Smokes and Mirrors

Chapter 1: Back in Tokyo

Life was always the same for sixteen year old Kagome Higurashi. The first day of school she would get detention and keep getting more of it two or three times a week. By the third week she'd get into a fight, only to be expelled. She's broken her record, and most probably the world record, for changing schools within a year. It's been like this since she was nine, so nothing new for her. Sota, her little brother, had no problems what-so-ever, but Kagome… She even had to move to other cities so she may continue her studies.

Now she's back in her hometown. Not only was she expelled for a gang fight she didn't start, but her aunt whom she lived with had had enough of the strange girl. The lady even went through the trouble of getting her niece a one-way ticket back to Tokyo and helped the girl pack her bags.

Boy does she feel loved…

Now, half-way though the school year, her mother had to find a school willing to take her. There was only one school left in Tokyo that Ms. Higurashi hadn't subscribed her daughter to. If she had a choice, she'd pick another. However, there was none left and home schooling was not an option. This left only Sota's school. Nope, Ms. Higurashi was not pleased with the idea at all, but what choice did she have besides sending her daughter overseas?

"Kagome, I want you to behave. Please!" Mama more or less begged Kagome. "Please don't get into any trouble, don't bother anyone, and don't harass your little brother or any of the other kids for that matter. Let them be and just, please just concentrate on finishing your school year!"

Kagome rolled her eyes and stepped out of the car. It's not like she asked for it. Stuff just happened. Her mother had driven her to school for her first day since she was told to come in a bit later. She also wanted to walk her daughter to the administration's office, but that's where Kagome drew the line. It was bad enough she had to wear some weird school uniform, she didn't want her mom walking her anywhere like she was some lost child. It was just too embarrassing.

"Here goes nothing. Bye Mama." With a deep breath, she walked into her new school.

"So did you hear the news?"

"What's up?"

"There's a new kid in school!"

"Are you sure?"


The youths were gathered in the dinner hall eating and chatting, spreading gossip like wild fire. The topic for today's lunch: The New Kid. No one has seen him yet, or so that's what the grapevine said.

"I hear he's handsome!"

"I wonder if he'll go out with me?"

"I thought 'he' was a 'she'!"

"No way!"

"Yes way! I heard it straight from the source."

"Yeah! Your dude is a dudette."


News traveled fast, be it true or not. And the constant chit-chatters got on his nerves.

"That IT!" Inuyasha burst out loud. "Would you fucking Shut UP!"

No one dared go against him. Inuyasha being one of the big bad boys of the school, no one questioned him. That is unless they wanted something broken, it usually being a nose or a jaw. The teen's right hook wasn't just impressive, it was powerful as hell!

"You know Yash, you could have politely asked them to stop."

"Shut it Miro! You know as well as I do those fags don't understand politeness."

That was life in high school and it would probably never change, at least not for a long time to come. That was how their lunch was usually spent. Bad Boy Inuyasha, Lecherous Miroku and Tom Boy Sango would meet up, get their lunch, pick a place to sit, start their lunch peacefully only to end it with a frustrated Bad Boy.

The bell rang announcing the end of dinner and the two minute grace period before the final bell. All kids hurried on to clean up and get to their homeroom class. Quickly, the trio packed their bags and scurried off, none to pleased classes were to start again.

"Class. Your attention please." Their homeroom teacher, Ms. Stukino, demanded from her students as she stood in front of her desk. Waiting until everyone settled down, she made sure she had her students' attention. "As you all probably know, we have a new student in school."

Little whispers could be heard across the room. This only meant one thing for them: The New Kid was in their class.

"Now," Ms. Stukino raised her voice, getting everyone quiet again. "I expect all of you to make her feel welcomed." 'Unlike the last one…' She remembered quite well how the poor kid went insane right after his second day at Tokyo High. Poor kid never made it past second period class before cracking under the pressure.

The teacher glanced over her students. Some were doing the 'I was right, you were wrong!' dance in their seats, while some girls looked appalled by even thinking about dating The New Kid. Most of the guys were interested in what she looked like, and others just wanted to know how long it would take before they could get into her pants, provided she's cute! Looking at her three best students, a smile graced her lips. They weren't interested and looked absolutely bored.

Pushing herself off the desk, she made her way towards the door. She slid it open and called out. "Kagome? You may come in now."

A deafening silence fell over the class the moment the girl put her foot into the room. All eyes were trained on 'The New Kid'.

Kagome has never felt so self-conscious in her entire life. It's as if every single person was scrutinizing her. With an encouraging push, the teacher guided her to the front of the classroom. As she took one step after another, she was positive she'd crack if they don't stop looking at her like hungry dogs. Standing in front of the class, she got a good view of just how everyone was looking at her.

"Class, this is Kagome. Kagome, these are your new classmates. I'm sure they'll make you feel quite at home." The last phrase was directed more towards her students.

"Hi." Kagome more or less squeaked.

No one said a thing, all waiting for someone else to make the first move. Even the teacher was at a lost for words. The tension was high and the girl didn't exactly give off friendly vibes.

The deadly silence was shattered by the sound of a pen hitting the floor. Catching her attention, Kagome looked to her left. Spotting the innocent pencil slowly rolling to a stop beside its owner's foot, she looked up.

Wrong move.

The boy was hunched forward on his chair; his left arm dangling lifeless at his side; his right arm rested on the desk, forgetting it used to hold something; his head was barely supported by his neck; and his mouth was ajar with his saliva slowly dripping out from its' corner. It was his eyes that drove her over the edge, though. They were glazed over with nothing but lust.

Completely unnerved and disgusted by the boy's display of his desires, Kagome took a deep breath to calm herself. She mustn't do anything she might later regret, even though castrating the guy sounded so awfully good at the moment. She turned to her teacher and asked if she could take her seat way in the back. It was the only available seat so Ms. Stukino nodded her agreement.

Instead of going directly to the back, Kagome took a detour. She stopped at lust driven boy's desk, slowly picked up the long forgotten pencil and leaned in. She whispered something in his ears only meant for him to hear. Satisfied she got her point across, she stood up straight and presented the guy with his pencil. The now wide-eyed and wide-awake boy reached out to take it. Kagome fisted her hand, though, and with just enough pressure… Twack! She dropped the broken pencil down on his desk and walked away.

The poor guy visibly paled, swallowed hard and unconsciously crossed his legs.

Once settled down in her seat, Kagome zoned everyone out and searched through her bag for a clean notebook and her own pencil.

'Mama should be proud. I've made it to my seat without physically harming anyone.' She just hoped she'd make it past the day without getting detention.


Well, this is chapter 1. Hope you liked it. It's doing rather well at MediaMiner, so I hope it's the same here. Please R&R. Any known comments, flames and compliments (pretty please! with sugar on top!) is highly appreciated. Thanks for reading.

R&R Please!