Disclaimer: I don't own Roy, riza, or FMA. If I did, there WOULD be a RoyAi show. And there would have been RoyAi in the movie. Stupid RoyAiless bastards.

A/N: I know. There's a million of these dooflatchies...but who cares, all hail the royAi 100! XD

#1: Military Personnel

Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye. Colonel and Lieutenant. Superior and Subordinate.

They were respected military personnel. They had to keep a professional composure at all times, now matter how dirty their job got, how dirty their hands became. It was their duty. Moreover, it was their obligation.

There was one other thing they could never do, that ultimate taboo of the military, that one magnificent sin of sins.


The military was the one thing that had brought them together.

And the military was the one thing that would always keep them apart.