What's Wrong
"Azerath Metirion Zinthos," Raven chanted from her room. She had been feeling odd lately, it was a weird feeling from the pit of her stomach, and it happened anytime she passed a certain little green changeling. She had come to the conclusion that there was something wrong with her, and so she locked herself in her room, and had been meditating for the past 2 hours.
"What's wrong with me?" She asked herself. "I know Beastboy's annoying, but why do I keep feeling sick when I'm near him." Her thoughts were cut short from a sudden knock on the door. She crossed the room and opened the door, to find herself face-to-face with Robin and Starfire.
"Raven are you OK?" Robin asked frowning. "You've been acting strange lately."
"Yes," an over exited alien girl said. "You have not left your room for some time now, and have been exiting the tower at all possible opportunities. I fear that maybe your brain has been sucked from you head by a-"
"I'm fine," Raven said cutting her off. The last thing she wanted right now was for the two lovebirds talking to her when she was in an even more depressed mood than usual. "I just need some time to think. So I've been going to this poetry place and hanging out there. It's a nice place to clear my mind."
The answer didn't satisfy Robin, but Starfire was content with the answer. "Than you wouldn't mind going to the mall with me later?" She asked. Raven felt her heart sink. She didn't want to go anywhere social, but it would give her a chance to get out of the tower, and away from him.
"Sure," Raven said, and instantly regretted it. Starfire gave her a bone-crushing hug and ran into her room to get ready.
Robin looked at her skeptically, "You hate going to the mall with Starfire," he said. "You could have said no, and you could have stayed here. Why do you want to leave so much? You even missed are our last mission.
"Robin," Raven said irritably. "Our last mission was to beat Cinderblock. You guys can beat him easily, and in case you forgot, I had a cold, and you told me that I had to stay." Robin did remember, but she still wasn't giving him a good enough answer.
Raven knew what she had to say to get him to leave, but she wasn't sure if she should. After thinking about it quickly, she decided she'd better say it, or she might have to confess as to the real reason she wanted to leave. "Are you sure your not jealous," she asked.
"Jealous of what?" Robin asked.
"That I'm going to the mall with Starfire and your not." Raven said, Robin was quickly getting on her nerves. Robin blushed and walked away without answering. He truthfully was slightly jealous, but what bothered him was that Raven knew. He knew that she wouldn't tell anyone, but his secret getting out worried him. Raven made sure that he went back into his own room before entering hers, the last thing she wanted was for him to come back and continue harassing her.
Raven reentered her room and sat on the bed. She replayed the conversation that she had just been apart of. Then she remembered the feeling she had when she first saw the two standing in her doorway. She herself felt jealous, but of what. It wasn't of Starfire, she didn't like Robin that way, and she had no reason to be jealous of Robin, so what was it. She did know but she wasn't going to admit it. She felt jealous of the two of them together.
She also felt bad about embarrassing Robin. She wanted him to leave, but she didn't want him mad at her. She envied him because Starfire liked him the way he liked her, but that wasn't any reason to tease him. She should go apologize to Robin, but he was probably to mad at her to let her say anything at all.
Beastboy annoyed Raven, why was she falling for him. She couldn't figure out why, it wasn't logical, and she didn't even think it was possible, until this morning. She pushed the thought out of her mind. She wasn't falling for Beastboy... or was she?
She heard another knock and remembered that she was going to the mall with Star. She grabbed her wallet and opened the door to find a beaming Alien staring at her.
"Are you ready to go friend Raven?" She asked. Raven mentally kicked herself for agreeing to this, but nodded and followed Starfire out the door, as Star babbled on about things that Raven neither listened to, or cared about.