Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter. I never own shit…:pouts:
Chapter 5: Thanks
That next week Harry came into Potions class with a smile. Ron and Hermione stared, confused, at each other. Ron moved in and whispered.
" Harry, are you on drugs?" Harry stopped smiling.
" No, just happy to be back in class, learning." It was Hermione's turn to lean in and talk now.
" Good for you, Harry!" She turned to Ron. " You should take his attitude, enjoy learning!" She smiled at Harry again and the doors swung open. Snape came walking in, looking like he has for the years Harry knew him. But now, he really could say he knew Snape.
" Potter, I know I'm probably just delicious to look at but close your mouth!" Snape spat.
" Sorry, Professor Snape. I was just thinking about something." Snape looked shocked at Harry's apology, but said nothing. He didn't have to, as long as Harry was concerned, he did enough. At the end of class, Harry wrote his name on his potion and walked up to Snape's desk to hand it in. He put it on the desk and looked into Snape's eyes. He was frozen there. Snape was reading his mind. When he was finished, Harry felt tired.
" So, the old fool did it again? How do you see me now?" Harry smiled.
" Still a greasy old git." Snape frowned but Harry's smile widened. " But with a good heart." Harry turned to leave the Professor. When he reached the door he turned back.
" Thank you, for everything." And he was gone.
Back in the Potions classroom, Snape smiled. Old fool. Did it again.
The End
Hope you all enjoyed this story! I thank you all forreading and reviewing this. It meant the world to me.