing to do with it, its skill which you don't have," Kaiba shot back.

" Ha I have more skill than you and your old man could muster," Duke laughed. Kaiba glared daggers at Duke.

" Leave my father out of this, he had more skill than anyone here today," Kaiba yelled.

" Yeah he did untill he planted his car into the wall and killed himself, maybe he didn't want to see how much of a failure you are," Duke laughed. He was then speared by Kaiba who threw him to the ground and threw punches at Duke's face.

The two crews gathered around the fight to watch. Raphael looked out of the corner of his eyes to see two of Duke's crew members running to help their driver. Raphael swung the gas canister that he held on his shoulder and nailed the two men in their guts.

Soon both crews were involved in a huge brawl. Rapael grabbed two men and slammed them together knocking them out. Valon climbed onto the pit box and dove off onto three other men and Alister dropkicked the last man.

" What the hell is going on here," came a loud yell. Everyone stopped their fighting and turned to see a tall man with green hair wearing a white suit standing with several officals.

" Nothing Master Dartz, its just the crews got into a arguement," Pegasus said bowing to the President of racing.

" It dosen't look like nothing, I demand that this end now, I want Devilin's crew out of Kaiba's pit now," Dartz yelled. The officals around him nodded and proceeded to help and drag crew members away.

" This ins't over Kaiba, we'll continue this on the track tomorowwo," Duke yelled covering his various brusies. He then turned and limped away. Kaiba walked back to his crew showing only a black eye.

" Sorry about that, I shouldn't have let Duke's words get to me, I just couldn't let him get away with mouthing my father," Kaiba apologized to Pegasus.

" Its alright just don't do it on raceday or we'll get fined, now lets pack up and go get some dinner," Pegasus said turning to the crew. Kaiba then turned to Serenity who the whole time was on top of the pit box watching.

" Now you see what its like to be a racer," Kaiba laughed. Serenity smiled and headed down to follow Kaiba to his rv.

Inside Serenity waited for Kaiba to finish dressing out of his uniform. He exited his bathroom wearing a purple trench coat." Ready to go," he asked. Serenity nodded and the two were about to leave when Kaiba's cell phone began ringing.

" Hello," he said answering it.

" Hey big bro," came the voice of a young boy.

" Noa, how is everything," Kaiba smiled hearing the voice of his younger brother.

" Everythings fine, me and Mokuba saw on the race channel you got pole, thats great your have another championship soon," Noa laughed.

" Ha maybe, is Mokuba there," Kaiba asked.

" Yeah let me put him on," Noa said. Kaiba could hear moving in the background and then a high voice.

" Big Brother," came the voice.

" Hey there Mokie, is Noa taking care of you," Kaiba asked.

" Yes he is, Seto can I ask when you are coming home," Mokuba asked.

" I'll be home as soon as this race is over okay, untill then remeber I love you, tell Noa I love him too, I have to go now," Kaiba said.

" Okay, beat them," Mokuba said hanging up the phone. Kaiba closed his phone and turned to Serenity.

" Can I ask who Noa and Mokuba are," she asked.

" My two younger brothers, Noa's 14 and Mokuba's 12," Kaiba said.

" You take care of your two brothers," she asked.

" Yeah after my dad died, I was all they had left," Kaiba said. Serenity smiled and hugged Kaiba.

" Whats wrong," Kaiba asked.

" Its just that my parents died when I was young and my brother has been taking care of me just like you," Serenity said on the verge of tears. Kaiba put his hand under her chin and lifted her head up.

" You shouldn't cry, it ruins you good looks," Kaiba said wiping away a few stray tears. Serenity smiled and hugged him again.

" Now how about we go and get some dinner," Kaiba said escorting Serenity out of his rv.

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