Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto even if I wish I do. And yes, I do love dogs. Mine is just crazy and inspired this…

Sakura sighed happily as she leisurely got into her pajamas. Slowly she stiffened as she felt eyes on her. Was it Naruto again? If it was she was going to beat his face in and get him fixed no matter what his excuse was! But what if it was someone else, like Lee? That would be even worse! Angry she turned around to yell at whoever it was but only saw her dog. That. Was. Staring. At. Her. How creepy! Her own dog was checking her out!

'Kill it!' she screamed mentally at herself before reasoning her dad would kill her if she did. He had given it to her for a birthday present last year. It wasn't even useful. It was just some stupid show dog! Why would she even need a show dog? If she needed any dog it would be a ninja dog! 'Grr… stupid dad. Stupid pervert dog!'

She quickly rushed into her boxers and tank top before walking over to her mirror to brush her hair. Sighing, she ran the brush through her hair before parting and separating it into two sections. As she began braiding her hair felt something on her leg. Nervously she looked down before barely holding back a scream. That stupid thing was humping her leg! Repulsed, she kicked it away from her before picking it up by its scruff. She had the perfect place for it…

Kiba yawned as he opened his front door. Who the hell was bugging him so late? He got ready to yell at the person before realizing it was Sakura… in small, skimpy pajamas. She was hot! It was too bad she looked pissed otherwise he definitely would have hit on her. Sakura shoved a small dog into his hands before hissing she never wanted to see it again or she would kill it and stalked off. Well at least he had a nice view of her ass.

Sakura smiled as she came down the stairs. She had slept so well last night! It was great! Her dad came over to her looking worried, "Sakura, do you know where the dog is?"

She quickly adopted an innocent look before smoothly replying, "The dog is missing? What a shame! Don't worry dad, I'm sure its fine!" She skipped down the hill even happier than she had been. Yep, today was going to be a good day!