Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½ use it merely for entertainment purposes.
Author's Note: Just something that has been jumping around in my head. I will continue this but not to often.
A young man that looked to be in his mid teens causally walked down the streets of Nerima heading to a particular destination. To those who saw it was clear that the young man was not from around the area because of his clearly Western decent. To the many strong and often odd Marital Artists in the area it would be clear that this young man had extensive training in the Art. There for it would be no real surprise to see that the particular destination this person had would be the Tendo Dojo. As recently any strong Marital Artist would end up there eventually.
After asking for directions only once or twice the Westerner arrived at the Tendo Dojo. When he came to the front gate he read the sign there to himself, "Tendo Dojo of Anything Goes Marital Arts. Visitors use the front entrance, challengers use the side." After a brief moment of though the young man made his way to the side entrance and rung the bell waiting for a response.
Inside the Tendo Dojo everyone was relaxing after the recent bout concerning the Moxibustion Pressure Point after Happosai made himself home at the Tendo Dojo. After the recent excitement everyone had calmed down somewhat and everything was back to normal. In fact Akane had just malleted Ranma out of the Dojo not more than ten minutes ago because he made a comment about her appearance looking like a gorilla when she got angry. By this point no one really cared that Ranma was sent into LEO because it had become rather common. So as a result everyone just continued on with what they were doing before he left.
Kasumi came out of the kitchen with a pot of tea for the fathers while they played a game of shogi. As she came out she took notice that Nabiki was looking at a letter she had received in this mornings mail with a slight smile on her face. Curious as to why her sister was smiling Kasumi walked up to her after giving the tea to the fathers, "What are you reading Nabiki?"
"Oh just a letter from the School Board about some information I requested," Nabiki answered. "Nothing to worry about really."
"Ok Nabiki," Kasumi said with her usual smile. Moving back to the kitchen in order to heat up another pot of water for when Ranma came back Kasumi was interrupted by the bell from the side entrance.
Everyone in the house stopped what they were doing as they heard the bell, "A Challenger," Soun stated. "Come we must go greet him."
Everyone looked at the Tendo Patriarch and stood to greet the challenger. As the exited the house Akane took a smile because of the awaiting challenge. She had not been feeling that well because of the growing gap in the difference in skill of the other Marital Artists in the area and figured a challenger to the Dojo would be a good test of her skills. In other words she wanted an easy victory to boast her ego. When the group arrived and Kasumi opened the gate they were greeted by the sight of a Westerner wearing simple black pants and a white T-shirt with brown hair and green eyes.
Nabiki being the one to speak the best English stepped forward, "Welcome to the Tendo Dojo."
The Challenger replied with a bow then spoke in perfect Japanese, "Hello I have come to challenge the Anything Goes Style of Martial Arts. My name is Roberts Eugene and I have come to Japan on a training journey to test my skills. It is said that Anything Goes is the best School in the area and I wish to challenge this Dojo in order to continue my journey."
Soun as the Master of the Dojo stepped forward, "I am Tendo Soun. I am the Master of the Dojo and we accept your challenge Mr. Roberts."
"I thank you Master Tendo," Eugene bowed once more entering the gate. "Now whom am I suppose to face for my challenge?"
"Me," Akane said stepping forward. "I am Tendo Akane the Heir to the Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts." She then scowled at Eugene, "You better not underestimate me because I'm a girl!"
Taken back by the scowl Eugene replied, "I assure you I see all as equals in a challenge."
"I'll go change and be right back," Akane said still with a scowl.
After she left Genma stepped up and asked, "Tell what style do you study?"
"I study my Father's style," Eugene answered. "It's a mix style taking aspects from several sources." He paused for a moment, "I was lead to believe that Anything Goes is quite similar in principle.
"Correct Boy," Happosai said. "I am the Grand Master and Founder of Anything Goes. I took many styles and combined them into my own."
"I ready," Akane said coming out of the house. "I'll show you what a true Marital Artist can do."
A few minutes later the group was sitting in the Dojo with Akane and Eugene standing facing each other preparing for the match to begin. As everyone waited the each of the fighters present made an assessment of the fighters about to face off. "That stance looks a little familiar," Genma and Soun thought at the same time looking at Eugene. His stance perfectly balanced his weight on both feet that were shoulder width apart and slightly bent at the knees while his arms were in a relaxed guarded position covering his chest area.
Happosai had a smirk on his face as he watched Eugene, "I thought he looked familiar. This ought to be interesting when Ranma comes back."
Akane was staring at her opponent with aggression clearing visible on her face and in her eyes, "I'll show this boy. I'll beat him in one blow."
Eugene looked at Akane with a raised eyebrow, "Let's see, one two three four five…six openings?" he questioned to himself. "I thought she would be better than this. This won't last long." Out loud he addressed Akane, "I am ready when ever you are."
"HIYA!" Akane called charging forward wanting to end this match with one punch.
