As Harry turned to look at himself in the mirror, he began to have mixed feelings. Today was the day of the big, Weasley wedding; Fleur and Bills' to be exact. The whole family was invited, along with a few close friends.

As Harry straightened his tie, something in the mirror moved. He spun around to face nothing but thin air.

Calm down, Harry, you're just nervous. You've never gone to a wedding before, take a breath. Breath, Harry thought to himself, just turn around and go pack your things.

When he turned around he saw that he was, indeed, alone. So he slowly walked over to the bed and started to put his belongings into his trunk.

"Hey, Harry."

The voice sounded so suddenly that Harry whipped around and thrust his wand at the intruder. When he came to his senses, he saw that it was just Hermione.

"Jumpy much? And get that wand out of my face, if you don't mind," Hermione said, stepping into the room.

"Sorry, I'm just hoping everything will go alright. Since Dumbledore died, I don't feel very, let's put it, safe," Harry exclaimed, taking a seat on Ron's bed.

For the first time in the last five minutes, Harry actually focused-in on what Hermione was wearing. She had on red dress robes underneath her cloak, and her hair was smoothed back into a bun. She looked the way she had their fourth year, at the Yule Ball. Everyone had had to take a double-take to see if it was, in fact, her.

"Harry? Earth to Harry!" Hermione called, waving her hand in Harry's face.

Harry, now realizing he had been staring at her, quickly looked away and felt his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment, "Sorry, sorry, just thinking of something."

With that, Harry stood and walked over to the mirror, once again, to make sure he had everything right for the ceremony. As Hermione watched Harry struggle to put on his tie, she couldn't help but stifle a giggle when his hands got tangled in. Still laughing, she got up and walked over to him.

"I take it you've never worn an actual muggle tie before?" she asked rhetorically, giggling again as she untangled his fingers from the cloth, "don't worry, I used to watch my dad put his on at the table, in the mornings, before school started."

As she pulled the tie over Harry's head, the back of her hand brushed his neck. Feeling her cheeks redden, she quickly looked to see if Harry had noticed the touch. Harry had noticed, because when she looked at him she made eye contact. Blushing even more, she apologized.

"Sorry, didn't mean to. Anyways, ready to go? Ron's probably sitting anxiously at the kitchen table, wondering what's taking us so long."

With that said, Hermione headed for the door. Harry, however, stood rooted to the spot.

What was that feeling, just a second ago? I mean, she's just Hermione; my best friend, nothing more, right?

Harry could hear a distant voice calling his name and as he came back to reality, he could tell that it was Hermione. Then he felt the soft touch of her hand, as she tried to gently pull him out of the room.

"You can't be that scared, can you? I mean, it's just a wedding."

Then, with Hermione in front, pulling Harry impatiently, they headed downstairs to get Ron.

When they finally reached the kitchen, Ron almost barreled into them, "What in the world took you so long!" he demanded immediately, "We're going to be so late. Mum's gonna-"

"What am I going to do, Ronald Weasley?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she rounded the corner into the kitchen.

"I, uh…I…" Ron froze in mid-sentence, thinking of the right thing to say, "ummm…you're going to be glad to see us all ready to go!" He explained with a big grin, slowly inching towards the door.

"Yes, I'm glad you're all ready; very surprised, actually," Mrs. Weasley said.

Harry, Hermione and Ron looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

"But, Ron dear," she continued, "we don't have to leave for another hour, or so."

Then noticing Harry and Hermione were also ready, she added, "Oh, you poor dears, sorry about that! Ron's just anxious to get going. Head outside, relax, and when we're ready I'll call, alright?"

Mrs. Weasley finished by turning from the stove to look at them all, once again.

"Yes, thanks Mrs. Weasley. We'll be out back!" Hermione called, grabbing Harry and Ron by the hands and pulling them out the back door, only to find Fred and George de-gnoming the garden.

"Hiya, Ron; Hermione, Harry. Looks like you're all ready to go. Ron, did you get stressed-out again? Honestly, making them get ready this early," Fred laughed, tossing a gnome over the fence. Shaking his head at Ron's worried expressions, he went on, "Ron, Ron, Ron. You need to pull yourself together. Its not like you're the one going to get married today, though, by the looks of it, you would certainly qualify as a groom," he eyed Ron's tuxedo-looking dress robes.

"Yeah, you sure would. Calm down a bit, there, Ron. It's just a wedding. You've been to one before, remember?" George broke in, while taking a seat at the picnic table, "it was out Aunt Sally's wedding. You must've been, like, eight or nine years old. It wasn't that long ago."

"Yeah, you're right, but do you remember what happened the last time!" Ron exclaimed, while starting to pace again.

"Hermione grabbed Ron by the shoulders and pushed him towards the table, "Ron, you need to relax. You were only nine years old the last time you went to one. I couldn't have been that bad."

"Oh, yes it was, now that you mention it. I can see why he might be nervous," Fred said, laughing again.

"Not funny, Fred," Hermione looked up from Ron to give Fred an angry glare.

"Oh, it's not like we did anything to him. We just happened to witness it," George said indignantly, "Ron had a little misunderstanding with one of the guests and was turned into a real-life version of the muggle show, "My Little Pony" I think it's called…In return, they all laughed and teased him about it. It wasn't one of our better family outings. Mum had to take us home early, just to make sure Ron didn't get into any more trouble."

"Oh, that's awful! Believe me, I've seen that show…Ron, I'm so sorry. I can see why you're scared to go. Don't worry, you're sixteen, right now; almost seventeen. You've changed. You never know, he may not even be there today. You can't possibly know that."

The group sat in silence until Harry finally spoke up. They all jumped, having nearly forgotten Harry was there, for his lack of comment during the conversation.

"In a way, I know how it feels to be treated like that at a social event. When I was younger and Mrs. Figg couldn't watch me, I was dragged along to a wedding for a cousin of mine; muggle, of course. My aunt and uncle have never liked the, er, magical side of the family. I was wandering around when I thought I heard someone talking to me, so I turned quickly to look and ran right into some tall, thin man I'd never met. I hit him hard enough that he fell flat on his front. When he got up, he came over to me, picked me up by the collar and said 'who the hell are you, running into me like that! You good-for-nothing piece of shit!' After that, he threw me as hard as he could against the nearest wall," as an afterthought, he added, "I had the biggest bruises I can remember."

Before he could notice the looks of pity on their faces', Mrs. Weasley could be heard calling for them because it was time to go.