Chocolate Soldiers Chapter 2 – Pairs of Four and Eight

The Reds

"How the Hell'd you get one?" Simmons asked, amazed. "Sarge should have gotten that ticket. He'd make a much better candidate." He concluded.

"My number two once again" Sarge assured.

"You are such a kissass!" Grif spat.

"Give your ticket to Sarge." Simmons demanded.

"What, no way!" Grif said, appaled.

Simmons stepped toward Grif, pistol raised to strike. Sarge looked on with bored amusement.

Grif backed away, fell off the top of Red Base, landing right on his tailbone. He recovered quickly, and scrambled in the direction of the Blue Base.

Where Donut was, tucker was at his rock, doing whatever it is he should be ashamed of at his rock. A very frightened Red appeared, and in his frenzy, tripped over the rock, falling backwards.

"Ah!" Grif yelled as he fell onto his back, the armor took most of the impact, however. "Son of a bitch!"

"Hey, Red, you alright?" Tucker asked, slipping into his boxers before the Red could notice.

"That fucking hurt!" Grif clutched the back of his head, looking to the blue, he said, "Hey, Blue, can you hold onto this? I'll take you with me if you do." He shoved the ticket into Tuckers bare hands. Grif looked at Tucker's naked hand, then to the rest of his semi-muscular, tan body, and to the heap of his armor on the ground, to the writing on the rock, and back to Tucker. "Uh..." What had he just gotten himself into?

To Sheila, Caboose, and Lopez

"Ese maricon recebio una boleta? Cuanto chocolate tenia que comer? (That idiot got a ticket? How much chocolate did he have to eat?)"

"That's not very nice, regardless of truth." Sheila scolded.

"Quen to lleva? (Who is taking you?)" Lopez asked.

"Tex is my escort"

"Ese mercenario? (the mercenary)" Lopez asked.

"Why would Tex take you?" Caboose questioned.

"It's a girl thing." Sheila replied.

"Well, I am just happy that I get to see you there!"

"Mi corazon llora con tristeza,(My heart cries in sadness)!" Lopez toned as he ran off.

Cut to Church, walking through Blood Gulch

"Where the Hell is that bitch?" Church cursed, scoping out the canyon for dark armor.

"You called?" Tex drawled from behind Church, surprising him.

"Hello, Bastard," Church said, smiling despite the fact she couldn't see it.

"Hello, Prick," Tex replied, "I picked up the feed from your conversation with Tucker, and the answer is no." She said, casually inspecting her pistol.

"Oh…" His face fell, again, despite being hidden by his helmet's visor. "Why not, gone lesbian on me?" he laughed.

"You could say that. Besides, I have a ticket already." She pulled it out from a random armor piece. "And don't think giving away your ticket will help, I'm already taking Sheila."

"The tank?" Church asked, surprised.

"The tank." She confirmed, nodding.

"Crap" Church intoned.

A little later, on the cliff outside of Red Base

"Time to go to sleep standing up with my eyes open, as is my custom." Sarge said, settling himself into a comfortable position.

"Sarge?" Church said, having left shortly his encounter with Tex. He looked at the Standard-Red soldier.

"Can't you see that I'm sleeping!" Sarge jumped.

"Uh, right…Sorry…" Church droned, not really meaning it.

"What do you want?" He questioned, a little piqued at having his nap interrupted.

'Should I ask him? Might as well…' Church straightened a little, "Want to go to the chocolate factory with me?" He flashed his ticket.

"I never thought I'd see the day I'd be asked for anything from a Blue, but I guess I accept…Dirtbag."

Donut cand Caboose, in the Blue's cave

"It seems everyone in this canyon is getting gold." Donut mused.

"Maybe the Candy Man messed up, and put them all in the same box?"

"Grif got one."

"Church got one, as did Tex, who's taking Sheila." Caboose looked a little sad.

"I wish I could go, I don't think there's anyone left to take me, though."

"Why don't you come with me? It'll be fun!"