Chapter 11

Aelita quickly rushed to the tower. Yumi flung her fans and slowly backed up.

"Hurry, Aelita." SHe said, quietly to herself, dodging an attack.

"Yumi! Look out behind you!"

She turned and dodged the attack from some bloks, but was hit by two Krabes.

"Yumi! That cost you 40 life points! You've got 60 left! Be careful!"

"I'm trying Jeremy." Yumi responded, dodging another attack, but getting hit in the back by two bloks and another Krabe hit her in the shoulder. "Gah!" She got up and threw her fans, taking out three monsters, but more just filled their place. She jumped up as they fired. The monsters attacks hit one another and took out 8 monsters. But as quickly as they disappeared, new one's arrived. She was hit by a blok again.

"Gah! You've only got 30 life points! Yumi! Get out of there!"

"Where should I go? I trapped in!" She complained, throwing her fans at more monsters. She got hit by a krabe and took out 3 bloks.

"Yumi! She's only got 10 life points! Jeremy! What can we do?" Ulrich asked, concerned.

Jeremy shook his head. "Aelita... please hurry."

"Jeremy? Are you ready?"

Jeremy nodded. "Yes. Let's hurry. Yumi's got 10 life points left."

Just as Aelita typed the last 'o' in Lyoko, Jeremy hit the delete button. Ulrich hadn't been paying attention to Jeremy, but to Yumi, who's last ten life points disappeared along with her.

"Yumi!" Ulrich cried.

Jeremy quickly hit enter. "Return to the past now!"

A pillar of light erupted from the center and engulfed them.

Odd lay on the ground, the dog standing over him.

"Aki... run." He said, kicking at the dog. The dog stomped on his legs, crushing them. Odd cried out in pain.

"Odd! I won't leave you!" Aki cried as she smashed into the dog with her remaining strength. She collapsed and looked up, watching the dog turn back to it's original form. "They won?"

Odd smiled and nodded. "Yup. Now we relax and return to this morning."

Aki frowned. "So I won't remember any of this..." She said disappointedly as the light came and engulfed them as well.

Ulrich, Odd, Aelita and Jeremy were sitting in their math class. There was only a few minutes until the bell rang. Ulrich looked over at Odd.

"Do you think it worked?" He asked.

Odd shrugged. "I don't know. I was busy trying not to be killed and saving Aki... or rather she was saving me... Are you still mad at Yumi?"

Jeremy and Aelita turned around. "I'm sure it worked." They both said at the same time.

Ulrich smiled. "It probably did. Naw... I'm not mad anymore. In fact, I'm going to try and get along with Aki." He said, remembering his small conversation with her.

Ulrich spun on his skateboard to turn towards Aki. "Where are you going?" He asked.

She turned to him. "I'm going to help Odd."

"But it's dangerous."

Aki nodded and smiled a little. "I know, but I can't lose my new friends to this XANA. Help Jeremy and Aelita save them. And find Yumi. She's really nice and I want to stay her friend."

"I will... Be careful."

"You too!"

Remembering that, Ulrich figured he had to be wrong, at least a little. He'd appologize to Yumi and try to get to know Aki the way Odd and Yumi did. Or atleast be kind to her, like Aelita and Jeremy. Why did he always have to be the last one to realize things like this? Though one thing still got to him. How had Aki known that Odd was in trouble. He couldn't ask her, since she wouldn't remember any of what happend. The bell interupted his thoughts.

"I'm going to wait with Odd." Ulrich said, standing outside the lunchroom with Odd.

"Alright." Aelita said, giggling a little.

"What's up with you?" Jeremy asked.

"Ulrich's finally accepting Aki so him and Yumi can be together again." Aelita replied, sitting down at their table.

"Yeah? So?" Jeremy asked, sitting across from her.

"Nevermind... your so dense." Aelita said, sighing.

"Huh?" Jeremy asked. He didn't get what Aelita was trying to say.

Yumi and Aki left the biology room and began to head to the lunchroom.

"Are we going to sit with your friends?" Aki asked.

"Yup. You okay with that?" Yumi asked.

Aki nodded happily. "Yes! I like them alot! But. . . I don't think Ulrich like me very much..."

Yumi looked up and saw Ulrich and Odd standing by the cafeteria door. Ulrich smiled at the two. Yumi smiled back. "Naw... I don't think that's true..."

Sorry this chapter took so long. Turns out it's been finished for about a month...

Yes. It's the ending of this section. I'll probably start a new story sometime...

So anyways, I hope you liked the story!