Twisted School Year 3

Chapter 1: Congratulations!

"Congratulations Chastity, It's a boy." The healer said, handing the baby over to a medi-witch.

"Aww, he's really tiny...Wait, where are they taking him?"

"To go get cleaned and wrapped up." Harry said, looking down at Chastity.

"Oh, well be careful, he's really tiny." Chastity said, before laying all the way back in bed. Harry, Draco and Severus laughed a little at that.

"Have you chosen a name yet?" The Medi-witch asked, walking back into the room.

"Yes, Capucius Eros Snape." Snape looked at Chastity wide eyed. "I had always planned on using your last name." Chastity said, kissing him.

"If you guys would like to take baby Capucius and go out to the waiting room to show everyone, I'm sure that Chastity would like to clean up a bit." The healer said, coming back into the room to show Chastity where the showers were. Severus, Harry, and Draco walked out of the room and over to an empty one.

"I think it's only fair that Chastity get to introduce everyone to her son, she did carry him for nine months, what do you two think?" Severus asked, looking down at the tiny baby in his arms.

"Sev, I think your right, Chastity and yourself should introduce everyone to your son together, don't forget you adopted him and he has your last name therefore he is yours also." Draco said, watching at realization dawned on Snape, he looked down at the child again smiling. "I think that's the first time I've ever seen you do that. The baby's already corrupting you and it's not even an hour old yet."

"Oh shut up." Severus said, trying to cover Capucius' ears.


"Mel, what's wrong?" Dragon asked, noticing how quiet Melissa had gotten and the funny look on her face.

"Nothing, don't worry about, I was lost in thought." Melissa smiled, Dragon and Melissa had been in the hospital since Chastity went into labor, and were definitely tired.

"Hey guys, you can come in now." Harry said, walking into the room to inform Remus, Alohov, Dragon, Melissa, Hermione,Ron, and Albus. Ginny and Seamus were at home watching the kids. Everyone followed him into Chastity's room.

"Aw, he's so cute." Melissa said, walking up to see her baby brother. "Everyone shh, he's sleeping." She said to the quiet room. Dragon just rolled his eyes, pulling Melissa to his side so the others could get a look at the new baby, he had been through this enough to know when to get out of people's way.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Capucius Eros Snape. I decided to go with Severus' last name for personal reasons, I hope you don't mind Melissa." Chastity said, looking over at Melissa.

"Don't worry about it, I understand. It makes sense that since the baby is going to inherit the Snape fortune that he have the last name Snape." Melissa said smiling, and fighting her way back to see her brother.

"He's beautiful Chastity, I can't wait to see him be sorted." Albus joked, the twinkle in his eyes back.

"That's if he's even sorted at all, that hat has mental problems when it comes to very powerful and smart wizards." Dragon joked, placing a stuffed duck he enchanted to quack when Capucius needed something, sqwuak then he was in danger, and follow him around to make sure he didn't get lost. It was basically like a real life duck, except for the having to take care of it part.

"Dragon, you are a bad influence on the twins, no wonder they picked up wandless magic so fast, you use it around them." Harry said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Do you see the twins here? The triplets will be next watch them, they'll pick it up from the twins, so basically your in a no win situation." Dragon said smiling innocently.


Back at the manor, Melissa started pacing her bedroom, she looked over at the box on her bed in fear. "Melissa it's Harry, are you okay? Dragon said you didn't want to go into Hogsmeade with him, usually you two are inseperable. Can I come in?" Harry asked through the door. Melissa didn't say anything, her shock and anxiousness taking over. Harry opened the door and stuck his head in. "Did you hear...Oh Mel." Harry said, noticing the box on Melissa's bed and walking all the way into the room.

"I don't know. What if I am?"

"Mel, we aren't going to kick you out if you are, we're guys but we can still take care of you. Go on, I'll sit here and wait." Harry watch Melissa pick up the box and go into the bathroom. He put his head in his hands 'I guess I need to get use to this with having four daughters.' Harry thought, picking his head back up when Melissa came back in and sat down next to him, he wrapped his arms around her while she started crying. "It'll be'll be okay." About five minutes later, Melissa and Harry re-entered the bathroom.

"I can't look at it. Har, can you?" Melissa asked, covering her eyes with her hands. Harry looked over on the counter by the bathroom sink and noticed the box, walking over it he looked at the directions before looking on the counter. Melissa slowly slid her hands down her face, so she was looking through her fingers, Harry looked at the test then looked at her. Melissa just shook her head before starting to cry. "How am I suppose to tell Drag? Can't I just keep it a secret?"

"Mel, Dragons been through six other pregnancies with Draco and I, don't you think he'd start noticing?" Harry didn't know if he should feel angery, happy, upset, or disappointed.

"I can'thave a baby I'm only thirteen! Har, I have to have an abortion, please don't tell anyone." Melissa said, looking at Harry and clinging to him for dear life.

