My Last Breath

Sora stood frozen at the figure there.

Riku. (Me: Yes this one is the REAL Riku…but when I underline something he says. that is the FAKE Riku talking...ok? That is just so I don't confuse you)

"Hi Sora….."

Sora didn't move. Sora couldn't. His mouth wouldn't move to form the words he so wanted to say. Sora just stood there, letting a single tear slip from his eyes.

"What are you crying for? There is no reason to cry…."


"I came To tell you how much I hate you……"

Sora gasped.


"I said I hate you Sora…your worthless….you mean nothing to me….maybe you should just die….."

Sora's mouth was agape. His left hand reaching out to the figure that now walked closer to him. The figure took his hand, and smiled maliciously.

"I waited so long to tell you how much I hate you…..I waited until I knew you were suffering……until I knew you were at the edge."

He felt himself being pulled into a warm embrace, and that voice was in his ear.

"why don't you just die…..doesn't it hurt to be here?"

Hold on to me love
You know I can't stay long
All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid
Can you hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms?

Sora pulled away, and with tears blinding his eyes, he made a dash for it, running back to the room that held him enclosed…that kept him away from the pain….or so he thought.

Riku stood oblivious to what had just happened. Namine stood, a few tears running down her face as she chased after Sora, Margaret watching on in pitiful eyes.

"What did I say?"

Riku had turned to Margaret, who only shook her head.

"You had better go to him……"

Riku nodded, heading off in the directions of his cell.

3 security guards hauled Sora into his room, holding him steady on his bed as he struggled against them. A shot being placed into his upper thigh as he squirmed. He whimpered and relaxed after the shot. A few stray tears rolled from his eyes as he saw Namine, looking at him. And next to her…was Riku.

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

Sora closed his eyes, tears flooding from his eyes.

Riku stood, watching the now sleeping Sora.

"Can I please stay with him?"

"Sorry sir, we don't allow…."

"Please…..let me stay with him…."

He looked into Namine's eyes, pleading…..She sighed and nodded, and he smiled.

He sat on the bed next to Sora, brushing loose hair from his tear stained cheeks. Riku smiled, not knowing what had gone on within the head and in the heart of his pained Itooshi Riku just watched the way he breathed….not completely understanding any of this. Why did Sora run away? Why was Sora here? Why had Sora done what he did? Nothing made sense to him.

Namine walked into the room.

"Excuse me sir, but I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave now."

Riku nodded, walking out of the room….and Sora's face began to turn from innocence to horror.

Wake up now…

Sora opened an eye.

That's right…'s me…I told he hated you……he despised you…

"Where is he?"

Gone Sora….as you should be….you heard him….just die already……he hates you, and you know Kairi feels the same way. Nobody likes you, everyone hates you.

"Your right….."

Of course I am……why would I lie to you?

Sora shook his head.

Riku smiled, and disappeared into the dark shadows. Suddenly all you saw was a cold breath on the glass window. The door unlocked and opened slowly. Sora nodded, got up and looked out.

With a cold chill running up his spine, he made his way out of the room. Walking down the dark hallway, he noticed that as he walked, a cold chill went up the glass windows and doors of the other cells. He looked down and stared at the large door I front of him. With the same cold wind, he opened it and looked out. He made a quick dash out into the next hallway, looking around the corner to see Namine.

I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me
I can taste it in your tears

He took off in other direction, toward the medical examination and medical emergency rooms. As he looked into the small windows on the doors, that cold breath returned. With a clack, the doors opened. Sora walked in…..and saw all the tools set up on a medical table. He walked over, looking at all the tools, running his hand over every part of them. He felt the cold breath again, a large needle rising slightly off the table, and Sora wrapped his now bloody hands over it.

The needle was filled with something now, and he saw the bottle sitting on the table. He looked down reading the label.


He heard the cold voice whisper to him. He nodded, hiding it in his shirt, then running back to his room.

Sora lay, the small needle lay inside his shirt, with a covering.

Why don't you just do it now?

"I want one more chance with Riku."

Why? What has he left to say?

"Nothing…but I want to see him once more."

There is no point! He does not love you!

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you?
Sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

Sora looked down.

"I don't care…"

The same buzzing entered into the room.

"Hi Sora, you have 2 visitors today."

Sora cocked his head as the door opened and Both Riku and Kairi stepped through. He looked away as Riku smiled at him.

"How are you today Sora?" Asked Kairi.

Sora stayed quiet, his eyes kept on his scared hands. Kairi looked down and saw them.

"Oh my gosh Sora, what happened?"

Sora shook his head.

Riku sat next to Sora. Sora looked at him, tears welling in his eyes. Riku placed a hand on his shoulder, but Sora flinched away.

"Sora….i…." Riku managed to say.

"Riku, I will let you have your time alone…."

Kairi walked out, as Riku nodded a 'thank you' to her.

Sora stared at the glass doors, only to see a slight breath on the glass.

"Sora….you know…yesterday…I meant everything I said…."

Sora sniffled, a single tear streaming down his face.

"If you don't feel the same way about me…I'll understand….I mean after-all you are a big baby….and you are so gullible…."

Riku stood, and walked out of the room momentarily to talk with Namine.

Suddenly the door slammed and locked behind Riku. Riku jumped, turning back to see Sora, still sitting on his bed. Namine frantically ran the card through the reader to unlock the door, but it was futile.

Closing your eyes to disappear
You pray your dreams will leave you here
But still you wake and know the truth
No one's there

Sora pulled the needle out of his shirt. With one last smile at Riku, Sora drug the needle down his arm, leaving a bloody trail.

"SORA!" Riku screamed.

Namine had called over some others to try and get the door open, but it wouldn't budge. Riku banged on the window.

Sora only gave them one last mournful smile. Then he pushed the needle into his neck, injecting the arsenic. Then he pulled it out when it was completely empty. He lifted up his pant leg and began to write, making sure that he pushed deep enough to have blood flowing down his legs like a thick red river.


"Yeah Sora! STOP IT!" Kairi was now at the door as well.

Suddenly his eyes felt warm as what seemed to be tears ran down his face. But as he looked at himself in the glass window, he saw that these painful tears were red. As blood tears continued streaming from his face, he dropped the needle, bending over to hold onto his gut.


Well of course……

Sora picked up the needle and continued writing in his leg, until he dropped it. Blood began trickling from his mouth, as more poured from his eyes. His fingertips began to feel as if they were being burned away by acid, and they began to bleed. He gave a small, fearful scream.

Then he fell on the ground. His body went limp, and the door opened. Riku dashed inside to take hold of his young love.

"Sora please don't die…..please….."

"I'm sorry"

Sora was only whispering.

"Sora…please….i love you Sora…"

"I know…..he may have tried to hide it from me all along…..but he couldn't hide it forever…."

Tears began streaming down Riku's face.


"I love you to Riku, more than anything in this world or any other….."

"Please don't leave me…."

"I'll never leave you……"

Say goodnight
Don't be afraid
Calling me calling me as you fade to black

On that last word, Sora's breath stopped, and with a gasps, he went limp.


Riku held Sora's body close to him. Tears streaming from his eyes.

Shit……he really….died……

Riku(the fake one) disappeared into oblivion.

"You ok Riku?"

Riku looked down at the tall grave marker in front of him, and he smiled. Nothing but the best for his love. He traced his fingers over the angels and hearts on it.


Riku looked up at Kairi and nodded.


As they turned to leave he saw something, and he smiled.

A shimmer of crystalline blue eyes…..and white wings.

Itooshi (etoshi) is the Japanese word for beloved.