I have to go…

I can't tell you why while you're conscious, but I have to

When I get back… maybe you'll love me, or maybe you won't.

I'll understand if you don't.

But I honestly hope, when I do,

You'll still love me.

Because I'm doing this for you.

"Kurama, I need to tell you something…" Susmai asked sitting on his couch

"Yes?" Kurama asked sitting down next to her

"I… need you to tell Jin something tomorrow morning…"

"Are you going somewhere, kistune?" Hiei asked sitting on the other couch

"Yes, I am… and… don't know if I'll return back alive or not. Nor when if I do return, when. That's why… you need to talk to Jin for me."

"I don't know if I'm going to allow you to do this if you won't come back! Jin will be devastated! You know how strongly he feels about you! You know what he'll be like if you die!"

"Kurama," Susmai sighed. "I'm doing this for him. Besides, I have to go do it within a year. Or it will be permanent."

"What will be permanent?" Hiei asked crossing his legs

"The curse of the Sagara's, Hiei." Kurama told

"Jin!" Susmai called his name and pounced his arm

"Yer very hyper." Jin laughed looked down at her

"Someone spiked my coffee or something." She giggled

"I guess so." Jin smiled. "You want something?"

"Yeah," Susmai said bluntly and laid her back on Jin's lap. "I want you to hold me and tell me you love me."

"Can't get enough a that." Jin laughed agreeing to her and held her. "I love you."

Susmai smiled and closed her eyes. "Jin, there's something I want to ask you."


"If I were to change physically intensely… and a little bit mentally. Would you still love me?"

"You'd still be you, wouldn't ya?" Jin asked. "Personality and all—right?" Jin laid on the couch with Susmai on top of him

"Yes." She let her head rest on top of Jin's shoulder

"Then ya, a'course I would." Jin laughed

"What if… I were to leave… For a long while and I came back differently. Physically and such. Then would you?" she asked softly trying to sound tired

"How long we talkin?" Jin asked

"Few months… close to a year or so…" Susmai told

"Would ya be lookin' like yerself?"

"No, I look completely different, unnoticeable."

"You'd announce who ya are right? And proof?"

"Yes, I'd probably still love you. So of course I'd tell who I am. I'd want you to still love me."

"I may be a wee bit mad at ya and I might yell at ya but, if ya were gone fer nearly a year, course I'd love ya." Jin laughed and smiled. "But why are ya askin' these questions?" he asked

"Just wondering, Jin…" Susmai sighed heavily

"If ya say so girly." Jin said to her closing his eyes

"Kurama, what curse? I've never herd of this curse." Hiei asked

"It's very confusing but," Kurama took a deep breath in and out. "I'll start from the beginning." He paused to clear his throat. "Genkai had a child with Toguro. And Cisa, who is Susmai's mother, found love and married Gura, Susmai's father. Now, Gura and Cisa were madly in love. And both wanted children. But, Gura's family was cursed. He was the third of four, as is Susmai. And since he was so in love, he forgot about his curse. And by the time he realized he hadn't gone out and taken care of this problem, it was all ready passed onto the third Sagara child, Susmai. Just like it was passed on before him." Kurama took a moment to breathe. "It was too late for him to do anything. It is now Susmai's problem to handle. So, she does not want to make the same mistake as her father. So, before she gets too in gulfed with love, she's decided to take care of this mess before Jin can make another move." Kurama sighed. "But, this trip could kill her."

"If her father was the third child of her grandparents, why didn't they take care of this? And since when did the kistune want over two children?" Hiei asked

"Well, to answer the second question, most married couples don't plan on having so many children… it just happens. And to the first question, Susmai has royal blood." Kurama paused. "But Gura couldn't take the thrown because his brothers haven't died. And he can't take it now because he's dead. Susmai could take the thrown, but Gura's brothers would have to die, then their sons or daughters. And if one son survives, he takes the thrown as prince and can only give out little laws. In order for him to become king, he must marry within the family. Meaning, he'll have to hunt down his father's brothers children who have survived and marry the only unwed female, AKA Susmai."

"I have a headache just listening to you." Hiei moaned

"I told you it was confusing." Kurama laughed

" I need to go talk to Suzuka and Shishi." Susmai gave Jin a kiss on the cheek and stood up

"What for? Ya never talk to em less' ya got somethin' ta do with yer powers." Jin sat up

"Yes, that's true, but I figured I could talk to them now. Try and make peace with them." Susmai laughed and walked outside

"I wonder what makes that girly's head tick." Jin mumbled sighing lying back on the couch

"Suzuka? Suzuka, where are you?" Susmai called out loudly

"In the back!" a faint voice called

"All ways in the back." Susmai walked back to behind the house and looked for the blonde.

There was Suzuka was, messing with little trinkets and things. Looked like he had a few new toys to play with, too.

Susmai walked over to him and plopped down sitting next to him. She looked at what he was working on in his hands. "Watcha doing?" she asked blinking at the trinket Suzuka was messing with

"Making a new weapon, why?" Suzuka asked and looked over to her. "Since when did you care what I did? You usually scold me for doing this."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." Susmai sighed lowering her head and closing her eyes

He blinked at the landscape ahead of himself. "Did she just say what I thought she said?" he thought. "Is something wrong?" Suzuka lowered his head trying to see her face

"I just need something from you and you can't tell anyone I took it." Susmai told Suzuka in a soft tone

"Hey, you belong to Jin, not me. It's not my fault he doesn't want to." Suzuka laughed meaninglessly

"No, that's the closet thing to Jin mind right now… I don't have to worry about that issue." She laughed. "I was wondering if you had anything new, that would make one hell of a boom and do just as much damage."

"Like… a bomb?" he asked

"Or a grenade that's still in testing." She laughed

"What for?"

"I can't tell you that, I just need it."

"Hey, I'm not giving you anything unless you tell me what it's for."

"Fine… but you can't tell anyone anything of what I'm going to say to you, understand? I don't need anyone to worry about the crap that's going on in my life right now. All I need to do is take care of this myself. If someone else gets involved, I'll have to worry about their health too and I don't have room for that in this damn mission. This is a one man mission and I can't take on any dead weight given to me." Susmai said in a low toned voice like a growl

"All right, still not a good reason though."

"I have to break my curse. If I don't fix it within a year, it'll be permanent and when I have my third child, he or she will be cursed… if I get rid of it now, I'll have nothing to worry about."

Um, This one just came to me