"Mel, why don't you talk this over with Drag, you have to remember there is a little person inside of you right now okay? You just need to calm down, breath, Dragon deserves to know that he has a son or daughter, please trust me on this. It killed me when I came back and found out that Draco never told me I had a son, I hated that I wasn't there for his birth, I wasn't there through his pregnancy."

"Har, Mel you guys okay? You've been up here for a while." Draco said, entering the room.

"We're in the bathroom." Harry called out. "Do you want to tell Draco first? He's more like Dragon then I am." Harry said, looking down at the red-faced Melissa, who nodded her head.

"There you both are, I thought something might have happened...and it looks like something did, you didn't scare the poor girl did you?" Draco asked, turning accusing eyes on Harry.

"Draco..."Melissa trailed off pointing towards the counter, and the pregnancy test box. Draco carefully walked over to the test, being careful not to touch it, he knew exactly how those things worked. "Are you going to keep it?" He asked, turning back to see her wrapped in Harry's arms, she just shrugged.

"She's more afraid of telling Dragon then anything right now." Draco understood completely, being in the same position not so many years ago.

"We'll support your decision no matter what okay? We understand how hard it is to raise a child, and how it's even harder if you decide to give one up also. We could never give up any of our children, that includes you also." Draco said going over and hugging her.

"Thank you, you two." Melissa kissed their cheeks going over and throwing the pregnacy test away.

"Aren't you going to use that to prove to Dragon that you really are pregnant?" Harry asked, knowing his son might not believe it at first.

"I was going to re-take the test, that way he doesn't think I tampered with it."

"Good thinking. Come on, let's go eat lunch, I'm sure Dragon will be back in no time, don't worry either okay?" Melissa nodded her head leaving the room. Dragon came home around six that evening, walking into the dining room he noticed how eerily quiet it was.

"What's going on? Sorry I'm home late, there was a charity event for the white cross, they're trying to raise money to help get the wizarding world back on it's feet, and I thought I'd stop by and see if I could help."

"That was very nice of you Dragon, what did you end up doing?" Harry asked, wondering how much money Dragon donated.

"I gave a speech, donated 100 of my own Galleons, and took pictures. That's it." Dragon said, starting to eat dinner.

"Dragon, we need to talk about something. It's nothing too bad, but it should be done in private." Melissa said smiling at him.

"Sure babe, anything you want."

"Please, call me anything but babe right use to call me that." Melissa said, coughing into her napkin.

"I'm sorry Mel, I didn't mean to upset you." Dragon said, finishing his dinner quickly. When he was done, Melissa and Dragon got up from the table and made their way to Dragon's bedroom. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Drag, I need to show you something okay? Don't freak." Melissa said, pulling out the second pregnancy test. "This is a pregnancy test, I have it for a good reason. I'm going into the bathroom and I'll be back in a minute, after that we wait five minutes, I think I might be pregnant Dragon." Melissa said, walking into the bathrom and avoiding Dragon's face. A minute or so later, Melissa walked back out into the bedroom, Dragon was still sitting in the same spot, his eyes wide and his mouth gaping. "You might want to close that, you'll catch flies." She took her hand and closed Dragon's mouth

"How long does it take?" Dragon finally asked, his nerves getting the better of him.

"Five minutes. Dragon, if I am pregnant, would you want to keep it? I mean there are other options, we could abort it, give it up for adoption, I don't and can't make this decision on my own."

"I don't want to kill it, but it's your body and that's your decision. It is ours, and it's my future heir, we're engaged so it's not like we don't at least have some sort of future ahead of us, but at the same time we are young and there are so many older adults that would love a child. How would we take care of it while we are at school?"

"They do have the daycare now, I'm sure they wouldn't mind, and I'm pretty sure Dobby wouldn't mind taking care of it. We could ask Dumbledore for own rooms that way the baby could stay with us at night, and it wouldn't wake up anyone else. So we're stuck between keeping it and putting it up for adoption, you know if there really is a baby." Melissa knew she couldn't let Dragon know that she knew there was. He had to discover it on his own.

"Let's keep it. I know we're young, but I know we can do it also, and it's not like we don't love each other so there will never be any doubt in our mind or its mind that we didn't love each other before we got pregnant. What do you think?"

"I think that it's time to check the test." Melissa said, checking her watch. She got up, went into the bathroom and looked at the test. "It's negative?" Melissa asked, looking at it.

"That's a good thing isn't it?" Dragon asked, looking at Melissa confused.

"No Drag, you don't understand, I took on this morning when you went to Hogsmeade and it was positive and now it's negative, it doesn't make any sense." Melissa said turning towards Dragon and noticing Draco and Harry in the room.

"Sorry Mel, we had to do it. We had to let you both know what could happen when you have sex, especially since you said it just happened, which means that you probably didn't think about protection. Mel, you can't get pregnant yet because you haven't even started having girl problems. We knew you went out and bought one because the cashier was friends with your father and Floo'd us once you left. So we replaced it with one of our own. We weren't trying to be mean, we were just teaching you both a lesson."

