-sigh- last chapter, peoples. Okay, some things to say. One: There is a (pathetic) suicide attempt in this chapter, and Two: the pairing is revealed. It may have been obvious, but I like this pairing, and I can almost never find it, so I write it instead. I hope you like this chapter.

Yusuke-clone: They'd better, considering what you did to me.

YYF14: Oh shut up. They can like it or not if they want to. Now R&R, peoples!


Chapter 9: End/ Something to Live for

Half an hour later, Yusuke was shivering. It was cold, and he was only wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts to replace his other bloody clothes.

Koenma sensed something wrong with Yusuke, and left his room, turning into teen form. He hadn't been sleeping, just having a cup of tea. He wondered what could be wrong with Yusuke. Shouldn't he be asleep?

He sat next to the bed and looked at Yusuke. He was shivering, his breath shaking.

Koenma retrieved a blanket from his room and put it over Yusuke, who stopped shivering as much. Koenma smiled.

He lay down on the bench that he had been sitting on and closed his eyes. He would stay here in case Yusuke needed him.


Yusuke slowly became aware of being warm, much warmer than when he had fallen asleep.

He opened his eyes and realized Koenma had slept next to him all night.

'He must have put the blanket on me..' Yusuke thought. 'But…why would he care about me? Mom said I was worthless…'

Yusuke got out of bed carefully, trying to avoid waking the peaceful-looking demi-god.

He slipped inside Koenma's office, looking around, his gaze settling on a pair of scissors.

He picked them up and opened them up, ashamed of what he was about to do. But just as he was about to press down on the blade, a hand grabbed his own.

Yusuke looked up into warm hazel eyes.

Koenma took the scissors from Yusuke's grasp, laying them on the table.

"Yusuke… why?"

Yusuke couldn't face that sad look on Koenma's face anymore, so he looked down at his shoes.

"My mother said I was worthless, and I don't understand why everyone cares so damn much about me."

Koenma sighed. "I don't know about the others, Yusuke, all I know is that they're worried about you because they're your friends. But I was scared that you would attempt this very thing."

Yusuke blinked. "Koenma… because I'm a Reikai Tantei, isn't it?"

Koenma shook his head. "Yusuke, forget about the Reikai Tantei right now! I was worried about you…" He looked down.

"I thought I would lose you…"

Yusuke frowned. "Koenma…"

"Yusuke, promise me you won't do that again."

"Do what?"

"You know what. Now, did Botan heal your wounds?"

Yusuke shook his head and Koenma sighed.

"I'll call her in later," he muttered. "But in the meantime… Yusuke?"


"Do you like me?"

Yusuke blinked. "Yeah, you're my friend… wait a minute…"

He grinned. "Oh, is that what you mean? Like like?"

Koenma blushed, and Yusuke laughed.

"Do you feel that way about me?" he asked.

"I… well… I guess I do, Yusuke… You don't mind, do you?"

Yusuke shook his head. "No! And… I think I like you too," he admitted, blushing. "And I can prove it to you," he added.

Yusuke grinned as Koenma blushed even more. Then he thought of something.

"Take that thing out of your mouth," he said, pointing at the pacifier.

Koenma did so, placing it in his pocket. Yusuke stepped closer to Koenma and put a hand on his shoulder.


Koenma nodded, and the two closed the remaining distance between themselves with a hesitant kiss.

Yusuke smiled as they broke apart.

"Thank you, Yusuke."

"You too, K-chan. I got something to live for now."


Over the next few weeks, Yusuke continued to live in the Reikai, doing his duties as Reikai Tantei with the others, and his wounds healed, with much thanks to Botan. Yusuke started eating again, and everything seemed to be going right…. Keywords: Seemed to be.


YYF14: Hope you liked the story, and I'll start the next one ASAP. Ja ne! Yusuke, say goodbye to these people who read your story.

Yusuke-clone: See you peoples! I'll still be a muse next story, but maybe she'll add some more.

YYF14: - -o whatever. But then again, maybe I will. :)See ya, and review if you wish!