Title: Carter's Fault
Author: TerrorizerandZooky
Summary: It's all her fault.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything. At ALL. It's very sad.
Author's Notes: This is just a little story that was in my head. It's not that great but go ahead and read it. Please?
The whole thing was her fault. All of it. Completely Carter's fault. He would never ever have been in this situation if she were someone else.
Well, someone could argue that of course he wouldn't be in this situation because really he would be dead without her. Not in that sappy 'I can't live without you,' 'I can't sleep unless you are there beside me' kind of way either. Although that stuff was kinda true (even though he would never admit it). He would literally be dead. She saved his ass so many times from creepy aliens or black holes or about anything else you could think of that sometime he should sit down and actually count how many times she personally saved his life. Or he could ask Teal'c. Yeah, Teal'c has been keeping track of stuff like that. He would know.
If she wasn't so . . . alluring and Carter-like then he wouldn't be doing this. She started the whole thing with her 'I can do anything you can do' attitude and the steamy looks she would give him and her drive to do the impossible. In his mind she is the bravest woman in the universe. She's the 5'9" blonde who is as tough as nails.
And look what that little vixen did to him. General Jack O'Neill was on a plane back to Colorado all the way from D.C. just so he could spend maybe a couple of hours with her before he would have to go back. Not really worth the effort and yet he was doing it. He missed her and he wanted to see her even if it was just for an hour or two.
Samantha Carter turned him into such a sap.
The End