Eugene frowned at the predictable and slow punch. When Akane was in range he grabbed her arm, stepped into her charge and flipped her over his shoulder causing her to land face first. As soon as she hit the floor of the Dojo he pinned her arms behind her back and put his full weight down on her so she could not move. "I was expecting more," he causally stated.
Seeing Akane easily defeated Soun began to wail. "Whaaa! What have you done to my baby?" Eugene scowled at the blubbering showing his clear disgust at the display. Ignoring the scowl Soun continued to wail, this time at Genma, "Saotome where is Ranma he should be here protecting his fiancé?"
"I DON'T NEED THAT PERVERT'S HELP!" Akane shouted. Though her objection was not very convincing because she was still pinned on the ground.
Eugene still with his scowl released Akane and stood up to address the blubbering Soun, "Is this the best your School has to offer?" Even though he was still in his teens the way Eugene spoke carried the tone of an experience fighter, "She is an insult to my skill with her pathetic display here!"
Soun was about to respond with his Demon Head when a new voice interrupted them. "Since that tomboy ain't a match for you then maybe you'd like to fight me." Everyone turned to the voice and saw Ranma standing in the entryway. With his usual confident smirk he said, "But before we fight I should tell you I'm the best."
"And who are you?" Eugene asked.
"I am Saotome Ranma Heir to the Saotome Anything Goes School of Martial Arts," Ranma answered.
"I hope the Saotome School is more of a challenge then the Tendo School," Eugene said.
"Boy you had better not loose like some weak little girl!" Genma yelled. "Show this Gaijin what happens when you challenge the Anything Goes!"
"Hey our fight isn't over yet!" Akane yelled.
Eugene did not respond to Akane and took the same stance he did against Akane only this time facing Ranma. "I'm ready when you are."
Ranma gave Eugene his confident smirk while taking his own stance. Only it was not his usual one were it looked like he was just standing around. This was one were he uses when he takes a fight seriously because he can tell just by looking that Eugene is quite skilled. "You're going to loose. Saotome Ranma never looses."
"Only fools boast about themselves in the third person," Eugene said right before he blurred from sight and struck out against Ranma.
The only thing that saved Ranma from being hit was his speed training with Kachü Tenshin Amaguriken. As he barely evaded the punch he jumped back thinking, "Damn wasn't expecting him to be this fast." As soon as he dodged the punch Ranma counter a kick to Eugene's stomach.
Eugene evaded the kick by dropping backwards to ware he was parallel to the ground holding himself up with one hand. As soon as he did that his left leg shot up and knocked Ranma in the chin. Caught off guard by the unusual attack Ranma stumbled for a couple of steps. Eugene used this and straightened himself up and struck Ranma three times in the stomach and one in the face.
After the punch to the face Ranma blocked the kick that was following it up. As soon as he blocked Ranma grabbed the Eugene's leg and brought his elbow down hitting it just above the knee. He then dropped the leg and followed up with, "Kachü Tenshin Amaguriken." The rapid punches blurred and connected with Eugene's body sending outside the Dojo into the yard.
Standing up and shaking his head Eugene asked, "Where'd you learn that?"
Ranma smirked, "This Old Ghoul from China."
"Old Ghoul?" Eugene asked. "Well no matter." He then stared to gather his Ki and focus it into his hands. Ranma sensing this started to do the same. "Let's see you try this, Eagle Strike!" A ball of golden Ki launched from Eugene's hands straight at Ranma.
Ranma quickly countered with, "Möko Takabisha!"
The two Ki blasts collide in between each other causing a small explosion releasing dust into the air. Temporarily blinding the observers from the fight. As the dust cloud continued to float in the air the people of the Tendo Household could hear the sound of Ranma and Eugene still fighting. After several second the sound of the fighting stopped and the dust began to settle and they could see two figures standing next to each other totally immobile. When the dust finally cleared they could see Eugene and Ranma each with hand extended. Upon closer look they could see Ranma had a punch thrust out with Eugene holding the fist and Eugene had a back-fist extended with Ranma holding the his wrist. They could also see both fighters looking at each other with a smile on their face. "Draw?" Eugene offered.
"Yeah," Ranma agreed. Eugene nodded and dropped and both let go of the others hands and they moved back over to the others. As they walked Ranma asked, "So what style do you practice? It seems rather familiar."
"It should Ranma m'boy," Happosai said with a knowing smile. "It is after all a variation of Anything Goes. More specifically the Roberts Style. If I am not mistaken he is Roberts Joe's boy."
"Correct Master Happosai," Eugene said.
"I thought I recognized his stance," Genma said sagely, "Roberts used a similar one when we trained together.
"Dad refined his style over the years," Eugene said.
"Pops who's this Roberts guy ya talkin about?" Ranma asked.
"Perhaps we should discuss this inside," Eugene suggested.
"That sounds like a good suggestion," Kasumi said. "There you can tell us where you'll be sleeping."
"What do you mean? I thought the Furinkan High School would have told you by now," Eugene said confused "I'm suppose to be staying here as a foreign exchange student."
