A/N: I will update my Phantom and the Secretary series, my Haunted Mansion series, Return to the Labyrinth and post the Special Halloween Edition of Pirates of the Haunted Mansion soon. I have a big fall break coming up. After I do a little sewing, I'll work on that.

That being said, I was inspired by something my FCS teacher said today. She told us how she was a tour guide for a historic home once, so I suddenly thought, 'Hey! A tour guide of the Opera Populair! Perfect story!' By the way, I was paying attention in class:)

Now on with the show!

peace, love and lipgloss,


Phantom Walk

SUMMARY: MOVIEVERSE:Cassy McCaine is working in Paris, France over the summer as a ghost/tour guide in the infamous Opera Le Populair. The ghost walking tour has dedicated to capture people's imaginations with the Legend of the Opera Ghost. Cassy too often finds herself daydreaming about the seductive specter. But it's only a legend. Even the underground lake isn't much of a lake. At least that's what Cassy thought until the one night the Phantom of the Opera himself appears. This wasn't in the job description.


"Accueillir au Populair d'Opéra. ..turn page. ..my nom est. ..Cassandra et euh..." said a young women stuggling to read a piece of paper. If one was standing before the young woman and seen where she was at, one could swear they were in the past. She was dressed in an elegant gray and red striped polonaise of the French Victorian era and standing in the grand foyer of the world reowned Opera Populair in Paris, which some claim to be the birthplace of music. But as it just so happens, the time was the year 200(current year) A.D., and standing in front of her was a large tour group or native Parisians on their famous long lunch breaks or the average tourist from America or Asia. Finally, a divorced father taking his little girl out for the day interrupted her and said in a polite English with a heavy French accent,

"Mam'selle? We appreciate the gesture to speak French...but you need not to murder the language, Nest Pa?" Hearing his friendly jesting tone, and laughing to herself at how silly she must have sounded, the girl named Cassandra or Cassy as everyone called her, nodded and folded the paper up saying,

"Well if everyone can understand me alright," She paused seeing them nod their heads. She continued, "then welcome to the Opera Populair! It was built between 1802-1815, its architect was Gaston Charles . He had been picked from among 200 contestants.

A large building, it has a total area of 15,000 square metres and a vast stage with dormitories for up to 750 artists. The auditorium itself comprises roughly half of the total space, most of the rest being used to house necessary logistical support so that the stage demands of any opera can be met and even surpassed. This can include live horses running on a rotating stage. The opera seats only 2,000.

When construction was began, it was just as quickly suspended after the discovery of an underground lake and spring. Although this problem was overcome, the lake persists and lies beneath the cellars of the building. (A/N: Most of this information is not mine. I took it off various websites aboutthe Opera Garnierand changed the numbers, dates and people to fit the movieverse. Don't sue me! Hey, if you look at a picture of the foyer and the grand staircase in the real Opera House and look at the movie, they're almost identical!) But to be honest..." Cassy paused and then cast a watchful eye to the rafters. She said in a hushed tone,

"No one dares go down there...because of the Opera Ghost!" A little French girl gasped,

"Un fantôme?" Cassy nodded,

"A ghost!" As the little girl held fast to her father's hand,Cassy lead the tour group up the grand double staircase surrounded by angelic guardians. She paused on the stairs.

"This is the grand foyer. This is where people first truly saw the Opera Ghost. At the Grand New Year's Masque in 1871, everyone was dancing and having a truly marvelous time, when he appeared. He was dressed emacually in red velvet with a long billowing cape. But his face...his face was the face of death itself. A bare skeleton's head! He didn't always manifested himself in this way..." Cassy showed them a full lenght portrait towering over them. Everyone gasped. That portrait was not there a moment ago. A dark, slim figure in black dress clothes and a elegant black cape towered over them. He had square features and dark black hair slicked back, but his eyes were shrouded in shadow...and by the pristine white half mask that covered his face.

"This is the image in which he showed himself more often to the suspicious stage hands or nosy ballet rats. Until the Masque, not many had seen him up close. Until then, the only correspondance they had with him was his various notes of instructions to the managers on how to run HIS opera...Notes..." Suddenly, a little piece of paper floated down from the ceiling, a hush went over the group as Cassy picked it up and smirked showing them the red wax seal of a death's head.

"Notes like this one. Let's see what he says." Cassy said breaking the seal. She read aloud,

"Fondest greetings to you all,

I welcome you to my opera house. Be prepared for a great misfortune...should you intrude on my solitude.

Your Obedient Servant,


Cassy smiled and said,

"Far too many notes for my taste. Anyway as I was saying, the only correspondance the Ghost had with the outside world, was with his notes..." Then a trap door opened before their feet and everyone gasped in fright.

"...And his traps." The trapdoor shut and Cassy lead them on, satisfied with a smirk that everyone avoided the trap as they walked past.

They came to a gorgeous auditorium trimmed with red velvet seats, gold leaf, and curvaceous young conquibine satutes in the five teired balconies and a vast hardwood stage. Cassy stopped before them in the middle of the asile and said,

"This is where it happened. That was the stage he dropped a backstage on La Carlotta, the Prima Diva. That was the stage the Phantom of the Opera took the lives of Joseph Buquet and the lead tenor Piangi. He strung them up by their neck in his magical lasso. And here! That was where the six ton crystal chandelier fell...at his hand the night he took the soprano Christine Daae. The orchestra had just managed to escape it's fiery trap. But up there..." She pointed to a private box right next to the stage. "...there is Box Five. He told the managers that on top of his 20,000 franc monthly salary, he would have that box empty for his use. That box was the most expensive and therefore the best seat in the house. To do so would cause a great finanical loss on the owners parts...Anyone care to take a look?"

A few minutes later, the large group gathered in the opulant box. A glass of red wine half was sitting on the edge.

"They say, if you enter this box, the Phantom can hear your fears, and then he whispers them in your ear. Listen. What does he say you fear?" Cassie said before the group fell into silence. Just then, a series of muffled whisperings came from nowhere, followed by a distinct, 'Get out!' A young bride scooted closer to her new husband who wrapped a protective arm around her waist. Feigning a pale complextion and fear, Cassy said,

"Perhaps we should move along now!" She lead them through the dormortories, where they saw the vast and complex world of the backstage. Leading them to a closed door, Cassy shushed them and said,

"This...is the room of Christine Daae. It was here the Opera Ghost discovered his rivalry with the Vicompt De Changy for Miss Daae's affections...and it was here...Christine first saw her Angel of Music." She contined as she opened the door and lead them into the pink dressing room with large bouquets of fresh flowers,

"He came to her an image in that mirror, and he pulled her into his dark underground kingdom on the lake. Of course, it's hard to tell if..." Suddenly, the lights flickered off and the mirror lit up with a dark masked figure inside giving a swish of his cape as he dissappeared. The bride gasped and the little girl squeaked. Cassy ushered them out, saying,

"Go! Go!" The tour group dashed out and eagerly followered Cassy to the stables where the tour ended. But not before Cassy said pointing to a grate,

"Under our feet is the underground lake. There lived a terrifying figure of a man who simply desired to be loved. Now he truly haunts these grounds. If you listen carefully, you can hear his soft song of loss and longing echo on your way out..."Nothing happened, so Casey went on, "It's a sad and sensual song that..." She was interrupted by a low whisper of a tenor singing,

"It's over now...the music...of...the night..." That was enough for the tour group. They rushed out leaving Cassy to exchange dry glances with one of the horses. She said walking back inside,

"Missed the queue again."