(Hello there fans! It's I! The author! I have returned! I'm sorry I haven't been writting. I had started to write my own autobiography for one of my classes and tryed writing short stories as well! But, now that lost is back I have an inspiration for the show again! Have fun reading! Enjoy Jilene)
There was a flashback…
Charlie was much younger, in the days of Drive Shaft. He was cute, he was funny, he was British and he was sitting on a couch watching a movie when his band partner came walking in.
"Charlie! Charlie! What are you doing?" He said as he sat down next to him with his arm around his shoulder.
"I'm watching this," he said looking into the movie screen.
"And do you mind me asking what this is?" Asked the guy (he is only a guy since I, the author don't know his name).
Charlie looked perplexed and spoke after a slight pause. "I don't rightly know. It's called Lord of the Rings but to be honest I don't understand a word their talking about. One, there are men in tights, two, there are men that look like they have fallen into a wood chipper, and three, there is a midget that has a shocking resemblance to me."
"Wot?" Said the guy in reply.
"Right there! Look!" Charlie extended one finger as a red haired hobbit walked across the screen. "See! He looks like someone! Don't he!"
The guy moved in close to the screen then all of a sudden he spoke after he examined the picture. "Umm, mate I don't think it looks like anyone we know." After that Charlie shrugged his shoulders and the guy so rude fully turned the television off.
"Ok mate, we need to talk about our performance tonight."
"Right, right," Charlie nodded in agreement.
"So, we go on stage and we…."
The two guys talked a bit about their stage performance and then after a fashion of time they noticed that they were due to appear on stage. They stood up, grabbed their guitars and went to go on stage. They stood there until they were introduced and they marched out on stage.
There were hundreds of faces looking at them, many of them staring with anticipation. Charlie strummed his guitar and then the crowd roared. Then all of a sudden the drums started and they started to sing.
"You all everybody! You all everybody!" Charlie sang with his really high pitched super unnatural girly tone. Then the guy cut him off sing the chorus. And this truly truly truly pissed Charlie off a lot.
Charlie walked over to the guy and pushed him a bit with his guitar, then the next thing he knew the guy pushed him back. They kept on singing. Charlie was basically yelling into the microphone. "YOU ALL EVERYBODY!"
Then before he knew it there was a voice herd among the crowd. "YOU SUCK!" Yelled a voice and then a lawn chair went flying in the air. Everything was moving in slow motion just like everything that is full of high action packed excitement.
Charlie saw it, "Nnnnnnoooooooo!" He said super slowly but then it hit him. The chair hit him in the head! He went flying backwards and then started to fall off the stage. It seemed like the crowd was going to catch him but then, as soon as he was descending they scurried out of the way and he hit the ground.
When he woke up he was in a dumpster, and he had dippers on his face! And banana peels in his ears, and ummm….. eggs in his eyes. He had no clue what was happening to him. He thought it was best to get up and get out of the dumpster, so he did that.
Once he was out he saw a man standing in front of him. "Hello," he said to him.
"Hello," said Charlie in awe. The man was short, at least half the size of him. "Can I help you little boy?"
"I'm not a little boy. I'm a hobbit."
"A what?"
"A hobbit!"
"A midget? Is that what you said?" Charlie asked.
"I SAID I'M A HOBBIT YOU LOSER!" Charlie was silent for a second and then he spoke.
"I think I watched to much Lord of the…."
"Rings," the hobbit filled in.
"No, wasn't it The Lord of the Flies?"
"No! That was with that fat kid named Piggy and some sick little boys…"
"Oh yeah… I remember now." Charlie said rubbing his head. "Well, what can I do for you anyway?"
"No no no, it's more like what can I do for you." The hobbit answered.
"Hey, what's you name anyway. The poor author who is writing this needs to know what your name is."
"I'm Pippin. And I have come to help you with your music."
"Really?" Charlie was getting really excited and he need some help.
"Ummm… I have come to give you this." There was silence and Charlie saw what was in his hands.
"What is that?"
"Well, it's some weed. It's good I tell you. You can put it in a pipe or… what ever you want." Said Pippin and he continued. "My friends and I use this. It will help you in your performance. Believe me."
Charlie took it without another word and before he knew it the hobbit had disappeared into the dark alley way. He looked around him in a large circle, "wot the…?" He held his new gift in his hands and started to question himself. "Should I really do this? I mean, a hobbit come out after I wake up in a dumpster and tells me to do this because it is good and blah blah blah?" He paused for a second, "Okay, I'll do it." He then walked down the darkly lit alley way.
End of Flashback…
"Charlie? Charlie? Are you okay?" Asked Clair and she put her hand down on his shoulder. He looked up and broke out of his gaze. "Charlie are you okay?"
"Umm… Yeah… I'm fine. I was just… um…"
"Thinking?" asked Clair. She was still pregnant and she looked over her large stomach to see Charlie stroking something in his hand.
"What is that?" She asked and he quickly shoved it in his pocket.
"Nothing," he responded.
"Charlie… what was that? I saw it! It wasn't nothing!" Clair said.
"Get off my back women!" He yelled at her as he stood up and looked her face to face.
"Don't get all pissy at me! I'm the one who should be pissy! I'm the one that has been pregnant for like…. A year!"
Charlie looked ashamed, "yeah…. You're right." Clair had a smug smile on her face and Charlie lifted his hand at her, "whatever!"
He then started to walk towards the beach, he just wasn't in the mood to deal with her at the moment. Being pregnant would make Clair angry and sometimes he just needed his own room. But, for some reason Clair was following him down. He decided to walk faster.
"Don't walk faster Charlie! I'm fat and pregnant and…" She started to complain.
"mememememememe," he said in a nagging voice.
This is when Clair became out of control. "That is not supposed to be me?"
"That is not supposed to be me?" Charlie said in a high pitched mock voice.
"What is you're problem?"
"What is you're problem?"
"Charlie! Stop acting like a child!"
"Charlie! Stop acting like a child!"
She then caught up to him and smacked him in the face.
"Was that for?"
"You are really unbelievable. Go down to the beach! I hope you get abducted and hung!"
"Well, wouldn't that be just grand?"
"As a matter of fact it would be!" She hollered back.
Then he just shook his hand in the air and gave up. Clair put her hand across her face and frowned. Memories were coming back to her.
Flash Back…