"That wasn't funny you two! I really thought I was pregnant, I was scared to death." Melissa yelled, throwing the pregnancy test away and washing her hands.

"It wasn't meant to be funny, it was meant to be punishment. You should know by now that we don't just punish our children, we think of creative scenarios. However, I'm sure you'll think twice before having sex again." Draco said looking at them both.

"Yes sir, we will. Now, if you will all excuse me, I'm going to my room to take a shower since I've been out all day." Dragon said, walking out of Melissa's bathroom and into his own, he really wanted to have a child with Melissa.

"Wait, if you switched the pregnancy test, which one of you is pregnant...again." Melissa asked, turning wide eyes to Draco and Harry.

"That's a good question, I just picked one up off the counter. We both took it just in case, Harry one of is pregnant." Draco said, turning to Harry, relization dawning on him.

"Oh fuck."


D/N:Walks out stark naked I've been told that I make the story a lot more interesting, what about now huh?Anyways,I will kill them for that I swear. Ah,well... Hmm, I wonder whose preggers? aw the twists of this story :). Anyways, tears This offically means that year two has ended..I know I know it's so sad. I mean there were all those good times, and now Bows head well you'll see I know you will. But enough with the melodramatics it's not my thing. Oh but answering your wonderful reviews from the end of year two is!

Orlin: Yes, I know that Fall Out Boy rocks :). Hence why Kime picked the song. Sev: My reaction was class? I figured it was more out of fear that she'd actually go through with her words. James: I have nothing to complain about...Trust me :). I'd willingly die not to be in the next few chapters. Notice the BIG hints that are going on around here ;). Mel and Harry:Mel glares at Dragon Yes increase his ego! Why? WHY! Cause you're evil. Are you noticing the naked Dragon just standing there? Hands goes over with towel to cover sons nakedness Dragon: Moves out of Harry's way and Glares at Mel No I don't think it's comical to walk in on my parents naked or anything. Harry: Yeah well, I don't appreciate seeing you naked! Now get inside and get dressed!

Bitcake: That was not evil and stop throwing a hissy fit! Do you REALLY think Sev likes girls who through hissy fits? NO. Takes cookie and eats it, then goes back to Glaring at Mel Thank you. Chastity tries her best. Kime: I got it from the new movie The Greatest Game Ever Played, I suggest everyone go see it. I have twice and I can't stop praising it. Sure you just knew that was what I was going to do. Thank you though, I was hoping you'd allenjoyit without cutting my head off.Chastity and Sev: Stares back and takes potion to stop blinking We're four, how old are you? Thank you on the congrats. I'm glad you enjoy the gender of yourit's a linechild :). James: I can totally blame her! She cheated on me FIRST! so Sticks tongue out at you. You're right, kids are doing the nasty so young these days. WhileKime'ssister was in the eight grade,the local newspaper had an article about how the local library's nature trail has a placewhere people could sit and read their book or do homework if they didn'tmindthe disgusting act of watchinga whole bunch of sixth and seventh grade couples having oral sex! It was ridiculus. The police took care of it after two weeks of a couple hundred of parents complaining about it. Rumors travel faster in an extremely small town, think Hogwarts rumor mill times ten! If one school has a bomb threat, two seconds after it happens someone's on their cellphone talking to their friend at another school who announces it to their class. Dragon said HOPEFULLY she MIGHT remember, she never said she wou---- Oh right, punishment, I got ya. Grabs Kime's hand and pulls her away I've been told by Bitcake that you lied and needed to be punished. Kime: Smiles knowingly Thank you Bitcake :), I owe you. Draco: Yes the Glaring is a clue. A BIG HUGE CLUE! You're catching on.

Sarahamanda: I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, but aren't you sick of writing the same thing over and over again? How are you? What's going on? How's school? Whose your favorite character so far? What chapter out of the two stories have you enjoyed in the last two stories?

Heather: Your review got here just on time, I mean it too, any later and it would have been put in the next chapter. :). Ok :). My sisters all like I'm right and you're wrong! lol. Well, I hope you feel better soon. I haven't felt well for a couple of days, I had to call out sick from work today and I'm hoping I don't have to do it tomorrow either. I can't take Nyquil it makes me sick to my stomach, go figure right? lol. It's suppose to make you feel better and it makes me feel worse. Sends Dragon and Chicken Noodle Soup over to you Sorry for his nakedness, but he'll try to make you better, um...Just give him some clothes I guess. Oh TRUST me year three is JUST if not MORE twisted. :). Take the advice of Terri Clark, Things aren't always what they seem, brace yourself this may come as a shock to you...Kime lies too ;). Throws confetti Hints all around today! If you guys don't shut me up, I may just accidently give away the next chapter :). Don't worry I didn't take it the wrong way.