"There's no way that can be possible!" Akane yelled.
"Actually Sis," Nabiki spoke up, "Ever since the Saotome's arrived money's been tight. Even my…deals don't cut it so I signed us up as a host family for a foreigner exchange student program. It pays 10,000 yen a month to let a student stay here. And Eugene here is the first guest."
"Why didn't you tell us Nabiki?" Kasumi asked.
"Well I wasn't expecting him for a couple of months actually," Nabiki admitted.
"That, in a way is my Father's and my fault," Eugene admitted. "He wanted me to travel around Japan for a while as part of my training journey. I was not suppose to come here yet but I wanted to see how good the other Schools were. I was hoping that you would let me stay here while I travel around learning from different Dojos in the area. That is if it is not too much of an inconvenience?"
"The money the program sends us won't start coming until you start school," Nabiki began.
"That's not a problem," Eugene said. "Dad's given me enough money to live off of as I traveled around. So I can pay for my stay."
"Nonsense," Soun jumped in pulling Eugene into a hug, "You can stay here for free. It's the least I can do for the son of an old friend." He then began to cry, "I have not seen him in over twelve years ever since he went back to the United States!"
Eugene looked at Soun clearing showing he did not appreciate the wailing. He then caught the glance from Nabiki. When he looked at her she shook her head no indicating she did not agree with her Father. Eugene gave a slight nod indicating he understood. "Later," he mouthed. Nabiki nodded and went to pry Soun off their new houseguest.
A few minutes later everyone was inside the house wanting to further discuss the newest arrival. Once everyone was seated and Kasumi distributed the tea the conversation continued with Happosai asking, "So how is your Father doing and what has he been up to since he left?"
"Oh he's doing well," Eugene answered. "And after he returned home he spent a few years learning and integrating several Western Martial Arts into his School. After that he opened his own Dojo and started training me and other students. We've one several State and National Tournaments over the years."
"Hey ya ol' perv you sound like you actually respect his Old Man," Ranma said.
"That's because I do," Happosai replied shocking everyone but Eugene. Happosai did not seem to respect anyone other than other perverts. "Unlike these two," he gestured to Soun and Genma, "Joe actually had a good deal of talent for the Art. Though he did try and stop be from gathering my silky darlings he never once groveled or whined and could actually take my training."
"That reminds me," Eugene said, "Dad and Mom said that if I run into you I was not to ever go on any 'training journeys' with you other wise they'll send me to train in Death Valley again."
"Hahahahaha that sounds like Joe," Happosai laughed.
"So what styles has yer School taken in?" Ranma asked. He was very curious about the differences in the Schools. He saw several techniques he recognized by more than a few he did not.
"Well like I said Dad took several Western Styles into his School," Eugene explained. "He's taken some Western Boxing, Savat, Capoeira, Brazilian Judo, a little Kick Boxing, and some Native American Arts. As well as some weapons forms, mostly Medieval Knight Weapons."
"Savat? Capoeira? What are those?" Akane asked.
"Savat is from France, specializes in kicks," Eugene explained. "Capoeira is a Brazilian Style. Slaves created it and digested it as a dance as a way to defend themselves. It's characteristic is a lot of evasion circular kicks and a lot of acrobatics."
"Sounds like a week Style to me," Genma said.
"You wouldn't say that after you got beaten by a Mestre," Eugene said.
"Mestre?" Kasumi asked.
"Master," Eugene said. The others nodded in understanding.
"Will your Father be coming by at anytime?" Soun asked.
"He and Mom should be hear a couple of months after I start school," Eugene answered. "They have a tournament coming up and then they're going to China to visit some relatives."
"That's right Joe did say his wife was Chinese," Soun remembered.
"Speaking of Chinese," Eugene spoke up, "Ranma you said you learned that move from before by an 'Old Ghoul from China'. Just who is this Old Ghoul?"
Before Ranma or anyone else could answer the door blasted open and a bubbly voice called out, "Nihao Arien! Shampoo bring too too delicious ramen for you." Shampoo then proceeded to glomp onto Ranma.
The glomp caused several responses that became the norm for such an occurrence. First was Soun, "WHHHAA NOW THE SCHOOLS WILL NEVER BE JOINED!"
"Boy! How could you cheat on you're fiancé!" Genma quickly followed.
"He's not my Fiancé!" Akane screamed.
"Shampoo get off!" Ranma struggled causing Shampoo's breasts to giggle.
The last action made Akane jealous and angry so she pulled out her mallet, "RANMA NO BAKA!"
Just as Akane was about to deliver her mallet to Ranma's head Eugene spoke up saying one word that froze everyone in place, "Cousin?"
Everyone blinked then turned their heads to Eugene. When Shampoo's gaze landed on him her normally bubbly smile became one of joy and surprise, "Ayia! Cousin Eugene!" She then disengaged from Ranma and proceeded to jump at Eugene pulling him into a hug with less force than the one she gave Ranma.
Coming of their shock everyone asked in unison, "Cousin?"